Break up, ex has lawyer secrets out


New Member
I left my BF of 5 years and rather then go peacfuly hes hired a lawyer and is trying everything in his power to make it so he has costody and he gets the house. Its a crazy long story. Anyways, last night when i went home for cloths and some items (im staying with friends but my items are still in the house).

He informed me that he gave his lawyer a recipt from western union that was 900$ to bulgaria. he has my credit card statment from when i bought pins from androusa, i was planning a HGH run, got the pins but never found a reliable source so tossed that idea out, too expensive to get riped off. I also have a bad of 1ml oral syringes so i could properly dose the ag-guys liq chems.

He snaged some of my T3 (from ag-guys), var tabs, win tabs and primo tabs that i was saving up and stock piling for this summers cycle. (Omg primo is so expensive im pissed). He has taken all this to the lawyer and will use it against me if i try to go for full costody, and other stuff. Hes black mailing me. Also on my home computer is saved links of sites for gear, and has my info for this message board and others of the same subject which if things go bad is 100% proof.

my last cycle ended in November, it was a short cycle of winn tabs 2mg ed- 12mg ed tapered. I am not jacked, to look at me i dont look like a user (yet). If im drug tested will it show? and how bad is his evidence against me? Heck he has great genes he natrualy looks like hes a juicer i could blame it on him but i dont want to, id just prefer him to keep his cool and let it slide.

Please help because im in panic mode. I dont want to lose my son, and i dont want to go to jail!
Wow, I really wouldn't know how to even begin with that.If you have zero on him, i'd say it sounds bad. Typically the judge rules for the mother right, but I don't know how a judge would look at his evidence if you called his bluff? Does he really want custody or is he just trying to be a dick? I can't imagine that you'd wind up in jail. No father would put the mother of their kid in jail IMO. Are things just smoking hot right now? Maybe he'll cool down a bit and be reasonable. Good luck with everything.
I dealt with this, if you don't have lawyer get one. Tell you lawyer all of this, your history and all. I am the guy and it usually goes the way of the woman in terms of custody, but it really doesn't matter what you are doing in terms of steroids. It can deface you, but that is not enough in and of itself, he would have to prove you are otherwise an unfit mother as well. So, as long as you don't beat the kids, leave them home alone and whatnot you will be fine.

Also, full custody. It is nearly impossible to deny him his visitation, 2 days and every other weekend, unless you can prove he is an unfit father. The courts are pretty standard on this. Just an FYI, in case you guys are arguing about the kids for no reason.

Hope this helps.

I wanted everything to be fair, i wrote up on paper what i wanted, our son mon-thurs, my ex would have him fri, sat, sun each week. The house we would sell and split the equity. I wanted everything to be fair, no mud slinging.

He cant just walk away and let things be. He hired a lawyer because he doesnt want to sell the house, hes moving in with his father when everythings said and done so he doesnt care if things get tied up in court or not. My ex isnt on the birth certificate and for the first 6 months of my sons life, he was never around. The whole costody thing is his way to F me over. Hes sneaky and vindictive.

I plan to hire a lawyer, my #1 question though is could i be facing time in jail? Today i tossed the oral and sub q syringes, over my exes fathers house he still has the 3ml IM syringes from a cycle over a year ago. Even if this comes up in court and its held against me i dont want to go to jail, I can deal with not having my son live with me just as long as i get visataions and such each week. I was a stay at home mother for 3 years, i just entered the work force in august part time and the 5 hours aday i missed my son.

Now i know in the future to tell who ever im with that what they found was diet pills, i cant believe some people.
You do not have to worry about jail time. As far as the kid, he will not be able to use any of that against you in terms of custody because he would have had to keep you away from the child while you were a stay at home mome for 3 years. If he allowed that then, why not now. The court will side with you. What you can do is just get his custody reduced to one night a week and every other weekend. Although, if he is now a good father, just let bygons be bygons and do 2 days a week and every other weekend. Hope this helps.

Peace, Husker.
Im no attorney, but get one. But my opinion is everything he has isn't going to help him. He's the one in pocession of AAS, not you( you did clean house after Im hoping). he could've saved those links on your computer, not you. a good attorney will eat this up..........................11
Joe Husker said:
You do not have to worry about jail time. As far as the kid, he will not be able to use any of that against you in terms of custody because he would have had to keep you away from the child while you were a stay at home mome for 3 years. If he allowed that then, why not now. The court will side with you. What you can do is just get his custody reduced to one night a week and every other weekend. Although, if he is now a good father, just let bygons be bygons and do 2 days a week and every other weekend. Hope this helps.

Peace, Husker.

This is very good advice and do not worry about jail time because it ain't going to happen. Great post.
Thanks Role Model...I actually went through something of this sort and explored options of my own with an attorney, that is how I know.

Peace, Husker.
Joe Husker said:
Thanks Role Model...I actually went through something of this sort and explored options of my own with an attorney, that is how I know.

Peace, Husker.

So did I about 10 years ago, only difference is that she wanted total custody.
my good sister email me or post your exact some of the above advise is not good............they dont know about court orders, standing practices, family practice, community property, restraining orders, family law etc...
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I just went through a divorce and my wife knew about my steroid use in detail. She never brought it up, I think the key here is to be fair with the guy and do not try to get more than you deserve. Why do you deserve the hose and the kids and not him??? Seems like you might be being unfair to me.
I have been through this situation before..I won custody of my 1 year old son 16 years ago.Yes you need a lawyer but just not any have to find one that specializes in family law.You need a specialist not just a general attorney or lawyer.It will all come down to who has the best one in the court room..sad but true.As far as the pins/computer info/reciepts and such i would just deny deny deny..and stay clean.The judge is supposed to put the child with the parent that best suits the childs best interest...In my case the ex and i had both done drugs in our relationship...she started to bring that up before we went to court so I called her bluff and said "yeah..lets talk about all the drugs we did together" Iam sure the court and our families will be pleased to hear about that.It worked..she never brought up the drug thing again.....keep us posted.One option you might have is...get back together with the jerk..clean up the computer,yourself,cc records,wu info..and clean house..then leave him..just a thought...dennis
Foreman, i dont want the house i want to sell it and get my half, or him buy me out of my share of the house (or even a fraction of it). And i dont want 100% costody, hes a good father just not a good husband.

Dennis, thank you but reconciliation is a no go. His first wife left him for being a wife beater. Im leaving him for much of the same reason. Although after 60 days in jail back when he was with the first wife he learned his lesson and is more verbal then physical.

Thank you for the advice, im looking for a decent lawyer. How long does it take to get clen, t3, and winny tabs out of your system? I am considering the deny method as far as use goes. Im at a liabary computer now, i stashed my desktop at a friends house just incase my computer was to be seized. (i love it too much to format the hard drive).
Zandria, take the offer from BIGKARCH. He has been around for a long time and has dealt with many similar issues. I can tell you that once you get through this you'll realize that it was nowhere near as bad as you thought it would be.

Keep your head up-it will work out.....
you never emailed me offer stands.....two weeks at most. for your t3 and clen..,but that and your drug usage has no standing as far as your custody issues...........he can say what he wants, but you just deny it....get it.....deny court will not look into this never did roids or aas or the like get me sister
I am a book reader.;.If you want advice ask me..I read it in a book and can give you advice
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i wont remove just proved your just a book reader.;...yeah you say you have a degree but your pretty damm stupid regarding aas.....I also have a degree....graduated from Stanford University with a your book and go to bed young son........truth is you dont know shit about probably read it in a book................I owned defense lawyers who are book readers too....

.anyone who has to post his credentials on this a are the only one from this board that did this....check out the you see anyone doing that.....LOL........I bet your momma is impressed with you.....
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pikky knee said:
BigKarch. For starters, cries of plagiarism are as bad as it gets in my field so cut me some slack with my defensiveness.
I write for a living, books, encyclopedia entries, peer-reviewed journals, amicus briefs (most recently In re Olivia J. appeal to CA Supreme Ct.), policy papers for NHTSA, ONDCP, NADCP, among others.

Now, in the spirit f dialectic discourse, lets line-item the facts before us.

You say, "you dont have personal experience with legal laws, defense, or the like...."

Only because you have taken exception with whatever you think my credentials are or are not, I will disclose I'm a grant funded research and I have two National Research Service Awards (both in law and ethics research). Quite simply, I could type 15 pages on sentencing reform, DEA scheduling, diversion programs for drug offenders, economic benefits of drug treatments, the effects of salvia divinorum on opioids-kappa my sleep. In addition to my Ph.D. in clinical psych, I have an M.Crim, MS (Psychopharmacology), and another MA in psych from my twenties, plus a two-year post-doc in addictions medicine at UPENN. Prior to my research career I was a forensic neurophysiologist...competency, amenability to treatment, risk of future dangerousness and death penalty mitigation. I have look many a moron attorney in the eye and made asses out of people far more intelligent than you.

You additionally say "one way or another, you copied that read an article or book or researched the internet for that info..."

You are absolutely correct, I read many articles, books and briefs, and much of it is off of the internet. What's your point? I do what I need to do to gather the info I need to do my job. but make no mistake the post was a straight shot from my expertise. That's like if I asked you to list 15 steroids (and you were able) and then I said "you only know that because you learned it somewhere else."
Let me ask you, is there any bit of knowledge that was not learned?

Now for some discourse.

Next you say: "I dont care if you post info in the legal section...truth is, percentage of packages, stats and the like dont mean shit....not when it comes to customs who has no 4th amendment restrictions....."

I'm unclear about your fourth amendment claim. I dont remember any comment on search and seizure privileges associated with my post. I was simply stating what I know from reading the GAO report as well as testimony from recent hearings on prescription drug diversion. I agree, neither customs, the TSA, or the post office need just cause to open a package. What's your point. You wanted to squeeze an amendment into your muddle-headed nonsense. Well congrats...I know some folks at Penn Law, we'll get your masterpiece right into their next Law Review, My dissertation was on Kent v. US and models for predicting amenability to treatment, and it's been published in a LR. you?

Finally, let's deal with some issues that were... disappointing at best: your closing quotes.

1)"You don't have experience with legal laws."
Are you that stupid? As opposed to what, laws of physics? You didnt waste money on the LSATs did you?

2) "dont come on my section and act like an asshole or you will be banned...."

Oh, this is good. How old are you? Either get some thicker skin or go moderate a board for homosexual cat owners. The fact that if you derive any sense of machismo, authority, or any other gratification out of your MOD status you have seriously low self-esteem. Learn a trade or something, you'll feel better.

And finally:
3)"warning number one."

Do you own a calculator? Count the number of warnings you've sent and each time press #1 then the ""+" key.

Now go and make my resignation from this list permanent,

You heard me bitch...remove me from the fucking list.

if you write for a living.......then you should know how to cite a citatiion dumb fuck
Bigkarch said:
you never emailed me offer stands.....two weeks at most. for your t3 and clen..,but that and your drug usage has no standing as far as your custody issues...........he can say what he wants, but you just deny it....get it.....deny court will not look into this never did roids or aas or the like get me sister

Take him up on it. Also, your doc's lawyer should be filing motions to quash all subpeonas (sp?). my practice gets sub...'s all the time and i have never turned over a file or taken the stand.

knock on priapism.
good luck.

btw..I am Pikky Knee..aka Kilowall, aka wormster
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