Bodybuilding 90´s vs today

After talking with some pros and coaches i conclude that today they use less anabolics like test , dbol deca but use much more HGH and Insulin

I see protocols of some pros using maximum 1.5gr or 2gr gear week but at same time using 30ius Meditrope HGH or Pharmacom with bug dosages lantus + humalog .

Thats why they look more round and full today but less striated . But coaches tell that is more healthy to keep anabolics low and use more hgh and slin .

Easy to understand why they are so big today

You tell us that you know some pros who use a maximum of 1.5g of gear per week, but you are currently using 4g+ per week.

Tell me your logic?
I honestly read and wonder why people have so much anger and envy. After all, you are doing one thing, it is easier to do business together and everything will be better from this. After all, envy and malice slow down the overall progress. I don't understand why, I don't understand.
I've noticed there are people who, when they spend money, want to get something tangible. Sometimes it's hard for them to pay for information. For example, to teach them how to do this or that. We don't get much from doctors or teachers for this reason. People definitely need something tangible. For example, when I run a school for trainers, I give methodical material in the form of a book, material for my thesis, and other accompanying material. It feels like people start to appreciate it more and then want to buy
I honestly read and wonder why people have so much anger and envy. After all, you are doing one thing, it is easier to do business together and everything will be better from this. After all, envy and malice slow down the overall progress. I don't understand why, I don't understand.
It's something in the brain from old habits and old mentality and upbringing. I don't want to get into politics now. Everyone knows what the state of the world is. But we have half the people who are in favor of such actions. Arguing that the West and the Americans want to destroy us and make us slaves.
It's something in the brain from old habits and old mentality and upbringing. I don't want to get into politics now. Everyone knows what the state of the world is. But we have half the people who are in favor of such actions. Arguing that the West and the Americans want to destroy us and make us slaves.
The powers that be in America want to make us Americans slaves first, trust that. That imbecile Trump proves just how easily that can be done, he cannot spell, has no grammar, and barely has a grasp on words with more than 1 syllable, yet the 50% below average intelligence crew hang upon his every word, even when it is totally fictitious. They get their news from Facebook and the like, it's actually very embarrassing to a US citizen that isn't below average intelligence, or that served to keep the US as it is known. I won't say free, because the whole "it's a free country" idea has been over for quite some time. Trump's puppet Masters destroyed this country, and continue to attempt to, but they just cannot get that plane to fly thankfully.
I've noticed there are people who, when they spend money, want to get something tangible. Sometimes it's hard for them to pay for information. For example, to teach them how to do this or that. We don't get much from doctors or teachers for this reason. People definitely need something tangible. For example, when I run a school for trainers, I give methodical material in the form of a book, material for my thesis, and other accompanying material. It feels like people start to appreciate it more and then want to buy
My opinion is that what is given for free or free then a person is not appreciated. As soon as he starts paying for it, he immediately takes the matter more seriously. And spending on yourself is an investment that will always pay off many times over.
It's something in the brain from old habits and old mentality and upbringing. I don't want to get into politics now. Everyone knows what the state of the world is. But we have half the people who are in favor of such actions. Arguing that the West and the Americans want to destroy us and make us slaves.
The issue of politics and the world order is generally very multifaceted. And here we are pawns on a chessboard. We can only accept the information that we can believe or accept. Again, all information is given to us solely to promote some choice that we do not have. And in any case, we will always be the losers - ordinary people and citizens of any state.
The powers that be in America want to make us Americans slaves first, trust that. That imbecile Trump proves just how easily that can be done, he cannot spell, has no grammar, and barely has a grasp on words with more than 1 syllable, yet the 50% below average intelligence crew hang upon his every word, even when it is totally fictitious. They get their news from Facebook and the like, it's actually very embarrassing to a US citizen that isn't below average intelligence, or that served to keep the US as it is known. I won't say free, because the whole "it's a free country" idea has been over for quite some time. Trump's puppet Masters destroyed this country, and continue to attempt to, but they just cannot get that plane to fly thankfully.
Every time there will be something that suits us and something that doesn't. But you know, when you go to the store to buy food and see how prices have risen 1/5 of a day. You get discouraged. Now, something similar happened in my country. Sorry, I don't want to spam the thread, it's about bodybuilding. If you want we can talk in my diary. I try to keep an active diary.
My opinion is that what is given for free or free then a person is not appreciated. As soon as he starts paying for it, he immediately takes the matter more seriously. And spending on yourself is an investment that will always pay off many times over.
I support your every word. the only thing I sometimes can not find any literature, the Internet helps in this case, you can often find a good book on the desired topic and save money
Yes, of course, let's go there. Although I fully understand you, when you become poor before your very eyes, not because you work worse, but because some problems begin in the state.
Every time there will be something that suits us and something that doesn't. But you know, when you go to the store to buy food and see how prices have risen 1/5 of a day. You get discouraged. Now, something similar happened in my country. Sorry, I don't want to spam the thread, it's about bodybuilding. If you want we can talk in my diary. I try to keep an active diary.
I support your every word. the only thing I sometimes can not find any literature, the Internet helps in this case, you can often find a good book on the desired topic and save money
For some reason, I never fell in love with e-books, I love paper editions. The smell, the feeling of turning the page, you can underline with a pencil. Apparently I'm very old.
For some reason, I never fell in love with e-books, I love paper editions. The smell, the feeling of turning the page, you can underline with a pencil. Apparently I'm very old.
I honestly love the paper version, too. But very often you can't buy the books you need. Or they are quite expensive. I try to buy literature myself, especially books for 2019-2021. You can't find them online, but I'll give you an example. Our salary is about 80-100 thousand tenge. Last time I paid 20 thousand tenges for two books. Many will not agree to do so. Fortunately, I earn more, I can afford it.
Nice post monst. Late 90s is when the big germans started to show just how massive and full a person can get. That made ronnie step up to 300 pounds. Without the 90s todays guys would have had to better and improve on the 80s. So all years are important for improvement of the sport. Even if you disagree with the direction judges are pushing the bodies to look.