Breaking 300 bench- Test/mast/anavar


Mate just seeking some advise pls been cycling on orals for about 2 yes now and want to step up a gear been doing test 400 for about 4 months now plus get gel precribed from doc then went to 400ng week then added some tritren 200 and finally added deca in at 350mg a week been doing this for a few mnth now then read about tnmt 500 is it better to stop the other cycle and start the tnmt at 500mg a week I'm 60 good toned weigh about 45kg any advise pls
You’re 60 years old !!!???

Tren and orals for 2 years and wanna cycle cycle now lol
Update: week 9.
Strength has increased dramatically. Not even close yet to hitting 300 though. Leaving a little breathing room in my PR 235 last week should be able to hit 245.
But I have increased weight in everything else consistenly.
This test is meh, it's obviously working and I am the worst about getting blood work. I promise I am going to go to Dr as soon as I can get the time. The mast is very thick. Had to incorporate different injection points because of Pip. After this cycle I'm going to focus on my health for 16 weeks.
Hit my protein goals 6-7 days a week but missed calories a few days because work. I have lost a little weight but got a little more cut. Down to 189.8. Cut out sugar from the energy drinks and sodas. So that may have something to do with it.
Press machine 195lb 3x10
Dumbbell press 75s 3x10
Incline bench 185, 205, 225, 235 will hit each until failure usually 8, 6, 3, 1 or something along those lines.
Dumbbell chest flys 50 3x10
Cable chest fly 3x10

Tricep pulldown 100lbs 20, 20 18, last set to failure.
Tricep dip machine 180 3x10
Skull crushers varying weight dependent on exhaustion level 3x 10

I do four way split
Back/ bicep
I usually don't take the rest day. When I do legs I hit the bench to try to push the PR up, when I do shoulders I hit biceps after to get more.

Not doing any significant cardio. Any suggestions I'm listening.
I do four way split
Back/ bicep
I usually don't take the rest day. When I do legs I hit the bench to try to push the PR up, when I do shoulders I hit biceps after to get more.

Not doing any significant cardio. Any suggestions I'm listening.

Are your leg days particularly grueling? Otherwise seems very upper body-oriented.

Maybe old school bro-science, but leg training can contribute to upper body gains. Perhaps consider adding a leg day (one quad-focused, one glute/ham-focused).

Might work since you don't like rest days. Ie, give your chest an additional day to rest without taking a rest day.
Are your leg days particularly grueling? Otherwise seems very upper body-oriented.

Maybe old school bro-science, but leg training can contribute to upper body gains. Perhaps consider adding a leg day (one quad-focused, one glute/ham-focused).

Might work since you don't like rest days. Ie, give your chest an additional day to rest without taking a rest day.
This is a good point. My leg days used to be pretty intense but I backed off a little when I started this blast because the Pip in my quad from higher concentration. Could barely walk right. But I got that squared away for the most part. I'm going to turn it back up. Probably going to introduce anavar today for the next 6 weeks aswell
This is a good point. My leg days used to be pretty intense but I backed off a little when I started this blast because the Pip in my quad from higher concentration. Could barely walk right. But I got that squared away for the most part. I'm going to turn it back up. Probably going to introduce anavar today for the next 6 weeks aswell
Everytime o run high concentration compound i stick with biceps and triceps injections,if you know what are you doing pip is much lower than other body parts cause you move those muscles a lot and you have more blood circulation
Are your leg days particularly grueling? Otherwise seems very upper body-oriented.

Maybe old school bro-science, but leg training can contribute to upper body gains. Perhaps consider adding a leg day (one quad-focused, one glute/ham-focused).

Might work since you don't like rest days. Ie, give your chest an additional day to rest without taking a rest day.
I’ve heard that leg day can contribute to upper body hypertrophy as well, but I can’t think of any mechanism as to how that would actually work. Have you seen anecdotal evidence of it happening in real life? Or can think of why it might be true?
If the main goal is to bench 300 why not just do a powerlifting program for bench?
How is 3x10 going to get you to a 1rm quickly?
Trying hard to understand this. Maybe everyone's just different. I don't do heavy lifts anymore but 315lb bench? I was 18 when I did 315, then at 20 I did 405lb. I didn't try aas until I was at least 22-23. That cycle I was mainly focused on building legs squat was 535lbs for 7 reps. I never could bring myself to even try a 1x max with squats. I didn't even use a belt or wraps. The first time I tried wraps I injured myself so said f that.
Trying hard to understand this. Maybe everyone's just different. I don't do heavy lifts anymore but 315lb bench? I was 18 when I did 315, then at 20 I did 405lb. I didn't try aas until I was at least 22-23. That cycle I was mainly focused on building legs squat was 535lbs for 7 reps. I never could bring myself to even try a 1x max with squats. I didn't even use a belt or wraps. The first time I tried wraps I injured myself so said f that.
What’s your height again @4Drago ?
315 is not a big bench at all. Repping 315 should be standard for regular gym goers on gear unless just starting with only a couple years under their belt.
It’s not a gear issue and pushing gear to reach a new strength is only asking for an injury.
Focus on training.
Make sure to build your triceps and back
A strong back is so important for increasing bench
Work on form. Lots of good information on form.
Very achievable even at an older age imho.
Don’t push orals
Just use Test. And learn technique
Its form and technique that matters
Build that back, build those triceps and work on form and 315 will go down in time no problem.
I’ve seen guys at the gym benching 275 for years every week and weight goes up a little and back down a little but they are always in the same spot.
I never see those guys train back well.
Their form sucks
Repeating bad form over and over goes no where. That’s the limit. Their limit is 275 with that form and it won’t change until they change no matter how many times they try.
Trying hard to understand this. Maybe everyone's just different. I don't do heavy lifts anymore but 315lb bench? I was 18 when I did 315, then at 20 I did 405lb. I didn't try aas until I was at least 22-23. That cycle I was mainly focused on building legs squat was 535lbs for 7 reps. I never could bring myself to even try a 1x max with squats. I didn't even use a belt or wraps. The first time I tried wraps I injured myself so said f that.
You were 18.... I am nearly 40. I get the whole "that's not very much" but I started with back injuries and worked through them. Before I started in the gym consistently, I barely ate but I did tons of pushups pullups and bench press. I am gradually gaining the weight necessary to move that kind of weight. Instead of quickly bulking. Over the past 8 years I have been in the gym consistently I didn't start gaining until I changed diet then hit first cycle. I have gained 30lbs since then. I'm hitting 275 wit moderate ease. I'm happy with it. I might be able to push more, according to everyone in the gym and all my family and coworkers I'm huge. But I don't feel like it and I have to take it slow to keep from hurting back
When I thought I made the biggest improvements in chest I was doing low reps with forced reps with help from spotter. Do a weight on bench that you can easily get 1 solid rep then have assisted lifting from a spotter. You do the 1st rep then the spotter helps you get 3 or 4 forced reps (spotter should help so as to not ever have a drop of the bar so the forced reps look exactly like the 1st rep. No choice but those chesticals to grow. Just an idea bud
Concluded 16 weeks dropped the mast and went back to test cruise. I got a lot stronger definitely helped me over a few hurdles and plateaus. Going to focus on leaning out the last little bit and keep a fighting weight for a few months. Try to maintain as much muscle as possible.
Bout to blast again. From what I have seen this will be a feel good cycle. My main goal is drop the slight extra weight I got and break 300 bench. Don't think the second part will be a problem with even the way I progress on a cruise.

Thinking test/mast. 600/400. Might start a little lower with mast and build up. My question is do I front load or back loaf anavar and how much during a 4 week cycle
sounds like you have a plan. I would use a little Anavar in the beginning 2 weeks, stop for few weeks, then add for another 2-2weeks, and then add for the last 2-4 weeks. check bloods before, during and after. That’s what I have done with a ton of succes.
sounds like you have a plan. I would use a little Anavar in the beginning 2 weeks, stop for few weeks, then add for another 2-2weeks, and then add for the last 2-4 weeks. check bloods before, during and after. That’s what I have done with a ton of succes.
I completed this cycle already a while back. Tried to tack on the anavar in the last 6 weeks but I had to drop it within a week. Cycle went good though, got pretty huge. Bout to start another one in next few weeks.