
You're right about that. I'm considering a 200mg/ml product or maybe even 100mg test e100mg primo blend. Just to cut down on oil volume. But I'll definitely look into miglyol I hope I'm not one to get issues from it, like I've heard some of the guys have been having lately.

What do you think of a 125test e 100 primo blend with miglyol. You think that's pushing it?

Honestly I would brew it alone at first unless you're trying to replicate a certain trt blend:)

Have you used MCT or EO without issues? If so I think you'll be fine. I used the miglyol because I'm switching to it for all my personal stuff. I don't think it's necessary for primo though and I think all this talk of it holding higher concentrations is mostly hype. I like it because of how thin it is and I can slin pin it.

I feel like I can get the primo to 250-300mg/ml probably with just MCT oil, I think it's not offered at that concentration due to price and it not being used by most people.
Why would you not mix anything with primo when pinning?
If I sold you a bottle of primo/Test at 100/150. I could only sell it to you (mostly). It wouldn't appeal to someone who needed a different ratio. Like @XmadXscientist said...most people don' use primo. It doesnt cost quite as much as it did 2 years ago (thank goodness) , cause if it did, I'm pretty sure there'd be no talk about using it on these forums.

Theres no need for inflated solvent ratios. 1/10 is all you need and 10% is still high on the bb side. (Primo)

When guys mentioned making high concentration gear just to cut down on "oil consumption" is something I really do not get on board with. Reason is the oil I use is beneficial to the body. It raises the good cholesterol and lowers the bad. Why would I want to cut that oil consumption down? I don't.

Honestly I would brew it alone at first unless you're trying to replicate a certain trt blend:)

Have you used MCT or EO without issues? If so I think you'll be fine. I used the miglyol because I'm switching to it for all my personal stuff. I don't think it's necessary for primo though and I think all this talk of it holding higher concentrations is mostly hype. I like it because of how thin it is and I can slin pin it.

I feel like I can get the primo to 250-300mg/ml probably with just MCT oil, I think it's not offered at that concentration due to price and it not being used by most people.
Plan is to do 26ish weeks. Primo around 400 to 600. Start with test at 500 and lower it towards the end. I figure I could do 2 pins twice a week if it was 125 test 100 primo. This is all just in the planning stage.

Never used eo or mct.
If I sold you a bottle of primo/Test at 100/150. I could only sell it to you (mostly). It wouldn't appeal to someone who needed a different ratio. Like @XmadXscientist said...most people don' use primo. It doesnt cost quite as much as it did 2 years ago (thank goodness) , cause if it did, I'm pretty sure there'd be no talk about using it on these forums.

Theres no need for inflated solvent ratios. 1/10 is all you need and 10% is still high on the bb side. (Primo)

When guys mentioned making high concentration gear just to cut down on "oil consumption" is something I really do not get on board with. Reason is the oil I use is beneficial to the body. It raises the good cholesterol and lowers the bad. Why would I want to cut that oil consumption down? I don't.

It's for personal use. But thanks for the input. What oil do you use?
OMG my thumbs and wrist SMH but I don't think it's any thinner then grape seed but it's holding just fine, I injected my tren ace and test cyp, that's in grapeseed oil , so two different oil I injected , slight pip just noticeable, I do have MCT oil , soon I will try it with my next batch of test E

And caulk gun... like $2 at walmart...

I lay it on a board game box and let the bottle sit on the table...(this isn' my pic... just one I found)


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Plan is to do 26ish weeks. Primo around 400 to 600. Start with test at 500 and lower it towards the end. I figure I could do 2 pins twice a week if it was 125 test 100 primo. This is all just in the planning stage.

Never used eo or mct.

If you’re making it yourself try for 8-1000mg each week and not sure it would be worth going past 20 weeks.

I would try something with miglyol in it before you commit to a project made with it.
feel like I can get the primo to 250-300mg/ml

I just made primo e 250 the other day with 2/20 ba-bb and a 50-50 mct/eo carrier , holds easy pins smooth as hell. So you're probably right ...

Also , made a test prop/npp/mastp blend with 2/20% ba-bb in 100% eo carrier

And , tne100/sdrol25 blend with 1/40% ba-bb 5%guaiacol and 100%mig carrier ( i think because i cant find my notebook but im almost 100% positive that was my recipe) .. also held easy and actually pins really smooth as well ...

Pic below is primo250 , tp/npp/mastp , tne100/sdrol25 (left to right )


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I just made primo e 250 the other day with 2/20 ba-bb and a 50-50 mct/eo carrier , holds easy pins smooth as hell. So you're probably right ...

Also , made a test prop/npp/mastp blend with 2/20% ba-bb in 100% eo carrier

And , tne100/sdrol25 blend with 1/40% ba-bb 5%guaiacol and 100%mig carrier ( i think because i cant find my notebook but im almost 100% positive that was my recipe) .. also held easy and actually pins really smooth as well ...

Pic below is primo250 , tp/npp/mastp , tne100/sdrol25 (left to right )

Sweet I only made 50ml to test but next time I’ll try 250-300. Maybe I can get up to 2g/week then:eek:

Interested to hear how that tne/superdrol blend treats you as I have some tempting me.
Can someone help me to wrap my mind around this?
I recently brewed blend of Test. prop and NPP each 125mg/ml
I've pinned 4 days ago 1cc to right quad, barely any pip, nothing worth mentioning.
Now, 2 days ago I've pinned to left glute 1.3cc, and holy shit i can barely walk.
I have like 37.8C body temperature and its a crippling pain like I got hit by a truck.
Injection spot is not warm, not red or puffy, so I dontunderstand wtf is going on.
Too much short estered hormone in muscle?

Could it be that 0.3CCdifference?
I mean its 125mg vs 162.5mg of test prop and npp.
Any insights?

Its BA BB ratio 2/20
MCT oil
Can someone help me to wrap my mind around this?
I recently brewed blend of Test. prop and NPP each 125mg/ml
I've pinned 4 days ago 1cc to right quad, barely any pip, nothing worth mentioning.
Now, 2 days ago I've pinned to left glute 1.3cc, and holy shit i can barely walk.
I have like 37.8C body temperature and its a crippling pain like I got hit by a truck.
Injection spot is not warm, not red or puffy, so I dontunderstand wtf is going on.
Too much short estered hormone in muscle?

Could it be that 0.3CCdifference?
I mean its 125mg vs 162.5mg of test prop and npp.
Any insights?

Its BA BB ratio 2/20
MCT oil

Could just be a bad shot from botching your technique.
i know we all think we're pros at pinning, having done it so much, it's second nature now. But every now and then, you hit a little off target or at a slightly different angle and BAM, welcome to pip city.

i've had it happen quite a few times. i love pinning delts. Easiest for me. (Thought i) did the shot perfect as always, then realized a few days later, the pip i had was because the oil must have leaked a little and was pooled just below the delt. Hard to explain, but it was visually noticeable and sore as fuck. Hasn't happened since.

Same for triceps. Been pinning them for a while, all of a sudden, on two occasions now, i must be hitting it at a slight angle, because i get this horrible burning sensation in the forearm and inner bend of the arm. Possibly too close to a nerve?
Actually had to abort the injection and switch spots the last time it occurred.

So unless it's an infection, chances are it's just a one off mistake that probably won't happen the next time you pin there, since you're conscious of it now and will probably be more focused the next go round.

Just my experience. So take it for what it's worth.
You also said this was the second shot from the vial, with the first being fine.
Which leads me to believe i may be on to something.

See what happens next time and let us know.
Could just be a bad shot from botching your technique.
i know we all think we're pros at pinning, having done it so much, it's second nature now. But every now and then, you hit a little off target or at a slightly different angle and BAM, welcome to pip city.

i've had it happen quite a few times. i love pinning delts. Easiest for me. (Thought i) did the shot perfect as always, then realized a few days later, the pip i had was because the oil must have leaked a little and was pooled just below the delt. Hard to explain, but it was visually noticeable and sore as fuck. Hasn't happened since.

Same for triceps. Been pinning them for a while, all of a sudden, on two occasions now, i must be hitting it at a slight angle, because i get this horrible burning sensation in the forearm and inner bend of the arm. Possibly too close to a nerve?
Actually had to abort the injection and switch spots the last time it occurred.

So unless it's an infection, chances are it's just a one off mistake that probably won't happen the next time you pin there, since you're conscious of it now and will probably be more focused the next go round.

Just my experience. So take it for what it's worth.
You also said this was the second shot from the vial, with the first being fine.
Which leads me to believe i may be on to something.

See what happens next time and let us know.
I get what you saying mate
The thing is im using muscle injector which holds syringe and needle so its always same technique, angle, etc.
So either hormone crashed or this time i hit the nerve?
I was bleeding quite profoundly after i retracted needle back, from pin site.
Don’t remember before bleeding that much.
Well its kinda discouraging, 7 days off week, im walking like pirate, hesitating to pin again, eh.
I get what you saying mate
The thing is im using muscle injector which holds syringe and needle so its always same technique, angle, etc.
So either hormone crashed or this time i hit the nerve?
I was bleeding quite profoundly after i retracted needle back, from pin site.
Don’t remember before bleeding that much.
Well its kinda discouraging, 7 days off week, im walking like pirate, hesitating to pin again, eh.
What is a muscle injector?
What is a muscle injector?

Can someone help me to wrap my mind around this?
I recently brewed blend of Test. prop and NPP each 125mg/ml
I've pinned 4 days ago 1cc to right quad, barely any pip, nothing worth mentioning.
Now, 2 days ago I've pinned to left glute 1.3cc, and holy shit i can barely walk.
I have like 37.8C body temperature and its a crippling pain like I got hit by a truck.
Injection spot is not warm, not red or puffy, so I dontunderstand wtf is going on.
Too much short estered hormone in muscle?

Could it be that 0.3CCdifference?
I mean its 125mg vs 162.5mg of test prop and npp.
Any insights?

Its BA BB ratio 2/20
MCT oil

There' no need for 2/20 ratio. You can have prop, npp or anything else fall and stay into solution with way less %

There's a reason why short esters are made at or less than 100mg. If your raws are of high quality, then no need to overdose.

Did you test your raws?

I get what you saying mate
The thing is im using muscle injector which holds syringe and needle so its always same technique, angle, etc.
So either hormone crashed or this time i hit the nerve?
I was bleeding quite profoundly after i retracted needle back, from pin site.
Don’t remember before bleeding that much.
Well its kinda discouraging, 7 days off week, im walking like pirate, hesitating to pin again, eh.

Interesting. i never knew such a thing existed.

Too close to a nerve is plausible. Maybe hitting a section of muscle that is still technically virgin?

i really can't see the small increase in volume causing that much discomfort, but then again, i've been wrong before and the last time i was wrong surely won't be my last. :D

i'm kinda just thinking out loud at this point.

Keep us updated. i'm intrigued by all of this.
I get what you saying mate
The thing is im using muscle injector which holds syringe and needle so its always same technique, angle, etc.
So either hormone crashed or this time i hit the nerve?
I was bleeding quite profoundly after i retracted needle back, from pin site.
Don’t remember before bleeding that much.
Well its kinda discouraging, 7 days off week, im walking like pirate, hesitating to pin again, eh.
It's possible that it crashed 140 f isn't much heat for prop I don't believe it was fully into a solution to begin with .
It's possible that it crashed 140 f isn't much heat for prop I don't believe it was fully into a solution to begin with .
Not really because ive pinned 1cc to quad and it was perfectly smooth.
Why it shouldnt be fully into solution?
I think that 20bb and nice long time stirring on magnetic hotplate is plenty enough. I dont want to melt powder i want it do dissolve with oil and bb and ba.
I had other vial in fridge overnight and it didnt crashed plus depo was perfectly ok while it was in my quad. So it cant be what you are suggesting.
and This injector is perfectly safe And works like a charm.
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