MESO-Rx Sponsor Buck - US domestic Raws/GH/Semaglutide

Before we came to this board, I asked one of my clients for some advices for the Rules Of Living on meso. He told me,if we really really want to be here for business, be honest and respect the members here. Caus You're like his family. Respecting you guys here is also what we are doing here. I know this board need to be strict because it involves a lot. But please give us sometime and be a little nicer to us. We know how to be a good source and products will say for itself. Time will also help to prove that we are not scammers.
Hope no more arguments under this thread! Thanks! And hope you all a good day!
I’m still trying to figure out what your point is. I guess I am a “maroon”.

You’re pretty talented to hack a 2007 account that’s been dormant for 8 years. Let me guess, the password was “MESO”.

That’s pretty good stuff Buck!
lol he thinks you’re wanting free gear.
Me thinks his English comprehension isn’t too great
Dildo? You mean the instrument ya mama used to get ready for the German Shephard she used when she had U...another jiz brain, look at the date I became a member Douche Bag

Looks like I hit some nerves of a bunch of racist motherfuckers but my objective here right now was to enlighten all you disrespectful assholes as to how Buck might feel trying to bring some quality produce so that when you inject it, especially for the ones hat like free shit you don't curl up into the bitches you all are and stay that way for the rest of your pathetic really annoyed me that I have to go into the gutter to make a point based on the intellect of the ones that have no respect for themselves or for this poor Chinese gentleman who is trying not only to help himself but others here... Well at least one asshole knows how to use a computer that hacked into my profile pic and put one there. Right G_oofB_ro
You disagree with me, so therefore you are a racist
Looks like I hit some nerves of a bunch of racist motherfuckers but my objective here right now was to enlighten all you disrespectful assholes as to how Buck might feel trying to bring some quality produce

Wait....I though they were in the AAS business.... Looks like you need to head to the supermarket to peddle your produce....
Before we came to this board, I asked one of my clients for some advices for the Rules Of Living on meso. He told me,if we really really want to be here for business, be honest and respect the members here. Caus You're like his family. Respecting you guys here is also what we are doing here. I know this board need to be strict because it involves a lot. But please give us sometime and be a little nicer to us. We know how to be a good source and products will say for itself. Time will also help to prove that we are not scammers.
Hope no more arguments under this thread! Thanks! And hope you all a good day!
hey man the MESO community talked in a group pm and honestly we came to the conclusion we have been extremely rude to the new chinamen on the block.

Based on how you think a business and a political party should be run, coming from one of the most corrupt places in the world, we want to invest. A few members are working on taking on a second mortgage now along with a chilean prince. A member is even selling his farming equipment and his house van.

I hope you can understand and nothing is lost in translation! shit in your fist and sit on it :)
what should I say. We are a very small team, and we move slow, but in the raws industry, we don't think it's very hard to do a good source.
Our raws have been tested and I understand it doesn't mean my raws would always be great, and we also support our customers to do the test by themselves, and provide a discount in their order, as for $300. for example, if you do the test, we give you $300 store credit, if you only buy 50g test e/c each time, we couldn't get anything in this business. But if you buy 1kilo raws, $300 store credit is not a problem. I'm still discussing it with my partner, how to do it, and post it up properly in English.

The most important of my identity is a businessman, because businessman should be responsible for his customer and business, just like politicians should be responsible for their voters. What we can do is trying our best to take the risk for somebody who wants to do business with us, but we couldn't take a 100% risk, that's real life.

That's why we provide domestic shipping at a nice price, went to aasforum and rent a low part, we know what customer cares, quality, safety, price, and convenience. We have provided same quality raws to our customers at a better price and even faster shipping.

I created my account 1 year ago, I know meso is the most strict board for raws supplier, we have prepared for a long time, we know meso style. And we never want to see people are pissed off because of us. Last time, I say I don't care to explain, what I want to express is I don't mind, if translate to Chinese, these two words can be translated into one word.

We are not willing to see you guys be aggressive to each other because of our coming.

That's not my original purpose.
You're still a dildo. You should offer the credit, regardless of the amount. The testing shows your shit is legit (or not). The 300 goes right back to you, which means it probably only costs you about 100.

Youre such a dildo, you can't even figure out how/why it works. Close shop and start over in a few weeks (on a Friday).
You realize you would get 10x the amount of business if you just did the testing, and did the credit part for members.

Why is that so hard to understand?

If your product is tested by your own company and third party, tests confirm. Everyone will feel confident to buy your product. In the long term you will make 10x the amount of money.

You will get so much business you wont be able to keep up. So maybe its a good plan to not do testing. So you just have enough customers for the amount of product your have. Zero...
You're still a dildo. You should offer the credit, regardless of the amount. The testing shows your shit is legit (or not). The 300 goes right back to you, which means it probably only costs you about 100.

Youre such a dido, you can't even figure out how/why it works. Close shop and start over in a few weeks (on a Friday).
It should be very simple to set up the proper introduction here. The intro is the easy part. When doing the intro correct, keeping up quality and business output is the hard part.
So when someone comes and clearly knows what a intro should looks like on meso, its very suspisious when sources come here with so many excuses and different dildo like rules. Clearly something isnt right.
Hey Slick!! Wut kinda mind yah got dear in dat darn head a yourn da dude done said he's from China and another kaknuckle head confirmed him being a foreigner so what phucking Confederate flags and where you last saw them in China....just mother fucking sayin.
Hahahahah sorry buck didnt mean to offend you and your shitty gear
Before we came to this board, I asked one of my clients for some advices for the Rules Of Living on meso. He told me,if we really really want to be here for business, be honest and respect the members here. Caus You're like his family. Respecting you guys here is also what we are doing here. I know this board need to be strict because it involves a lot. But please give us sometime and be a little nicer to us. We know how to be a good source and products will say for itself. Time will also help to prove that we are not scammers.
Hope no more arguments under this thread! Thanks! And hope you all a good day!
I could see that. Sellers should be brave enough to survive at meso. Too many mother fuckers
. And the real buyers are these who keep silent
I could see that. Sellers should be brave enough to survive at meso. Too many mother fuckers
. And the real buyers are these who keep silent

[emoji1787] That’s what every shitty source says.

“And the real buyers are these who keep silent”

Good luck if you really think that’s true. There’s a lot of lurkers that never post anything but they really do read and respect what the “mother fuckers” have to say.

Especially regarding your shit HGH.
I could see that. Sellers should be brave enough to survive at meso. Too many mother fuckers
. And the real buyers are these who keep silent

Wow... so now you are insulting us!?!?! Calling us mother fuckers. We do not hate sources, we just try and do our best to weed out the shitty ones. We require testing, we require answers to questions. If you wanna look at a good intro, go look at Symbiotics. He breezed through, and did quite well here till he had floaters. We preach not nut hugging sources cause well, no matter how good ya are, things can go to shit real quick.

We also have guys who follow threads close, and when shit doesn't add up, they ask questions, in which case the source usually dodges or tries to anyway.
If you view some of these threads as performance art rather than as actual sourcing attempts it’s waaaaay more interesting. Otherwise it’s just another asshole who thinks the rules don’t apply to them, which we have quite enough of in society right now.
You realize you would get 10x the amount of business if you just did the testing, and did the credit part for members.

Why is that so hard to understand?

If your product is tested by your own company and third party, tests confirm. Everyone will feel confident to buy your product. In the long term you will make 10x the amount of money.

You will get so much business you wont be able to keep up. So maybe its a good plan to not do testing. So you just have enough customers for the amount of product your have. Zero...

thanks for your suggestions, we know when customer tested our raws, and it will bring us a lot of business.
what we have concerned is if 10 people buy test e from us this week and all of them do the test, we should afford 3k store credit, it might be a problem for us. But looks like we couldn't receive much business from meso members.

So we can provide $300 store credit for customers who buy from us and test, the raws have been tested by a Chinse test center, the results look good. Hope this is not a bad plan.
I cannot believe I’m doing this, but here goes:

Another source here—one whose fall from grace is the stuff of a Lifetime movie—had a simple yet effective policy. The first three people to test each individual compound got credit. Meaning if 27 people did blood work on his test e he wasn’t crediting all of them. Do that. When you get a new shipment of a raw and it starts going out for sale you reset the counter to 0 again. Simply come here and say “new batch of tren ace here, testing credit is again available for first three tests done”. You owe me a consulting fee. I accept payment in tits and/or spread ass, either wife or prostitute are acceptable.
I cannot believe I’m doing this, but here goes:

Another source here—one whose fall from grace is the stuff of a Lifetime movie—had a simple yet effective policy. The first three people to test each individual compound got credit. Meaning if 27 people did blood work on his test e he wasn’t crediting all of them. Do that. When you get a new shipment of a raw and it starts going out for sale you reset the counter to 0 again. Simply come here and say “new batch of tren ace here, testing credit is again available for first three tests done”. You owe me a consulting fee. I accept payment in tits and/or spread ass, either wife or prostitute are acceptable.
Or credit everyone who goes out of their way to blood test and post it back on MESO literally giving your brand free clout and verification and advertisement which ultimately means more customers who turn around and place more orders. But China math different from American math.

also why do I trust this guy to verify each new batch with the community? Fuck that his word means nothing. “We don’t make that much money for something we are risking our freedom for”. Couldn’t even be honest about that.

I hope Bigfoot comes and fucks this guys mother. It’s literally the easiest shit in the world to give the community what they want. It’s such a huge benefit to have people posting positive reviews and blood tests. If I was going to do this I’d beg people to post bloods and let my customers sell my product for me.

Read and copy an intro and what other successful sources do. This guys to lazy to even do that.