Bystolic Vs Olmesartan

That doesn't mean it doesn't have the side effect explained above.

Doctor don't care much about bodybuilding neither most of the time in optimizing the meds for the least side effect but are most of the time going for what they know works without much trial and error. The studies are there, you wanna ignore them and keep using it when there are better meds. It's your call :)
I'm going to keep using it and there are studies showing upsides and downsides to all medications. Everything comes with side effects and as always the poison is in the dose. Even "better meds" will have there own set of side effects and as always everyone responds differently to different medications classes and it ultimately depends on the root cause of what is increasing your blood pressure as well.

I do agree most doctors don't know or care about bodybuilders, that's why 9 times out of 10 when you go to a GP they're grossly out of shape lol. ( Stupid laughing emoji isn't showing >=) )
I'm going to keep using it and there are studies showing upsides and downsides to all medications. Everything comes with side effects and as always the poison is in the dose. Even "better meds" will have there own set of side effects and as always everyone responds differently to different medications classes and it ultimately depends on the root cause of what is increasing your blood pressure as well.

I do agree most doctors don't know or care about bodybuilders, that's why 9 times out of 10 when you go to a GP they're grossly out of shape lol. ( Stupid laughing emoji isn't showing >=) )
Yes but nebivolol possible side effect profile squash hctz 10 to 1 but it's your body and you are a grown man so you can make your informed choices and live with it. I'm saying it with zero animosity let it be clear.

I just wanted you to know that there are greater and better alternative (and this is not a statement coming from me but from the medical community and there are studies comparing different BP meds efficacy and possible sides, diuretic are the last add-ons to a BP combo.)
Yes but nebivolol possible side effect profile squash hctz 10 to 1 but it's your body and you are a grown man so you can make your informed choices and live with it. I'm saying it with zero animosity let it be clear.

I just wanted you to know that there are greater and better alternative (and this is not a statement coming from me but from the medical community and there are studies comparing different BP meds efficacy and possible sides, diuretic are the last add-ons to a BP combo.)
I take nebivolol as well, believe me I thoroughly researched most in both all classes of BP/kidney/heart/liver medication over the course of months. I take what I take for specific reasons. For example

Telimasartan: For BP since my BP was never high enough for me to jump on an ACE inhibitor although I have a few different ones on hand just in case.

Nebivolol: For cardio protective/heart remodeling benefits and to keep my RHR in an optimal range while using high dose hgh.

HCTZ: Low dose removes most if not all water retention and side effects from high dose hgh. Since almost all negative side effects caused by hgh are induced by water retention in one way or another (ex. Carpel tunnel being caused by excess fluid build up in the extremities of tha hands).

Jardiance: One of the few worth while "longevity" drugs but the leading treatment for kidney disease (no I do not have kidney disease but this is a preventative to always keep Cystatin C and EGFR optimal).


And I also say this with zero animosity as well. Sometimes it's hard to come across that way when chatting on forums. My protocols and meds that I use work for me and keep blood work in check year round despite what I am running. And organ imagining once every two to three years (sometimes 1-2 years) confines that I am in good standing in regards to my health and chosen medications.

It's also important to not just go by one or two studies. I like to find studies for both the good and bad of any medication. Then way the pros and cons and for me and many others I believe HCTZ is a safe and worth while medication when used at a responsible dosage. This is also the standing of many cardiologists and doctors I work with as well. But again what works and may agree with my body may not for yours.
I take nebivolol as well, believe me I thoroughly researched most in both all classes of BP/kidney/heart/liver medication over the course of months. I take what I take for specific reasons. For example

Telimasartan: For BP since my BP was never high enough for me to jump on an ACE inhibitor although I have a few different ones on hand just in case.

Nebivolol: For cardio protective/heart remodeling benefits and to keep my RHR in an optimal range while using high dose hgh.

HCTZ: Low dose removes most if not all water retention and side effects from high dose hgh. Since almost all negative side effects caused by hgh are induced by water retention in one way or another (ex. Carpel tunnel being caused by excess fluid build up in the extremities of tha hands).

Jardiance: One of the few worth while "longevity" drugs but the leading treatment for kidney disease (no I do not have kidney disease but this is a preventative to always keep Cystatin C and EGFR optimal).


And I also say this with zero animosity as well. Sometimes it's hard to come across that way when chatting on forums. My protocols and meds that I use work for me and keep blood work in check year round despite what I am running. And organ imagining once every two to three years (sometimes 1-2 years) confines that I am in good standing in regards to my health and chosen medications.

It's also important to not just go by one or two studies. I like to find studies for both the good and bad of any medication. Then way the pros and cons and for me and many others I believe HCTZ is a safe and worth while medication when used at a responsible dosage. This is also the standing of many cardiologists and doctors I work with as well. But again what works and may agree with my body may not for yours.
What are your nebivolol and telmisartan dosages?
What are your nebivolol and telmisartan dosages?
Nebi is at 5mg and occasionally I will through on another 2.5mg or 5mg and teli is at 80mg and doesn't change.

I check my blood pressure and RHR 2-3 times everyday and if I notice my RHR is getting a little elevated over 1-2 days then I decide to take an extra 2.5mg-5mg nebi tab.
Nebi is at 5mg and occasionally I will through on another 2.5mg or 5mg and teli is at 80mg and doesn't change.

I check my blood pressure and RHR 2-3 times everyday and if I notice my RHR is getting a little elevated over 1-2 days then I decide to take an extra 2.5mg-5mg nebi tab.
Does the extra tab fix it? Doesn't it spike back as soon as you don't take anymore the extra?

Have you tried telmi at 80mg or you went straight to 40?

I didn't see much changes from telmi 40 to 80 on the studies I was reading. Maybe 1-2 point of BP
Does the extra tab fix it? Doesn't it spike back as soon as you don't take anymore the extra?

Have you tried telmi at 80mg or you went straight to 40?

I didn't see much changes from telmi 40 to 80 on the studies I was reading. Maybe 1-2 point of BP
Started at 40 and then went to 80 but you are right not much of a difference. It helped by I would say 5-6 points though over the course of a week when I was experimenting with it. I just stick to 80 so I don't have to cut the tabs in half and the extra few points are also a nice to have.

The extra tab fixes it, yes. I only take the extra tab once in a while when my RHR gets a little elevated. If I did not then my RHR would return to normal from being elevated but it would take a day or two. The extra tab basically just speeds it up so that my heart is under stress for a significantly shorter amount of time.

I tend to micro manage these things lol.
5mg of nebivolol is not cutting it for me but I would really like to keep it at 5mg and not have to increase it to 10mg :(

