MESO-Rx Sponsor Buck - US domestic Raws/GH/Semaglutide

If I remember correctly, you dont really "Blast" just a high TRT and make solid gains right?

So you should be able to stay on your test there since its prescribed

Yea sir got my 10ml prescription bottle ready! With prescription in English and Arabic.

Plus it’s a amber bottle so when and if I do run some
Tren I will put some in a empty pescriotion vial
So when you ship to your American colleague in the trailer park approximately how much does he stomp the product and what does he use as replacement filler?

Do you offer an incentive for customer testing? $300 would work well.

Do you source on any other boards?

Why did you pick Meso?

How are you coming on that $500 donation to AnabolicLab? We want to see that you have some skin in the game and you’re not just here for bitcoins to fund this weekend’s meth binge.

WOW THAT WAS CRUEL, NO RESPECT TO A NEW SOURCE AND TRYING TO HUSTLE HIM FOR FREE GEAR. JUDGING FROM THAT AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A CRACKHEAD FIENDING FOR THE NEXT HIT OR OR FIVE OH LAYING DOWN A SERIOUS INTERAGATION...Stomping the product and replacement fillers, so that's how he turns $300 into dope fiend re-up money. Hey Buck can I please have $300 worth of product so I can stomp on it with fillers to pay rent. On a serious note if you knew anything about China then you would know that they execute dope fiends as well as dealers...haha what a maroon as Bugs Bunny wiould say.
WOW THAT WAS CRUEL, NO RESPECT TO A NEW SOURCE AND TRYING TO HUSTLE HIM FOR FREE GEAR. JUDGING FROM THAT AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A CRACKHEAD FIENDING FOR THE NEXT HIT OR OR FIVE OH LAYING DOWN A SERIOUS INTERAGATION...Stomping the product and replacement fillers, so that's how he turns $300 into dope fiend re-up money. Hey Buck can I please have $300 worth of product so I can stomp on it with fillers to pay rent. On a serious note if you knew anything about China then you would know that they execute dope fiends as well as dealers...haha what a maroon as Bugs Bunny wiould say.
Nice fake account. Dildo
Buck anabolics i picture 2 dudes with mullets dressed in camo brewing gear in front of a Confederate flag drinking natty light oddly specific but its what comes to mind
Hey Slick!! Wut kinda mind yah got dear in dat darn head a yourn da dude done said he's from China and another kaknuckle head confirmed him being a foreigner so what phucking Confederate flags and where you last saw them in China....just mother fucking sayin.
WOW THAT WAS CRUEL, NO RESPECT TO A NEW SOURCE AND TRYING TO HUSTLE HIM FOR FREE GEAR. JUDGING FROM THAT AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A CRACKHEAD FIENDING FOR THE NEXT HIT OR OR FIVE OH LAYING DOWN A SERIOUS INTERAGATION...Stomping the product and replacement fillers, so that's how he turns $300 into dope fiend re-up money. Hey Buck can I please have $300 worth of product so I can stomp on it with fillers to pay rent. On a serious note if you knew anything about China then you would know that they execute dope fiends as well as dealers...haha what a maroon as Bugs Bunny wiould say.

You're only making the source look even worse here.
Nice fake account. Dildo

Dildo? You mean the instrument ya mama used to get ready for the German Shephard she used when she had U...another jiz brain, look at the date I became a member Douche Bag

Looks like I hit some nerves of a bunch of racist motherfuckers but my objective here right now was to enlighten all you disrespectful assholes as to how Buck might feel trying to bring some quality produce so that when you inject it, especially for the ones hat like free shit you don't curl up into the bitches you all are and stay that way for the rest of your pathetic really annoyed me that I have to go into the gutter to make a point based on the intellect of the ones that have no respect for themselves or for this poor Chinese gentleman who is trying not only to help himself but others here... Well at least one asshole knows how to use a computer that hacked into my profile pic and put one there. Right G_oofB_ro
You're only making the source look even worse here.

Please elaborate, from reading his introductory page I thought he made a dam good impression in trying to show how righteous he was by not only posting his Chemical analyses but giving a full explanation of his business platform.
Dildo? You mean the instrument ya mama used to get ready for the German Shephard she used when she had U...another jiz brain, look at the date I became a member Douche Bag

Looks like I hit some nerves of a bunch of racist motherfuckers but my objective here right now was to enlighten all you disrespectful assholes as to how Buck might feel trying to bring some quality produce so that when you inject it, especially for the ones hat like free shit you don't curl up into the bitches you all are and stay that way for the rest of your pathetic really annoyed me that I have to go into the gutter to make a point based on the intellect of the ones that have no respect for themselves or for this poor Chinese gentleman who is trying not only to help himself but others here... Well at least one asshole knows how to use a computer that hacked into my profile pic and put one there. Right G_oofB_ro
No, that's not what I meant at all. What I meant, is that you are acting like a dildo. The more you pretend to defend this source, the more obvious it is that you are in league with him. Its pathetic, and its turning people away. You're not the first crap source to try and play this game. It won't work. Stop trying to play defense. Start giving solid answers to the questions asked. Earn the respect you desire.
Please elaborate, from reading his introductory page I thought he made a dam good impression in trying to show how righteous he was by not only posting his Chemical analyses but giving a full explanation of his business platform.

Because there is a set of rules for sources to follow.
The fact that this source didnt even bother to read any threads where we explicitly lay out expectations, shows that he doesnt care.
Meaning he didn't do his research.

This is construed as him being lazy.
Laziness leads to contamination
It leads to gaps in OPSEC, where members could be hurt.

And you defending him, when he didnt follow the rules, only makes it look like he is even lazier, not defending himself and making things right by following our procedures that are put in place in the spirit of Harm Reduction.

It also makes it look like you ....
A) Are an alt account for the source
B) Are recieving some sort of compensation for your help.

Which puts EVERYTHING good that ANYONE says in the future under scrutiny... because now, we all believe that hes paid for anything good that's said about him.
Or it's an alt account.

Not a good look
WOW THAT WAS CRUEL, NO RESPECT TO A NEW SOURCE AND TRYING TO HUSTLE HIM FOR FREE GEAR. JUDGING FROM THAT AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A CRACKHEAD FIENDING FOR THE NEXT HIT OR OR FIVE OH LAYING DOWN A SERIOUS INTERAGATION...Stomping the product and replacement fillers, so that's how he turns $300 into dope fiend re-up money. Hey Buck can I please have $300 worth of product so I can stomp on it with fillers to pay rent. On a serious note if you knew anything about China then you would know that they execute dope fiends as well as dealers...haha what a maroon as Bugs Bunny wiould say.

I’m still trying to figure out what your point is. I guess I am a “maroon”.

You’re pretty talented to hack a 2007 account that’s been dormant for 8 years. Let me guess, the password was “MESO”.

That’s pretty good stuff Buck!
I’m still trying to figure out what your point is. I guess I am a “maroon”.

You’re pretty talented to hack a 2007 account that’s been dormant for 8 years. Let me guess, the password was “MESO”.

That’s pretty good stuff Buck!
So Dianabol Skull Crusher is a hacker?
Please elaborate, from reading his introductory page I thought he made a dam good impression in trying to show how righteous he was by not only posting his Chemical analyses but giving a full explanation of his business platform.

Way to tank your own thread, Buck.
what should I say. We are a very small team, and we move slow, but in the raws industry, we don't think it's very hard to do a good source.
Our raws have been tested and I understand it doesn't mean my raws would always be great, and we also support our customers to do the test by themselves, and provide a discount in their order, as for $300. for example, if you do the test, we give you $300 store credit, if you only buy 50g test e/c each time, we couldn't get anything in this business. But if you buy 1kilo raws, $300 store credit is not a problem. I'm still discussing it with my partner, how to do it, and post it up properly in English.

The most important of my identity is a businessman, because businessman should be responsible for his customer and business, just like politicians should be responsible for their voters. What we can do is trying our best to take the risk for somebody who wants to do business with us, but we couldn't take a 100% risk, that's real life.

That's why we provide domestic shipping at a nice price, went to aasforum and rent a low part, we know what customer cares, quality, safety, price, and convenience. We have provided same quality raws to our customers at a better price and even faster shipping.

I created my account 1 year ago, I know meso is the most strict board for raws supplier, we have prepared for a long time, we know meso style. And we never want to see people are pissed off because of us. Last time, I say I don't care to explain, what I want to express is I don't mind, if translate to Chinese, these two words can be translated into one word.

We are not willing to see you guys be aggressive to each other because of our coming.

That's not my original purpose.