Can I use Nolva and Clom for PCT after...

Evil Angel 89

New Member
Hello all,
I will be starting my first cylce adding Deca into the mix. My cycle for the past few weeks have looked like..

1-4: DBol 30mg
1-12: Test C 500mg
1-12 Arimidex .5mg

Nolva: 40/20/20/20
Clom: 100/50/50/50

I usually do 4 weeks PCT to be safe and never had any issues but I want to add 400mg of Nandrolone Decanoate and I've done plenty of research.. some say do not use Nolva after all 19-nor testosterone modifications because it can can strengthen progestogenic activity of nandrolone,. But to use Clomind or toremifene.. Ive only ever used Nolva and Clom and not familiar with Toremifene. What does would I take this at? I would rather just keep my Nolva and Clom PCT as that has always worked perfect for me. Any advice would be appreciated!!
I'd just stick with the nolva clomid PCT. You will not be taking both at the same time any way. BE sure to stop the deca early.... better yet use NPP instead.

Deca lingers around a long time and likes to keep you shut down
So in your opinion what would be a good stack if I used NPP with dbol and test c?

1-4 DBol 30mg
1-12 Test C 750mg
1-12 NPP 400mg
That should work npp clears fast that's why that's why you inject every other day. Hcg works good during cycle
that's a stout cycle, cool if you know how to recognise and deal with estro sides