
You started commenting when one maybe 2 members tagged you about carrier oil. All other times you'e been commenting on things that don't concern you.

When I see other reps doing it, I'm on them too. I believe in fair treatment.

As a matter of fact, I've been a helluva lot more respectable to you than the other reps! I give you a little more credit since you were gentlemen enough to admit who you were.
You seem like the type of guy who online has online freinds and none in the real world get a life
You seem like the type of guy who online has online freinds and none in the real world get a life
@PurplePandaLabs Rep. Is my friend, like the guy a shit ton. I have no issue with him posting here but we do have rules. You understand what a rule is, Yes? What @mghoward74 said was accurate, said nicely and in all honesty could have been written very differently without issue from the community.

He said what he said with respect because of the person whom he was speaking to and because of the source he reps. They are quality and respect was shown.

So let me ask you this. With your first 90 days on Meso coming to a close what besides the posts in this thread lead you to the conclusion that @mghoward74 has no friends and needs to get a life? You have a history here prior to this handle? Seems like a thin issue to be butthurt over considering you aren't involved.

Yeah @Ripped is a good dude and a damn good rep. Contributed a lot to the boards and still does.

The issue is what it is and It needed to be addressed. With that being said...the respect I have for him is even more, simply because it was 2 grown ass men conversating, and although we don't agree on a topic, we respected each other.

@Blakeyy 'cmon really? You want to come at me? I'm gonna play nice with you because @lckyrica explained everything to you

Yeah @Ripped is a good dude and a damn good rep. Contributed a lot to the boards and still does.

The issue is what it is and It needed to be addressed. With that being said...the respect I have for him is even more, simply because it was 2 grown ass men conversating, and although we don't agree on a topic, we respected each other.

@Blakeyy 'cmon really? You want to come at me? I'm gonna play nice with you because @lckyrica explained everything to you

I can see we will get along very well as we think alike :) Mutual respect even when there's a lack of agreement is very rare here I see. Only people I have NO respect for is those clowns who think the Earth is flat or those goofs who think we've never been to the moon and NASA is all smoke and mirrors. Blatant stupidity I have no patients for lol.
Sweet lord yes lol. 300mg/ml that's fucking awesome :)

Made the labels yourself? If so with what cause that's snazzy as fuck bro ;)

I use a brother pd-600 with clear tape. I make the labels with the computer software since it's much easier that way.
my lot of testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml
BB 15%
BA 2%
Guaiacol 1%
I like to use guaiacol, I feel like I'm everything without pip.


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    WhatsApp Image 2017-11-25 at 17.18.06.jpeg
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