Bulking on GLP1 agonists


I've seen multiple posts on bulking with GLP1 agonists, which on paper makes a lot of sense due to nutrient partitioning and better insulin sensitivty. I understand that for high responders bulking on these may be very hard, but I only have mild appetite supression and no nausea from either Sema or Tirz. Fairly confident I can be in a caloric surplus, especially with liquid carbs and extra fat.
Would be very interested in bulking experiences on AAS and GLP1. Did it meaningfully change the ratio of fat v muscle gain?
Some people seem to mainly be motivated by the desire to feel superior to others. Pretty much everything they see and hear will be skewed to fit this narrative, that things are working for them because they are doing things the Right way, without empathy or understanding of the fact that every individual's experience is just that- individual.

Imagine telling grandma she can't use take ozempic because a 30 year old juiced up short guy who competes in a thong and takes tren told her it was cheating :)
What is it about GLPs that makes all of the "hard work bros" so angry?

They consider taking GLPs "cheating" and "weak" but taking tren and steroids isn't cheating? :)

In a nutshell, energy intake is one of the deepest, most powerful biologically regulated behavioral drives in all animals. For whatever reason, like every other system, it can malfunction, and while willpower plays a role, if your body thinks it's starving and food is available you're going to lose that battle.

As we all know some people have always been skinny, sometimes unhealthily so, and struggle to eat a sufficient amount of food, a different type of regulatory malfunction.

But in the absence of modern science, being overweight was attributed to weakness, if not an outright moral failing.

So for someone's who's never struggled with weight, or only slightly, they've enjoyed the flip side of this. They're stronger. They have more willpower. They're more moral. They're just "better" than anyone who's overweight. (nevermind there are plenty of skinny losers who don't seem to exhibit these characteristics in any other aspect of their lives).

So here comes science saying, "Oh hey, you're not making enough GLP, here's some more", and suddenly those people can control their eating just as easily as you can, well, that would mean your weight doesn't indicate you're a superior human after all,

It blows up the whole narrative. After all, if being fat is purely a function of being greedy for food pleasure, then why would they stick needles (something normal people cringe at let's not forget),in themselves and go through very unpleasant side effects, denying themselves the ability to enjoy food, the very thing they supposedly "choose" to do solely because they love it so much?

When you go into the history of a lot of the most vocal haters you find out they STRUGGLE to eat enough, some since childhood.

Hell, some of these guys insist there isn't a potent system to regulate body weight, yet there are thousand of posts here at MESO of people begging for help to eat more, because they just can't do it, physically or psychologically, and need drugs to get their bodies to raise its demand for food intake, ie appetite.
Why do I think I have heard this from someone else.

I hate this stuff.

Fyi, PROS take these drugs as part of their prep, as a tool.
Not as a crutch, like Declan said.
It is a very different scenario.
If you have a health issue that requires you to take these drugs, it's awesome they are there for you.
I don't think anyone here would criticise you for that or call you a cheater.
Maybe the issue is more to do with what Declan calls abuse and a very blasé attitude towards them.
One takes them, they make their life better, but no learning occurs.
Do they make you change your ways, if those are what got you in trouble, in the first place?

This is/was supposed to be a forum where peds are discussed within the framework of bodybuilding and training.
A lot of people who are discussing these drugs, on Meso, do not strictly (or at all) form part of that demographic.
This is where a lot of the clashes originate, I think.

This is another lie, that most people use it as a "crutch", and weight regulation isprimarily a matter of willpower.

Then why the hell are there so many bodybuilders struggling to eat enough?

Why do they need appetite stimulants?

Are those a "crutch"? Open your mouth, put the food in, chew, and swallow, right? Why are they so weak? Where's their willpower?

It's not just a psychological lack of hunger, they can't PHYSICALLY do it. What stops them from eating? They get acid reflux. They vomit if they have even one bite beyond the "limit". Funny, sounds just like the same "limiters" that kick in when someone uses a GLP. It's as if they might naturally produce more of that hormone naturally. But that's ridiculous, we all know hormone levels don't vary between individuals. Besides, hormones can't influence human behavior in any significant way. Ask any tren user.

Then they use an appetite stimulant and suddenly, bam, it's no problem, They might even be famished, ready to eat everything around them. Pigging out even, and lamenting their poor choices made from intense hunger as we've seen reported here over and over. And then every bro reading that sad tale of a 2am 4 BigMac run, followed by ice cream, finds their compassionate side and consoles him, "we've all been there bro, it's just one day".

Anyone paying attention sees the trend. GLP users are changing the types of food demanded in the market, The fitness industry is seeing a major uptick in customers. Doctors are reporting more patients are adhering to medication and pursuing selling term health goals.

When all of someone's "willpower" doesn't have to be used to fight off an appetite that would take you to 400lbs of it wasn't wrestled with every hour of every day, they have the bandwidth to focus on other aspects of their health choices.

A "crutch" is injecting some shit that'll bring your death that much closer, leave your wife a widow and your kids fatherless, so you can get bigger for no particular reason, instead of living within your genetics and whatever chicken breast, broccoli, and weights will bring you.

Enough with the GLP shaming. Yeah it's sad, "thin privilege" is evaporating. That's where the anger comes from. Guess what, in a few years, a decade or two at most, obesity will be extinct. They'll just have to make themselves exceptional some other way.
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This is another lie, that most people use it as a "crutch", and weight regulation primarily a matter of willpower.

Then why the hell are there so many bodybuilders struggling to eat enough?

Why do they need appetite stimulants?

Are those a "crutch"? Open your mouth, put the food in, chew, and swallow, right? Why are they so weak? Where's their willpower?

It's not just a psychological lack of hunger, they can't PHYSICALLY do it. What stops them from eating? They get acid reflux. They vomit if they have even one bite beyond the "limit". Funny, sounds just like the same "limiters" that kick in when someone uses a GLP.

Then they use an appetite stimulant and suddenly, bam, it's no problem, They might even be famished, ready to eat everything around them. Pigging out even, and lamenting their poor choices made from intense hunger as we've seen reported here over and over.

Anyone paying attention sees the trend. GLP users are changing the types of food demanded in the market, The fitness industry is seeing a major uptick in customers. Doctors are reporting more patients are adhering to medication and pursuing selling term health goals.

When all of someone's "willpower" doesn't have to be used to fight off an appetite that would take you to 400lbs of it want wrestled with every hour of every day, they have the bandwidth to focus on other aspects.

A "crutch" is injecting some shit that'll bring your death that much closer, leave your wife a widow and your kids fatherless, so you can get bigger for no particular reason, instead of living within your genetics and whatever chicken breast, broccoli, and weights will bring you.
What you mean lie? What kind of reasoning are you trying to justify you eating like a pig. This is the main reason you are going to continue being obese, because you think the drugs will solve your eating problems.

I bet you only eat the most caloric dense processed foods that’s why you got so bog in the first place. I never saw anyone here complaining even being overweight eating chicken breast/lean meats and broccoli or leafy veggies.

You can’t even show us a picture of yourself as evidence of your transformation from obese to fit, you don’t even have to be muscular; just be healthy weight is good enough.

Dude, you claim to be on glps even before they came out, so if my math is right more than 7 years. Come on post a picture of your transformation, or stop posting these bullshit lies. There are people who don’t even use drugs who are fit because they know what to eat, you don’t need drugs or whatever gimmick to eat healthy.

Stop with your delusions and keep telling yourself it’s because of stimulants or peds is why others are fit and you are not.