buying steroids in Egypt august 2022

i just used the egyptian generic viagra (virceta). and found out it is fake it only costs 0.3 USD per pill so i guess you get what you pay for. the brand name viagra cost 1 USD per pill. i will try it and report back

this website sell AAS legally in japan. you can scan the internet i never heard of a single person that got in trouble for airport AAS.
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this is the amount of drugs that the average American carries with them this includes Adderall. Adderall is literally amphetamine.
one time in the abu dabi airport i got my bag rechecked because i had 6 packages of Trulicity inside it (24 pens in total) and the officer asked me: medicine ?. and i said: ''yes medicine'' and he let me go. this is the only incident i ever had and i travel a LOT with medicines, AAS, benzos and many more. i went thought a fuck ton of air ports and also a few land ports with AAS and no one cared.i also asked my friends to bring me AAS from several countries and nothing happened. think about it. the average boomer is type 2 diabetic and they carry a giant amount of medicines with them all around the world. so no cares
Same with UGL 10ml vial with the print of the lab? Or you talk only about pharmacy stuff
Same with UGL 10ml vial with the print of the lab? Or you talk only about pharmacy stuff
it doesn't matter ugl or pharma they just don't care. i am telling you all of these because i made the mistake of fearing airport security. and now i have a deep regret that i didn't buy more stuff. especially when it comes to buying more HG from turkey
it doesn't matter ugl or pharma they just don't care. i am telling you all of these because i made the mistake of fearing airport security. and now i have a deep regret that i didn't buy more stuff. especially when it comes to buying more HG from turkey
What other countries sell non fake gear otc? Turkey sounds good but they only have sust, nebido n primo? Sust gives me demon pain after a shot I can’t use it n not a fan of primo cos of hair loss from it. Does Greece and Spain stil sell without a prescription? Or has being in the eu stopped al that?

Thailand sounds good but it’s an expensive flight. I’m in England so a Europe country is great. I’ll be happy to do pharmacy reviews with you brother !
What other countries sell non fake gear otc? Turkey sounds good but they only have sust, nebido n primo? Sust gives me demon pain after a shot I can’t use it n not a fan of primo cos of hair loss from it. Does Greece and Spain stil sell without a prescription? Or has being in the eu stopped al that?

Thailand sounds good but it’s an expensive flight. I’m in England so a Europe country is great. I’ll be happy to do pharmacy reviews with you brother !
i never been to Greece or Spain. but a friend of mine brought me an ampoule of testosterone enanthate from greece. you can also get proviron and arimidex in greece
i never been to Greece or Spain. but a friend of mine brought me an ampoule of testosterone enanthate from greece. you can also get proviron and arimidex in greece
Interesting bro when was that? One source said Greek pharmacies had clamped down and needed prescriptions
Some years ago I bought Clen from pharmacy in Spain.

yes, anything for asthmatics was without prescription

not anymore

for now you can freely buy:

syringes - i buy online WAY cheaper, boxes of 100 units for maybe 10€ plus shipping (in pharmacy only one can be 80 cents)

blood pressure meds - ive bought lisinopril, telmisartan and nebivolol without questions in many different pharmacies

tamoxifen - better send your lady to buy it or you will get weird looks, but can be bought

clomipheme - same as tamoxifen, but expensive as hell maybe 40€ for 10 pills

metformin - no questions asked

im talking of course pharma grade

any anabolic steroids forget it, even with the right contacts in a pharmacy its risky for them
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yes, anything for asthmatics was without prescription

not anymore

for now you can freely buy:

syringes - i buy online WAY cheaper, boxes of 100 units for maybe 10€ plus shipping (in pharmacy only one can be 80 cents)

blood pressure meds - ive bought lisinopril, telmisartan and nebivolol without questions in many different pharmacies

tamoxifen - better send your lady to buy it or you will get weird looks, but can be bought

clomipheme - same as tamoxifen, but expensive as hell maybe 40€ for 10 pills

metformin - no questions asked

im talking of course pharma grade

any anabolic steroids forget it, even with the right contacts in a pharmacy its risky for them
what about Portugal ? can you buy steroids in Portugal ?
Hi @Zirpon. Great read. Love this thread. I used to always bring gear back with me from Turkey and Egypt. Talking 20 years ago when it was dirt cheap in the pharmacies back then. Seems like not a lot has changed. Planning a holiday to Turkey at end of the month so was thinking of bringing back some anapolon and test if you can still get them there with out issues?
i spent 4 days in Sharma el sheikh. in egypt you can easily buy test e, sustanon and deca each ampule cost around 18 egyptian pound (1 USD). you can also you buy Egyptian made GH they come in a little 4iu vial with bac water to reconstitute the price is 165 egyptian pound (8 USD). you can also buy omnitrope 30 IU for 1070 egyptian pounds (55 USD). all ancillaries are well priced. it is technically illegal but most pharmacies will sell you benzos. you can buy 10 klonipin tabs for around 100 egyptian pounds (5 USD) and 10 pills of xanax for around 400 egyptian pounds (20 USD). you can also buy valium and codeine. viagra and generic viagra have great prices. the carrier oil for the sustanon and deca is arachis oil and the carrier oil for the test e is sesame oil. you can also buy modafinil without prescription legally the price is 60 egyptian pounds (3 USD) for 10 pills of 200MG. and you can also buy cerebrolysin cheaply. overall Egypt sucks the food quality is horrible. it is dirty and there is nothing to do and the taxi drivers and everyone else tries to rip you off. but the pharmacies are great. i hope that the deca is of good quality because it only costs 1USD. so i got a feeling that the quality is really bad. if any one had used this brand of deca in the past i would love to hear about your experience.

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YES! My homecountry! Go to alexandria in the north on the beach you'll see how many of those stupid young boys asuming steroids without any knowledge .. HAHA.
Hi @Zirpon. Great read. Love this thread. I used to always bring gear back with me from Turkey and Egypt. Talking 20 years ago when it was dirt cheap in the pharmacies back then. Seems like not a lot has changed. Planning a holiday to Turkey at end of the month so was thinking of bringing back some anapolon and test if you can still get them there with out issues?
you can easily get test but anapolon may be tricky. last time i was in turkey anapolon was out of stock everywhere but rumors have it that now it is back in stock