Can anyone tell me what my blood work means? Low ferritin high RBC

So currently on 300 mg test and 25 mg var. Got bloods done and due to donate since I get high RBC. Looks like my ferritin is low. Any idea why and what my blood work means overall?. Should I hop back on my trt dose asap?


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My 2 cents (don’t take advice from some dude on the internet) is you are on the lower end of electrolytes. So you’re kinda dehydrated this will always make you blood look less viscous and your hemoglobin and hematocrit look higher than if you were hydrated.

Your ferritin is low, and will become lower when you donate again. Ferritin stores iron for the body.

You can do your own research on RBC with enhanced individuals and see if you think a slightly elevated RBC is a cause for concern. Mine is also slightly elevated and I’m not worried. Some guy with sleep apnea in Denver probably has higher RBC than both of us.

And finally your EGFR. Few things here cycling back to my dehydration hypothesis. Dehydration will make egfr look low, and creatinine look high. Or your kidneys are taking a hit from something else. How’s your BP? I’d either rehydrate and retest, or stop the cycle just based on the EGFR.
My 2 cents (don’t take advice from some dude on the internet) is you are on the lower end of electrolytes. So you’re kinda dehydrated this will always make you blood look less viscous and your hemoglobin and hematocrit look higher than if you were hydrated.

Your ferritin is low, and will become lower when you donate again. Ferritin stores iron for the body.

You can do your own research on RBC with enhanced individuals and see if you think a slightly elevated RBC is a cause for concern. Mine is also slightly elevated and I’m not worried. Some guy with sleep apnea in Denver probably has higher RBC than both of us.

And finally your EGFR. Few things here cycling back to my dehydration hypothesis. Dehydration will make egfr look low, and creatinine look high. Or your kidneys are taking a hit from something else. How’s your BP? I’d either rehydrate and retest, or stop the cycle just based on the EGFR.
Bp is fine. I am prescribed Lisinopril. Tried drinking a decent amount of water before the test. It was in the morning fasted so still could be dehydrated. I think I'm gonna stop cycle anyways and drop back to my trt of 140 mgs.
Bp is fine. I am prescribed Lisinopril. Tried drinking a decent amount of water before the test. It was in the morning fasted so still could be dehydrated. I think I'm gonna stop cycle anyways and drop back to my trt of 140 mgs.
Probably smart.

You need electrolytes bro, look at your sodium and chloride. If you arnt salting your food to taste, look int LMNT or liquid IV packs. That should really help. “Water follows sodium.” Probably not why your sodium is low but, when you lower aldosterone (with an ARB) you increase sodium excretion
Probably smart.

You need electrolytes bro, look at your sodium and chloride. If you arnt salting your food to taste, look int LMNT or liquid IV packs. That should really help. “Water follows sodium.” Probably not why your sodium is low but, when you lower aldosterone (with an ARB) you increase sodium excretion
I take hydrochlorothiazide along with my BP med . I feel like I eat a lot of food with sodium but maybe I do just need to drink more water. Honestly probably just getting a little under a gallon a day
So currently on 300 mg test and 25 mg var. Got bloods done and due to donate since I get high RBC. Looks like my ferritin is low. Any idea why and what my blood work means overall?. Should I hop back on my trt dose asap?

Your iron is low due to increased iron utilisation as @Spaceman Spiff noted. However ferritin is also low due to 1) donation (if you donated) 2) aas negative regulation on hepcidin which regulates ferritin expression (this is quite common) and 3) increased erythropoiesis.

You need water and electrolytes, specifically sodium. Then retest CBC, your hematocrit will most likely be in a more exceptable range. Regarding iron, you are not in a position to donate blood. Add either more fe2 rich food or add an iron supp in an effort to increase tsat and serum iron.
My 2 cents (don’t take advice from some dude on the internet) is you are on the lower end of electrolytes. So you’re kinda dehydrated this will always make you blood look less viscous and your hemoglobin and hematocrit look higher than if you were hydrated.

Your ferritin is low, and will become lower when you donate again. Ferritin stores iron for the body.

You can do your own research on RBC with enhanced individuals and see if you think a slightly elevated RBC is a cause for concern. Mine is also slightly elevated and I’m not worried. Some guy with sleep apnea in Denver probably has higher RBC than both of us.

And finally your EGFR. Few things here cycling back to my dehydration hypothesis. Dehydration will make egfr look low, and creatinine look high. Or your kidneys are taking a hit from something else. How’s your BP? I’d either rehydrate and retest, or stop the cycle just based on the EGFR.
The lady’s at the lab and tell in 3 seconds if I’m dehydrated or not, just from seeing the blood in the tube or how it’s flowing through
Bp is fine. I am prescribed Lisinopril. Tried drinking a decent amount of water before the test. It was in the morning fasted so still could be dehydrated. I think I'm gonna stop cycle anyways and drop back to my trt of 140 mgs.

U gota drink lots of water before blood work , start pounding the night before. We loose a shot load of water in our sleep due to respiration. That’s why windows get foggy.
Your iron is low due to increased iron utilisation as @Spaceman Spiff noted. However ferritin is also low due to 1) donation (if you donated) 2) aas negative regulation on hepcidin which regulates ferritin expression (this is quite common) and 3) increased erythropoiesis.

You need water and electrolytes, specifically sodium. Then retest CBC, your hematocrit will most likely be in a more exceptable range. Regarding iron, you are not in a position to donate blood. Add either more fe2 rich food or add an iron supp in an effort to increase tsat and serum iron.
Thanks man. I'll do that. I have two weeks left in my cycle. Should I continue or drop it all together? Could I stay on the 25 mg var and just drop my test back to trt dose or just come off everything?
These are in week 10 of test 300 mgs and week 6 of anavar 25 mgs.
I would drop the anavar it’s probably hurting ur lipids the most, not great numbers for such a small cycle imo. I would go down to a true trt probably or do a full clean out and reset ur health.

My lipids are a bit better than yours even when I’m in double the aas u are on atm. But my hdl is always a little low same as urs no matter how much healthy fats I eat and cardio I do.
I would drop the anavar it’s probably hurting ur lipids the most, not great numbers for such a small cycle imo. I would go down to a true trt probably or do a full clean out and reset ur health.

My lipids are a bit better than yours even when I’m in double the aas u are on atm. But my hdl is always a little low same as urs no matter how much healthy fats I eat and cardio I do.
Cool I'll drop down to 150 test
As others have said, donating blood to lower hematocrit is an outdated practice that still gets passed around heavily in the trt community. That's why your ferritin is low. Hydrate very well before labs and hematocrit will look fine. Fasted only means no food. You need lots of water and electrolytes
As others have said, donating blood to lower hematocrit is an outdated practice that still gets passed around heavily in the trt community. That's why your ferritin is low. Hydrate very well before labs and hematocrit will look fine. Fasted only means no food. You need lots of water and electrolytes
Thanks man. Even if I only donate like twice a year that could impact ferritin that much? My last donation was in February
Wanted to go back on a blast

500mg Test E
500mg Primo
1500hcg weekly

Currently on
250mg Test E
200mg Primo
10mg Anavar PWO/ daily
1500hcg weekly

Also take organ support and vitamins fish oil CQ10 turmeric garlic and 2 LMNT sticks (electrolytes) a day and glutathione at 200mg / week

Cholesterol kinda concerned me a bit but research I’ve read doesn’t make me think it’s crazy out of range to be to worried about

Should just incorporate more cardio to see if it levels out a bit

What do yall think?


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Wanted to go back on a blast

500mg Test E
500mg Primo
1500hcg weekly

Currently on
250mg Test E
200mg Primo
10mg Anavar PWO/ daily
1500hcg weekly

Also take organ support and vitamins fish oil CQ10 turmeric garlic and 2 LMNT sticks (electrolytes) a day and glutathione at 200mg / week

Cholesterol kinda concerned me a bit but research I’ve read doesn’t make me think it’s crazy out of range to be to worried about

Should just incorporate more cardio to see if it levels out a bit

What do yall think?
I'd prob go to a really cruise/trt dose for a while.