buying steroids in Egypt august 2022


i spent 4 days in Sharma el sheikh. in egypt you can easily buy test e, sustanon and deca each ampule cost around 18 egyptian pound (1 USD). you can also you buy Egyptian made GH they come in a little 4iu vial with bac water to reconstitute the price is 165 egyptian pound (8 USD). you can also buy omnitrope 30 IU for 1070 egyptian pounds (55 USD). all ancillaries are well priced. it is technically illegal but most pharmacies will sell you benzos. you can buy 10 klonipin tabs for around 100 egyptian pounds (5 USD) and 10 pills of xanax for around 400 egyptian pounds (20 USD). you can also buy valium and codeine. viagra and generic viagra have great prices. the carrier oil for the sustanon and deca is arachis oil and the carrier oil for the test e is sesame oil. you can also buy modafinil without prescription legally the price is 60 egyptian pounds (3 USD) for 10 pills of 200MG. and you can also buy cerebrolysin cheaply. overall Egypt sucks the food quality is horrible. it is dirty and there is nothing to do and the taxi drivers and everyone else tries to rip you off. but the pharmacies are great. i hope that the deca is of good quality because it only costs 1USD. so i got a feeling that the quality is really bad. if any one had used this brand of deca in the past i would love to hear about your experience.

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Fuck me....for those prices it would be well worth a flight from UK to Egypt every few months for a weekend holiday if I knew a few solid chemists I could rely on to have always pharma stock when I needed it...

It's still legal to carry across borders/import here if you physically bring it in yourself and don't have it shipped/mailed.
i spent 4 days in Sharma el sheikh. in egypt you can easily buy test e, sustanon and deca each ampule cost around 18 egyptian pound (1 USD). you can also you buy Egyptian made GH they come in a little 4iu vial with bac water to reconstitute the price is 165 egyptian pound (8 USD). you can also buy omnitrope 30 IU for 1070 egyptian pounds (55 USD). all ancillaries are well priced. it is technically illegal but most pharmacies will sell you benzos. you can buy 10 klonipin tabs for around 100 egyptian pounds (5 USD) and 10 pills of xanax for around 400 egyptian pounds (20 USD). you can also buy valium and codeine. viagra and generic viagra have great prices. the carrier oil for the sustanon and deca is arachis oil and the carrier oil for the test e is sesame oil. you can also buy modafinil without prescription legally the price is 60 egyptian pounds (3 USD) for 10 pills of 200MG. and you can also buy cerebrolysin cheaply. overall Egypt sucks the food quality is horrible. it is dirty and there is nothing to do and the taxi drivers and everyone else tries to rip you off. but the pharmacies are great. i hope that the deca is of good quality because it only costs 1USD. so i got a feeling that the quality is really bad. if any one had used this brand of deca in the past i would love to hear about your experience.

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Cool stuff man . Pharma grade is the best !
Are you that guy who travels around the world to review the restaurants food? Except it's the pharmacies gear lol.

Anthony Bourdain.

He had the best/easiest job in the world and made good money.....but he chose to kill himself coz of his success instead.
Fuck me....for those prices it would be well worth a flight from UK to Egypt every few months for a weekend holiday if I knew a few solid chemists I could rely on to have always pharma stock when I needed it...

It's still legal to carry across borders/import here if you physically bring it in yourself and don't have it shipped/mailed.
the pharmacies in egypt are very well stocked unlike turkey
Are you that guy who travels around the world to review the restaurants food? Except it's the pharmacies gear lol.
the next episode gonna be a killer one. i am going to Thailand in September. apparently Thailand have a little company that makes peptides. called genoracle. i will try their GH releasing peptides and than do blood to see if peptides are truly comparable to pharma gh. i will also interview the guys in the muscle factory and hopefully they can direct me to the pharmacy that sells pharma anavar and deca. i will also do blood test to see if proviron is an effective Ai. and i now discovered that cerebrolysin is an FDA approved drug in Thailand so i will buy some and get a professional nurse to administrate it for me via iV and i will report about the results. the reason i am doing all of this reporting is because this is the information i wish i knew myself before going to these exotic destinations. and sadly very few people share their pharmacy experience while traveling abroad. i hope to start a trend for pharmacy reviews while traveling abroad.
the next episode gonna be a killer one. i am going to Thailand in September. apparently Thailand have a little company that makes peptides. called genoracle. i will try their GH releasing peptides and than do blood to see if peptides are truly comparable to pharma gh. i will also interview the guys in the muscle factory and hopefully they can direct me to the pharmacy that sells pharma anavar and deca. i will also do blood test to see if proviron is an effective Ai. and i now discovered that cerebrolysin is an FDA approved drug in Thailand so i will buy some and get a professional nurse to administrate it for me via iV and i will report about the results. the reason i am doing all of this reporting is because this is the information i wish i knew myself before going to these exotic destinations. and sadly very few people share their pharmacy experience while traveling abroad. i hope to start a trend for pharmacy reviews while traveling abroad.
This is a great idea thanks for sharing this .
Always wanted to go visit Turkey and bring some primo and test back but never got the chance.
the next episode gonna be a killer one. i am going to Thailand in September. apparently Thailand have a little company that makes peptides. called genoracle. i will try their GH releasing peptides and than do blood to see if peptides are truly comparable to pharma gh. i will also interview the guys in the muscle factory and hopefully they can direct me to the pharmacy that sells pharma anavar and deca. i will also do blood test to see if proviron is an effective Ai. and i now discovered that cerebrolysin is an FDA approved drug in Thailand so i will buy some and get a professional nurse to administrate it for me via iV and i will report about the results. the reason i am doing all of this reporting is because this is the information i wish i knew myself before going to these exotic destinations. and sadly very few people share their pharmacy experience while traveling abroad. i hope to start a trend for pharmacy reviews while traveling abroad.
Based on the extremely limited reading I did it is essentially stem cells derived from pig brain?

I’ve never heard of cerebrolysin.
Based on the extremely limited reading I did it is essentially stem cells derived from pig brain?

I’ve never heard of cerebrolysin.
this is peptides derived from big brains mainly BDNF. it is like growth hormone for the brain it makes you smarter in a healthy way and it makes you feel better. there is a lot of hype around it in the nootropics community. i personally tried 2ML im and didn't feel a thing. so i figured that doing a massive dose iv will yield better results any how it is gonna be very cheap in thailand so i will give it another shoot. this video explains it nicely
this is peptides derived from big brains mainly BDNF. it is like growth hormone for the brain it makes you smarter in a healthy way and it makes you feel better. there is a lot of hype around it in the nootropics community. i personally tried 2ML im and didn't feel a thing. so i figured that doing a massive dose iv will yield better results any how it is gonna be very cheap in thailand so i will give it another shoot. this video explains it nicely
Hmm it makes you smarter.

Seems a little to good to be true.. I see it has applications in Alzheimer and dementia patients though. That’s interesting. I’ll look into it extremely interesting drug.

Also I see it says 30 ml a day for 30 days. That seems like A LOT to have to use.
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the next episode gonna be a killer one. i am going to Thailand in September. apparently Thailand have a little company that makes peptides. called genoracle. i will try their GH releasing peptides and than do blood to see if peptides are truly comparable to pharma gh. i will also interview the guys in the muscle factory and hopefully they can direct me to the pharmacy that sells pharma anavar and deca. i will also do blood test to see if proviron is an effective Ai. and i now discovered that cerebrolysin is an FDA approved drug in Thailand so i will buy some and get a professional nurse to administrate it for me via iV and i will report about the results. the reason i am doing all of this reporting is because this is the information i wish i knew myself before going to these exotic destinations. and sadly very few people share their pharmacy experience while traveling abroad. i hope to start a trend for pharmacy reviews while traveling abroad.
Do you bring those stuffs with you through the airport while travelling world wide? Is it legal? Do you have any prescription with you? I thought you could get into trouble carrying AAS or other drugs on a flight, especially if they're UGL (not sure abt Pharma).
the pharmacies in egypt are very well stocked unlike turkey

Got any pharma recommendations you're sure about? I can do quick 2 day trips over to Egypt for about £100 but I wouldn't wanna spend a lot of time walking around trying to find stocked (legit) pharmacies.
Do you bring those stuffs with you through the airport while travelling world wide? Is it legal? Do you have any prescription with you? I thought you could get into trouble carrying AAS or other drugs on a flight, especially if they're UGL (not sure abt Pharma).
i traveled all world the world with a fuck ton of steroids and nothing happened. i also never heard a member of this forum or any other got any trouble traveling with gear. here is bostin loyd traveling with a trash bag full of gear and the TSA told told him it is fine
i traveled all world the world with a fuck ton of steroids and nothing happened. i also never heard a member of this forum or any other got any trouble traveling with gear. here is bostin loyd traveling with a trash bag full of gear and the TSA told told him it is fine
I'm just not sure if it'd be a good idea to bring gear to some Asian countries, as a few of them have some quite harsh laws regarding drugs. I don't know if AAS are considered banned substances similar to hard drugs though.
Got any pharma recommendations you're sure about? I can do quick 2 day trips over to Egypt for about £100 but I wouldn't wanna spend a lot of time walking around trying to find stocked (legit) pharmacies.
i was in sharam el sheikh. it is kind of like the hawaii of egypt also gambling is legal so you got a lot of casinos.
this is the pharmacy were you buy GH. it is part of a big pharmacy chain called elezaby kind of like the egyptian version of boots i recommend to do most of your shopping there because they won't scam you on prices.
but some time they don't have deca. go to this pharmacy for deca. or any other pharmacy for deca. test and deca are very well stocked at almost all sharam el shiekh pharmacies. this is the pharmacy that sells benzos. they are located to the right side of the mcdonalds. near the oriental rivoli hotel. the pharmacy that sell benzos have a picture of jay cutler in the entrance. don't tell the chemist that i sent you because it is supposed to be a secret
also some pharmacies will try to ripe you off on prices. this website have the correct prices of medicine. the prices are government fixed and are supposed to be the same every were. for example some pharmacies tried to sell me an amp of deca for 20 egyptian pounds but the real price is 18. just show them a screenshot of this website with the real price and they will sell to you for the real price. you also have this app with the real prices. but it also list a few cancelled medicine so take that into account. if you have any more questions/problems feel free to ask me i would love to help.
I'm just not sure if it'd be a good idea to bring gear to some Asian countries, as a few of them have some quite harsh laws regarding drugs. I don't know if AAS are considered banned substances similar to hard drugs though.
this website sell AAS legally in japan. you can scan the internet i never heard of a single person that got in trouble for airport AAS.
Screenshot_8 (1).jpg
this is the amount of drugs that the average American carries with them this includes Adderall. Adderall is literally amphetamine.
one time in the abu dabi airport i got my bag rechecked because i had 6 packages of Trulicity inside it (24 pens in total) and the officer asked me: medicine ?. and i said: ''yes medicine'' and he let me go. this is the only incident i ever had and i travel a LOT with medicines, AAS, benzos and many more. i went thought a fuck ton of air ports and also a few land ports with AAS and no one cared.i also asked my friends to bring me AAS from several countries and nothing happened. think about it. the average boomer is type 2 diabetic and they carry a giant amount of medicines with them all around the world. so no cares
Got any pharma recommendations you're sure about? I can do quick 2 day trips over to Egypt for about £100 but I wouldn't wanna spend a lot of time walking around trying to find stocked (legit) pharmacies.
i just used the egyptian generic viagra (virceta). and found out it is fake it only costs 0.3 USD per pill so i guess you get what you pay for. the brand name viagra cost 1 USD per pill. i will try it and report back