Brew recipes bible

Any update on if you could get a recipe without any pip? I brewed 50mg/ml 1/50 in castor oil. Going to try it out and see if it gives me pip.

I get extremely consistent pip from my prop brews. I inject every moring at 7:30. Pip starts to set it about 5:00 or so. Gets worse until I go to bed. I can feel it all the next day. Starts to die down about 4-5pm (36 hours after injection) and is usually gone by the next morning (48 hours after).

The ONLY thing I have found that helps the pip from my 100mg/ml prop is taking my TimTam/Theragun massager to the area for a minute or 2 after injection. That bring the pip on faster. I start feel it about 3-4 hours after injection and then its full on by 6 hours after. Next day it is barely there if there at all.

50mg/ml test prop in castor oil at 1/50 still gives pip at 25mg (.5ml). I feel like giving up on trying to make it work.
It may be a reaction to the castor oil.. castor oil gave me a bad reaction and god awful pip
Ah good to know. Thanks for the info. I saw it might be anti-inflammatory.

Ill try MCT at 50mg/ml and see if I can something usable. Thinking about getting some miglyol to see if I can maybe actually put these raws to good use.

Do you notice a difference in pip when using different brands of MCT?
Ah good to know. Thanks for the info. I saw it might be anti-inflammatory.

Ill try MCT at 50mg/ml and see if I can something usable. Thinking about getting some miglyol to see if I can maybe actually put these raws to good use.

Do you notice a difference in pip when using different brands of MCT?
i just started using miglyol 840
Ah good to know. Thanks for the info. I saw it might be anti-inflammatory.

Ill try MCT at 50mg/ml and see if I can something usable. Thinking about getting some miglyol to see if I can maybe actually put these raws to good use.

Do you notice a difference in pip when using different brands of MCT?
Miglyol doesn't reduce PIP. Try MCT but usually castor is a very safe bet on reducing pip.

I would inject 1ml of sterile castor without any steroid in it just to double check you aren't allergic to it. If you have no issue with it then I doubt you will find a way to make that prop pipless for you.
Miglyol doesn't reduce PIP. Try MCT but usually castor is a very safe bet on reducing pip.

I would inject 1ml of sterile castor without any steroid in it just to double check you aren't allergic to it. If you have no issue with it then I doubt you will find a way to make that prop pipless for you.
That's a good idea. I have the same pip with MCT. So it's probably the prop. I'll try both straight castor oil and MCT. (filtered of course).

Thanks for the tip.
Fuck really?
Yes when I tried to make tne in castor li k e everyone was saying here a while back I did. Pinned that shit and wanted to cut off my fucking leg.. weather it was the castor or the 40%bb i don't know it hurt so bad I never tried to investigate any futher.. threw away the castor oil I had and never looked back.. look i really don't mind a little pip.. but that shit hurt ..
Yes when I tried to make tne in castor li k e everyone was saying here a while back I did. Pinned that shit and wanted to cut off my fucking leg.. weather it was the castor or the 40%bb i don't know it hurt so bad I never tried to investigate any futher.. threw away the castor oil I had and never looked back.. look i really don't mind a little pip.. but that shit hurt ..
Maybe that's the same problem I am having too. I brewed mine at 50% BB. I know that primo and etc from pharmaceutical companies have a lot of BB but I am just surprised that castor oil would give that reaction for both of us.
Maybe that's the same problem I am having too. I brewed mine at 50% BB. I know that primo and etc from pharmaceutical companies have a lot of BB but I am just surprised that castor oil would give that reaction for both of us.
It might not have been the castor oil. But I've pinned plenty of other things with 30%bb and didnt hurt that bad. I tried ashot un the vglute and one in the quad.. i swelled up red and walked like i was gang rated in prison. For about 10 days. But pip is a funny thing I have some Tren A 200 that I did 160mg in the right quad that hurt for about 5 days , but rotation daily back around to left quad and haven't even the slightest pip in that side and mild pip in the delts????
I just had my Dr. Schedule an appointment for me with a surgeon for hernia repair or i would even use short ester tren but.. shit my 2 cents on pip... sometimes you feel like a nut... sometimes you dont..


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