
some freshly made cypionate 250 with 50/50 mct/eo, 18BB,2BA


Brewed a decent size batch of Test Cyp 250 last night using GSO 1% BB and 15% BB, woke up it was crashed. This is my first time not using the standard 2% BA and 18% BB. Heating it up fixed it but what should I add so it doesn't crash again?

Should I recalculate it to 200MG instead of 250mg or just add more BB?
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In the name of simple chemistry and home cook’n, I bring you

EDBAD3DC-2756-4046-9C78-F907646FEB05.jpeg D6CA6727-741B-40E7-A4F8-50BC7BA32F04.jpeg


Test Cyp 425
BA 2% BB 20% EO 50% MCT 50%

Sat covered in beaker for 72hrs at 68-72F

Then put in water bath and brought down to ~65F for 30min

:D Only a 20mL brew but hey :)
Brewed a decent size batch of Test Cyp 250 last night using GSO 1% BB and 15% BB, woke up it was crashed. This is my first time not using the standard 2% BA and 18% BB. Heating it up fixed it but what should I add so it doesn't crash again?

Should I recalculate it to 200MG instead of 250mg or just add more BB?
Just figure out the difference in mgs after you add the BA/BB to it. You will still be above 200 so not that big of a deal.
@Thegreek and of course, it’s very pippy lol

nice little experiment, won’t be doing it again though after this 20mL that’s for sure
But did you die lol. I figured as much. Sometimes it’s fun to play. I’ve given up on experimenting. I just brew the easy shit and keep it simple.
In the name of simple chemistry and home cook’n, I bring you

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View attachment 129744

Test Cyp 425
BA 2% BB 20% EO 50% MCT 50%

Sat covered in beaker for 72hrs at 68-72F

Then put in water bath and brought down to ~65F for 30min

:D Only a 20mL brew but hey :)

I don't want to play the role of devil's advocate but.... Have you ever done CRP blood test?
EO can raise that level badly and it's not healthy at all.

It happens with Guiacoil 100%...
I don't want to play the role of devil's advocate but.... Have you ever done CRP blood test?
EO can raise that level badly and it's not healthy at all.

It happens with Guiacoil 100%...
Yeah, i have a bad reaction to it I have found out. Won’t be using it again
I like the labels!
What was your recipe for ME?
Did you have a chance to inject it yet to report on pip at 280mg/ml?

I like them too, kinda personalized to custom taste:)

I've front loaded 4.5ml, 2.5ml left glute, 2ml right glute.
Painless, 0 PIP.
Couldn't be happier