Bulk Cycle Advice


New Member
Still trying to decide what I should do for my next cycle this summer. Was thinking of a test/mast/tren cycle and maybe throw some anadrol for pwo. Never touched tren before, but I'd like to see how I would react at a small dosage. What do you guys think would be a good stack for mainly building mass?
Kickstarting is just a bunch of bogus. It’s being absorbed as soon as you put it in your body.
You have to kickstart with an Oral Form so for example dbol, tbol, EP....etc.

It depends on the esther u take, if I use Test E or C it takes 4-6 weeks in my case to reach the level.

Winstrol and var is rarely used to kickstart a Testosterone cycle, but it can be used for that purpose. Like I did with var in my last cycle.

Or some people use it at the end of a cycle to break plateaus (with anadrol for example).

Superdrol is also commonly used to kickstart a Testosterone cycle.
You have to kickstart with an Oral Form so for example dbol, tbol, EP....etc.

It depends on the esther u take, if I use Test E or C it takes 4-6 weeks in my case to reach the level.

Winstrol and var is rarely used to kickstart a Testosterone cycle, but it can be used for that purpose. Like I did with var in my last cycle.

Or some people use it at the end of a cycle to break plateaus (with anadrol for example).

Superdrol is also commonly used to kickstart a Testosterone cycle.
Yeah, I also think it’s important to differentiate between a kickstart with an oral AAS or SARM versus front-loading long esters as well.
When I read the replies, I see a bunch of elitist vets playing gatekeeper with regards to who is allowed to take tren, with zero knowledge of the original poster other than his age. I'm sorry to the OP that you have to deal with individuals who think you're beneath them.

If you want to try a low dose of tren, you can see how you like it and go from there. Can always remove it if you're not a fan. Personally, when I was in my 20s, I had no issues tolerating tren. I haven't used it in a long time because my goals are different now but use the acetate ester so you can pull it out if you need to.
Actually, he is right
So are you saying when you inject 250mg test e it’s all instantly absorbed? Then why wait 4 weeks before pulling bloods when you start a cycle, if it’s instantly absorbed once you inject? a suspension or a no ester would be the fastest absorbed still isn’t instant.
So are you saying when you inject 250mg test e it’s all instantly absorbed? Then why wait 4 weeks before pulling bloods when you start a cycle, if it’s instantly absorbed once you inject? a suspension or a no ester would be the fastest absorbed still isn’t instant.
250mg of test is in your body on first injection.

lets say that it has a 7 day half life for the sake of simplicity
1st injection is 250mg of test C in your body.
because of the half life at the end of 7 days its now 125mg worth
but when you inject 250, now its 375mg worth.
3rd week
- the first injection is now 62.5
-2nd injection is 125
3rd is 250
now its 437.5mg worth.

4th is
-1st 31.25
-2nd is 62.5
3rd is 125
4th is 250
now total is 468.75 of test C circulating


Lets say you decided to front load. at 468 Test on the first week and subsequent doses is 250.

So are you saying when you inject 250mg test e it’s all instantly absorbed? Then why wait 4 weeks before pulling bloods when you start a cycle, if it’s instantly absorbed once you inject? a suspension or a no ester would be the fastest absorbed still isn’t instant.
This is a strawman argument. No one is actually saying this.

@Spaceman Spiff explained it ^