
Curious if it will. It seems that a lot of guys prefer cyp over enan but from a brewing standpoint Enanthate seems a lot less of a hassle.

I dont wanna deal with it melting during transport. I've never brewed with it .
I'm a total newb
Trying different brews in 20ml increments to see if it works and then brew up a big run .
Am I good at 300 with cyp and 20%? Will it hold?

Should be that’s how I make it.

@XmadXscientist what is good for 250cyp with 10%od in MCT? I would say 1/19 or 2/20

Maybe 15% but I think pharma uses 20%. Don’t obsess over BB% too much. Some people make it sound horrible but they’re probably sensitive/allergic to it. BB is relatively safe and the people who say it causes pip tend to have no aversion to guaiacol, lol ok.
Should be that’s how I make it.

Maybe 15% but I think pharma uses 20%. Don’t obsess over BB% too much. Some people make it sound horrible but they’re probably sensitive/allergic to it. BB is relatively safe and the people who say it causes pip tend to have no aversion to guaiacol, lol ok.
So 300 (no OD?) 2/20 will hold fine? If so then I'm definitely gonna give it a shot.
Am I good at 300 with cyp and 20%? Will it hold?
I overdosed my 250mg/ml and used 1.5% BA and 20% BB. I had some bottles crash (most crashed but some stated crashed after a few heat). This was in GSO. I’m pretty sure I did this later with MCT and found it to work better. Viscosity was much nicer as well.
2DA0FA84-591A-4AD6-98C2-DAE274DF37E6.jpeg A little porn. 400cc’s of test cyp @250. 18%and2%. 250 of tren a at 110. 15%and2%. MCT oil. Everything came together at 150f. Raws from @MonkeyKingAnabolic, cooked up like it’s good stuff for sure. It’s filtered and in sealed sterile vials now. I Let it sit overnight, no crashing! Side note. I used the zapcap cr-s from med lab supplies. Worked like a charm compared to syringe filters. Bought one of those mighty vac hand pumps from harbor freight, worked awesome! Pump to 15 and walk away. 400cc’s in about 10min. Give or take. Currently working on masteron p and test e.:confused:
View attachment 101941 A little porn. 400cc’s of test cyp @250. 18%and2%. 250 of tren a at 110. 15%and2%. MCT oil. Everything came together at 150f. Raws from @MonkeyKingAnabolic, cooked up like it’s good stuff for sure. It’s filtered and in sealed sterile vials now. I Let it sit overnight, no crashing! Side note. I used the zapcap cr-s from med lab supplies. Worked like a charm compared to syringe filters. Bought one of those mighty vac hand pumps from harbor freight, worked awesome! Pump to 15 and walk away. 400cc’s in about 10min. Give or take. Currently working on masteron p and test e.:confused:
Niiiice. Did you OD the Cyp?
Thanks, nah just dumped 100grs in to make 40 vials. I figured with cyp I didn’t want to chance it crashing! First time brewing cyp! I OD the shit outta e for sure. That brews so easy.....
View attachment 101941 A little porn. 400cc’s of test cyp @250. 18%and2%. 250 of tren a at 110. 15%and2%. MCT oil. Everything came together at 150f. Raws from @MonkeyKingAnabolic, cooked up like it’s good stuff for sure. It’s filtered and in sealed sterile vials now. I Let it sit overnight, no crashing! Side note. I used the zapcap cr-s from med lab supplies. Worked like a charm compared to syringe filters. Bought one of those mighty vac hand pumps from harbor freight, worked awesome! Pump to 15 and walk away. 400cc’s in about 10min. Give or take. Currently working on masteron p and test e.:confused:

Nice man .
Did you melt test any of his raws?
Nice man .
Did you melt test any of his raws?
Actually I kept 1gr from the cyp to send in for testing. That new domestic guy we have here. Probably gonna send that in next week!
And I did melt test the test e and test cyp. The e melted right away and the cyp came in at twice the heat. Looks legit and I Lab maxed the test e. Passed. The test e is from Batwoman. Can’t think of name. SR raws or some shit. I was very happy with her service. It came in record breaking time. Not shilling but I had a good experience with both sources!
View attachment 101941 A little porn. 400cc’s of test cyp @250. 18%and2%. 250 of tren a at 110. 15%and2%. MCT oil. Everything came together at 150f. Raws from @MonkeyKingAnabolic, cooked up like it’s good stuff for sure. It’s filtered and in sealed sterile vials now. I Let it sit overnight, no crashing! Side note. I used the zapcap cr-s from med lab supplies. Worked like a charm compared to syringe filters. Bought one of those mighty vac hand pumps from harbor freight, worked awesome! Pump to 15 and walk away. 400cc’s in about 10min. Give or take. Currently working on masteron p and test e.:confused:
I see you went on used the zapcap-s we were wondering about on your other thread. Nice!!
I see you went on used the zapcap-s we were wondering about on your other thread. Nice!!
Yeah I got tired of researching and just did it. Lol. I didn’t read about people getting infections or dying from those bottle caps.
Gear definitely came out clean, gonna pin some now. Will report back about pip in a couple days
View attachment 101941 A little porn. 400cc’s of test cyp @250. 18%and2%. 250 of tren a at 110. 15%and2%. MCT oil. Everything came together at 150f. Raws from @MonkeyKingAnabolic, cooked up like it’s good stuff for sure. It’s filtered and in sealed sterile vials now. I Let it sit overnight, no crashing! Side note. I used the zapcap cr-s from med lab supplies. Worked like a charm compared to syringe filters. Bought one of those mighty vac hand pumps from harbor freight, worked awesome! Pump to 15 and walk away. 400cc’s in about 10min. Give or take. Currently working on masteron p and test e.:confused:
Looks great man!