Hybrid Athlete HRT Log

Back shot or rear delt shot? Lmao back is a weak point, just started accutane 40mg a day to clean up my back. Never fixed the breakout after my last cycle. This pic is almost a month old, I’ll get an update when my backs cleared up I lost some fat since thisIMG_4358.jpeg


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A lot of people shit on me for using MuscleShop, I don’t care. I like GSO, everything I sent in for testing came back excellent. I like the options not just for gear but ancillaries as well. Insulin and AI’s generic gh is all reasonable. I use a 20% off code that works year around. No complaints whatsoever using genlabs and MuscleShop on my end.
Hell yeah man. Looks like I'm going to give them a shot. You said you have a year round 20% off code? Are you aloud to share that? Haha.
Dude I'm digging your log. We have similar training styles/goals, I also hit cardio and bodyweight calisthenics hard.

You're also the only other person I've heard about blending rice+ground beef like I do, haha. Whatever it takes to force the macros down.
Dude I'm digging your log. We have similar training styles/goals, I also hit cardio and bodyweight calisthenics hard.

You're also the only other person I've heard about blending rice+ground beef like I do, haha. Whatever it takes to force the macros down.
I also think food for my food volume it makes sense. I have been eating some regular meals but I’ll always prefer a quick blend haha
How is the feedback of stacking npp and tren?

Any legs/back development updates? (No homo)

Interesting stack indeed and great progress.
I dropped all the other compounds and just went high test. Started getting bad acne from the tren still trying to fix it. 1750 test as of right now. Here’s my back no pump, fresh out of bed close to 52 inches around (lat to lat measurement)

239 lbs arms are 17.8 inches no pump, this pic is also newer fresh out of bed. Chest is getting way better.

Cycle update:

1750 test
6IU gh
50IU’s novorapid split between 5 meals
How is the feedback of stacking npp and tren?

Any legs/back development updates? (No homo)

Interesting stack indeed and great progress.
Forgot to answer your question tho. Loved the npp hated Tren. Tren fucked my skin up so horribly in like 5 weeks I’ll never use it again. I looked better in test/mast/gh/winstrol anyways

Npp made me super strong. I’ve only been benching since January I never used to bench at all just dumbbell press. Maxing 355 now and 275x10

Incline DBs 85s for reps.

Squat 435

DL 485

But honestly nothing feels better to me than test. I grow the best on it, feel the best on it, I might start doing test only during my growth phases. I’ll cut on test/mast/winstrol
I dropped all the other compounds and just went high test. Started getting bad acne from the tren still trying to fix it. 1750 test as of right now. Here’s my back no pump, fresh out of bed close to 52 inches around (lat to lat measurement)

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Jesus man, you need to get on accutane asap. There’s another guy who gets acne like you, his thread should be around.

I would take care of this problem before it causes permanent scarring.
Jesus man, you need to get on accutane asap. There’s another guy who gets acne like you, his thread should be around.

I would take care of this problem before it causes permanent scarring.
I’m on 60mg a day right now, been about a month. Think I should up the dose? Also starting 1mg daily finasteride not for hair just to nuke any dht


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