Bulking on GLP1 agonists


I've seen multiple posts on bulking with GLP1 agonists, which on paper makes a lot of sense due to nutrient partitioning and better insulin sensitivty. I understand that for high responders bulking on these may be very hard, but I only have mild appetite supression and no nausea from either Sema or Tirz. Fairly confident I can be in a caloric surplus, especially with liquid carbs and extra fat.
Would be very interested in bulking experiences on AAS and GLP1. Did it meaningfully change the ratio of fat v muscle gain?
Recent data suggests that injecting GLPs and doing nothing else generally yields better health outcomes. In that sense it is a bit of a cheat. Using anabolics without training and nutrition on the other hand generally does not.

From the perspective of this crowd, someone that has a shitty diet and doesn't exercise that goes from being obese to skinnyfat wouldn't constitute success, but they still may be healthier as a result.

Bringing things back around to OP's question, I ran a bulk on tirz earlier in the year. It was a bit unpleasant as a result of the delayed gastric emptying, but I was able to titrate my appetite to keep the weight gain in check. Without a GLP agonist in the mix and eating a relatively clean diet, my appetite tends to cause me to gain weight pretty steadily.

I'm about to start another bulk and will likely do the same.
I am hoping for leaner bulk (higher muscle/fat ratio gain) on GLP1 vs no GLP1 bulk. How did it go for you?
Gastric emptying delay is non-issue for me, very mild if any. Appetite suppression is also minimal if any, but sema/tirz kind of kill carb cravings for me, which otherwise are rather pronounced on a deficit.
With sema I had to ramp it up to 1mg for it do do anything, tirz seems to work at 2.5mg dose. On either main side effect is loose and more frequent stools and being more gassy. Still tollerable, though.
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