It's very easy if you understand biology and how evolution jury rigs previous body plans.
I mean, the human body shows clear jury-rigging, not design, which is why choking is easy, why knees give out, why a lot of us have to get our wisdom teeth pulled, why childbirth is a dangerous affair (not as bad as hyenas, though), and why we have blind spots (as opposed to octopus eyes, which do not). That's just off the top of my head.
It's not just humans, btw, animals are poorly designed as well. Look at the babirusa. You can't tell me that this was a well thought out animal, what with its tusks that grow long enough to pierce its brain and kill it. I could go on, of course, but the idea that nature is well designed boggles the mind.
Or are you thinking about things like
"the wasps of the genus Glyptapanteles, whose females inject their eggs into living caterpillars. Once inside, the larvae mature, feeding on the caterpillar’s body fluids before gnawing through its skin en masse and emerging into the light of day. And despite the trauma, not only does the caterpillar survive---initially at least---but the larvae proceed to mind-control it, turning their host into a bodyguard that protects them as they spin their cocoons and finish maturing. Then, finally, the caterpillar starves to death, but only after the tiny wasps emerge from their cocoons and fly away."
What kind of
loving God would create