
Low pip isn’t what I was curious about, I can’t believe your cyp is even holding at 350mg/ml!
Yeah me neither I always heard it can’t go 200 or higher or else I’ll crashbLOL

I mean the proof is right here boys, all test cyp 350 takes is tender love and care :p
Yeah me neither I always heard it can’t go 200 or higher or else I’ll crashbLOL

I mean the proof is right here boys, all test cyp 350 takes is tender love and care :p
Good to hear that you have experience no no pip so far.
You can easily go to 250mg/ml without any issues at all and that is how i have brewed it.

If it is holding at 350mg/ml without pip and crashing, I am wondering about the raw purity.
Is there any chance you can get it tested? Most raw suppliers would reimburse/give store credit for testing their products.
Good to hear that you have experience no no pip so far.
You can easily go to 250mg/ml without any issues at all and that is how i have brewed it.

If it is holding at 350mg/ml without pip and crashing, I am wondering about the raw purity.
Is there any chance you can get it tested? Most raw suppliers would reimburse/give store credit for testing their products.
Yeah I’d like to have my finished oil and the raws tested
I've brewed Test Cyp 300mg/ml with PPL and DO raws @1/19 in straight mig840 and they both regularly crashed out in my 65° bathroom closet. I just warmed and pinned with relatively minimal pip but now I just brew at 250 with no crashing no hassle zero pip. I'm honestly shocked you've gotten it to hold at 350...
I've brewed Test Cyp 300mg/ml with PPL and DO raws @1/19 in straight mig840 and they both regularly crashed out in my 65° bathroom closet. I just warmed and pinned with relatively minimal pip but now I just brew at 250 with no crashing no hassle zero pip. I'm honestly shocked you've gotten it to hold at 350...
I was surprised too, doesn’t mean it won’t crash next week though lol
Check with your dealer if he would pay for it. Who did you source it from?
did you take into account the displacement by the raw powder?
Test Cyp raw power: 1g = .909mL
I was surprised too, doesn’t mean it won’t crash next week though lol

Test Cyp raw power: 1g = .909mL

That’s the one. And not to be insulting at all, you just have us all perplexed, you’re sure it was cyp raws (white powder) and not test e raws (waxy like substance)
Alright everyone. Let's see it. Your homebrew recipes. What ya homebrew. How ya homebrew. As long as it involves homebrew, slap it on up here.
Think of this as the brewers version of @Oregongearhead 's delicious foodie thread.

and now.....

They said it couldn't be done.... but FUCK YOU I DID IT.
2 grams DHB
.6ml BA (6%)
2.4ml BB (24%)
5.3ml safflower oil
Brewed everything as usual, just withheld .5ml of safflower oil until the end. I used it to flush the filter.
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I only made 10ml of the 200mg because everyone and their dog said it wasn't going to hold. But it's been 4 hours since I brewed and it's still holding. Will update tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day.

Now that I've gotten that little victory out there, here's the rest of what I have been making today. I still have lots left to do.... unfortunately the bumfuck town I live in is well.... a bumfuck town. Couldn't find PS80 anywhere in town, so I had to order it online and it's taking its sweet sweet time getting here. But once it does... I'll be making some Tren Base and DHT for pre.
Here's what I've made so far.

Oils left to right DHB 200/150, Test C 350, Test E 400, Mast E 250.
Orals left to right clomid 50mg, T4 400mcg w/10 mg Lorcaserin, Superdrol 20mg, Aromasin 25mg, Raloxifene 80mg, Toremifene 90mg, Winny 100mg, Var 80mg, S4 50mg w/cardarine 30mg.
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For the record, S4 is a crock of shit.

All oils are in safflower oil. No EO. No guaiacol.
Test E was at 400mg/ml 2/20.
Mast e was at 250mg/ml 2/18

If some vials seem less filled than the others, it's because they are! It was probably the 10ml test batch I did. I did a test batch of 20ml on the Test E, but I filled the vial too full and when I crimped it, the bottom of the vial popped.
Odd, because I can drop these things from a distance and they don't break.

Like I said I still have a lot of Test E left to brew, a good amount of DHB as well. Some TNE, TrNE, DHT. Probably forgetting something else too, but I'm sure I'll post them eventually.

Let's see what everyone's got going in their kitchen!

What is the benefit of using safflower oil for DHB? Do you know if 1%BA, 20%BB, EO will hold DHB at 100 mg/ml?
Hey everyone, thank you for all this valuable knowledge. I’m really grateful to have found a decent group of brewers. I’ve been interested in jumping into brewing and capping for my own personal experiments. ;) I’m looking for good quality and trustworthy source.. not everyone has I’m looking for in specific like.. tadalafil or nootropics and the usuals all in one page. Ideally something domestic would be sweet. Can someone help me with that? I’m tired of paying an arm an a leg for my trt, nipple deflators and wiener pills.
Started a thread but figure I’d post it here too.

What’s up fellas. Anyone have an injectable dbol recipe. A real tried and proven one. Not the same recipes I keep finding online that someone just keeps copy and pasting to all these weird Chinese raw sources.
Started a thread but figure I’d post it here too.

What’s up fellas. Anyone have an injectable dbol recipe. A real tried and proven one. Not the same recipes I keep finding online that someone just keeps copy and pasting to all these weird Chinese raw sources.

@XKawN once wrote that he made Injectable Dianabol @50mg/ml with 100% EO, but i dont know if he used 20% BB before the EO, i asked him but it seems its not around.

i made Oxymetholone 100mg/ml with 15% guaiacol but after some months it crashed and btw i dont wanna use guaiacol anymore.

I ll try what xKawn said, first i ll try 20%BB and then the rest EO, since i tried 25mg/ml Win with 100% EO without BB and didnt even go in solution, so ill try Dianabol at 25mg/ml with 20% BB, a little bit over the 100 C for some minutes like 20, and see if it goes in solution, i prefer makin 25mg/ml cause i wanna pin bilaterally in weak points with insulin syringe. If it holds in BB for maybe 2-3 days i m planning to add the EO
Cool man let me know how it goes. I don’t want to use guaiacol either. That shits disgusting.
Started a thread but figure I’d post it here too.

What’s up fellas. Anyone have an injectable dbol recipe. A real tried and proven one. Not the same recipes I keep finding online that someone just keeps copy and pasting to all these weird Chinese raw sources.

Page 1 of this thread has a recipe. 2% ba 25% bb, mig840 and EO carrier 50/50, 50mg/ml