Can I rebound from AI? Bloods attached


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am several months past PCT and was having a problem with high e2 (52 on a scale of 7.6-42.6). As a result, libido sucked, FSH and LH were tanked. I suspect it was due to a rebound when I got off the SERM (PCT was nolva and clomid).

Since then, I have used arimidex to control this. 1/2mg the first day and then 1/4 every 3-4 days. It has been about two weeks and I got bloods done again. FSH and LH are back into normal range, test up slightly, and e2 down to 14!

My question is, can I just stop the AI cold? Any virtue in trying to maintain this lower level with AI for a few more weeks? Maybe cut back to 1/4mg every 5-7 days?

I don't want to push e2 too far down. I actually felt a little better a few days ago as far as libido. It seems like I shouldn't have to worry about rebound, but want to be sure. Any thoughts?


