I don't know if this topic has been brought up before but couldn't find anything in search.
Anyway I've noticed this since I first started lifting 15 years ago and got into bodybuilding some guys seem huge for their weight... and I do not mean the ilusion you get when you are shredded and you seem 30lbs heavier even though you lost 30lbs when cutting...
I am talking about guys at same level of BF one looks muscular and big but the other one looks like a baloon animal twice the size at same weight....
I remember a Yt video with that guy Jujimufu that went to train with a clasic physique guy and when they stated their weight even Juji was a bit taken back as he weighed the same as the other guy but that guy looked huge (granted he was a bit taller but still... wider, bigger etc) wtf is going on... and people talk about muscle maturity like what is that supposed to mean? one guy has muscle maturity and looks dense and hard and the other has what? water instead of muscle fibers, colagen?
And I am sure muscle insertions and shape play a role but still... is that all there is to it?
Anyway I've noticed this since I first started lifting 15 years ago and got into bodybuilding some guys seem huge for their weight... and I do not mean the ilusion you get when you are shredded and you seem 30lbs heavier even though you lost 30lbs when cutting...
I am talking about guys at same level of BF one looks muscular and big but the other one looks like a baloon animal twice the size at same weight....
I remember a Yt video with that guy Jujimufu that went to train with a clasic physique guy and when they stated their weight even Juji was a bit taken back as he weighed the same as the other guy but that guy looked huge (granted he was a bit taller but still... wider, bigger etc) wtf is going on... and people talk about muscle maturity like what is that supposed to mean? one guy has muscle maturity and looks dense and hard and the other has what? water instead of muscle fibers, colagen?
And I am sure muscle insertions and shape play a role but still... is that all there is to it?