Hybrid Athlete HRT Log

Forgot to answer your question tho. Loved the npp hated Tren. Tren fucked my skin up so horribly in like 5 weeks I’ll never use it again. I looked better in test/mast/gh/winstrol anyways

Npp made me super strong. I’ve only been benching since January I never used to bench at all just dumbbell press. Maxing 355 now and 275x10

Incline DBs 85s for reps.

Squat 435

DL 485

But honestly nothing feels better to me than test. I grow the best on it, feel the best on it, I might start doing test only during my growth phases. I’ll cut on test/mast/winstrol
Thanks for the feed. You're looking thick and with quality size. I am planning a sustanon/masteron/npp run so I was really curious about that and the tren response too, since progestins works differently with each of us.

Test is the "GrandFather" of all steroids. If you reach your treshold it's a "swiss army knife" can use it for everything.

As of A.I. did you use adex?
I’m on 60mg a day right now, been about a month. Think I should up the dose? Also starting 1mg daily finasteride not for hair just to nuke any dht
Damn, yeah backing off to trt and let the accutane do the work. I heard from AJ Sims on one podcast about just letting it do its job, so many people get so scared of its effects to liver that they cut it short too early.

At the same time, these are guys who will over do orals for a long time.