Bulking on GLP1 agonists


I've seen multiple posts on bulking with GLP1 agonists, which on paper makes a lot of sense due to nutrient partitioning and better insulin sensitivty. I understand that for high responders bulking on these may be very hard, but I only have mild appetite supression and no nausea from either Sema or Tirz. Fairly confident I can be in a caloric surplus, especially with liquid carbs and extra fat.
Would be very interested in bulking experiences on AAS and GLP1. Did it meaningfully change the ratio of fat v muscle gain?
Gotya, however if you can eat massive amounts of clean food, you could use that to your advantage and grow like crazy. Digestive health aside, having the appetite to chow down high calories of clean food is a gift itself, it’s whats limiting most people pros included in growing.

At my age, I'm not interested in getting that big, but I lament that I didn't get started sooner. After hitting my peak weight in my early 30s I got my shit together and started lifting after a couple years of losing weight. I mostly aimed for strength and was reasonably strong, but kept hurting myself and thought bodybuilding was bullshit. A couple years ago, I hurt myself with a deadlift and re-injured myself a couple times, so I started doing more hypertrophy rep ranges and isolation work which yielded surprisingly good results.

At this point, I'm sitting at around 8.5% which is as lean as I've ever been. I'm presently 175 and I'm aiming for something close to 200 lean. If I can accomplish that, I'm hoping that much lean tissue will match whatever my natural appetite for clean food is.
At my age, I'm not interested in getting that big, but I lament that I didn't get started sooner. After hitting my peak weight in my early 30s I got my shit together and started lifting after a couple years of losing weight. I mostly aimed for strength and was reasonably strong, but kept hurting myself and thought bodybuilding was bullshit. A couple years ago, I hurt myself with a deadlift and re-injured myself a couple times, so I started doing more hypertrophy rep ranges and isolation work which yielded surprisingly good results.

At this point, I'm sitting at around 8.5% which is as lean as I've ever been. I'm presently 175 and I'm aiming for something close to 200 lean. If I can accomplish that, I'm hoping that much lean tissue will match whatever my natural appetite for clean food is.

Not that I'm saying it's a good idea to blast gear in your late 30s/40s, but you could always focus on getting bigger while under 10% BF. That way your body is much less stressed.

Recent data suggests that injecting GLPs and doing nothing else generally yields better health outcomes.

Could you show me?

Aside from internet tough guys feeling insecure over GLPs, is there any evidence that long term use of them for overweight people (most of the world at this point) is bad?