Well-known Member
You're right about that. I'm considering a 200mg/ml product or maybe even 100mg test e100mg primo blend. Just to cut down on oil volume. But I'll definitely look into miglyol I hope I'm not one to get issues from it, like I've heard some of the guys have been having lately.
What do you think of a 125test e 100 primo blend with miglyol. You think that's pushing it?
Honestly I would brew it alone at first unless you're trying to replicate a certain trt blend
Have you used MCT or EO without issues? If so I think you'll be fine. I used the miglyol because I'm switching to it for all my personal stuff. I don't think it's necessary for primo though and I think all this talk of it holding higher concentrations is mostly hype. I like it because of how thin it is and I can slin pin it.
I feel like I can get the primo to 250-300mg/ml probably with just MCT oil, I think it's not offered at that concentration due to price and it not being used by most people.