MESO-Rx Sponsor Buck - US domestic Raws/GH/Semaglutide

Hey Sir, about the test reports you can check the attacments in our introduction thread. Cause we have already post 10 powders‘ uplc test reports there. And we will post more here when we get the results from the lab.
You don’t understand do you.

you want us to just trust that you didn’t just send out the good shit to start then switch it out after 5 good results come back with shit raws?
So after the 5th customer you can gape our butts?

drug dealers make stupid money. Drug dealers who make the community happy with constant reason to Vet all supplies at all times make stupid dumb money.
Hey sir, I don't know if there are any suppliers here that test every package. But frankly,we cann't afford giving $300 store credit to every client. If you have checked our prices, you will find we are not making the stupid money as you said. Thanks!
Hey sir, I don't know if there are any suppliers here that test every package. But frankly,we cann't afford giving $300 store credit to every client. If you have checked our prices, you will find we are not making the stupid money as you said. Thanks!

Well what do y’all pay for a kilo of test or dbol?
Buck anabolics i picture 2 dudes with mullets dressed in camo brewing gear in front of a Confederate flag drinking natty light oddly specific but its what comes to mind

OK,bro.Imagination makes life colorful.But what comes to your mind will not happend on us. Cause my bro is really reliable and professional.
OK,bro.Imagination makes life colorful.But what comes to your mind will not happend on us. Cause my bro is really reliable and professional.

How much do u pay for your kilos of test and dbol.

As Americans say in the car dealership.... let me see the invoice
OK,bro.Imagination makes life colorful.But what comes to your mind will not happend on us. Cause my bro is really reliable and professional.
Also forgot to mention the dueling banjo music
OK,bro.Imagination makes life colorful.But what comes to your mind will not happend on us. Cause my bro is really reliable and professional.
A buck a vial for Test E must be more like it but you get salad oil with floaters for your troubles.
If I recall correctly, Riven and Bruce the same inspectors that PurplePandaLabs has listed on their HPLC reports.

Care to explain?
I just want to know how the date on PPL was in 2018 and the test number is higher but the date on Buck is 2020 but the test number is lower..... and the fonts are different
So when you ship to your American colleague in the trailer park approximately how much does he stomp the product and what does he use as replacement filler?

Do you offer an incentive for customer testing? $300 would work well.

Do you source on any other boards?

Why did you pick Meso?

How are you coming on that $500 donation to AnabolicLab? We want to see that you have some skin in the game and you’re not just here for bitcoins to fund this weekend’s meth binge.

