Can someone please clarify the Dr. Scally PCT recommendations?

Shark couldn't have been more wrong about that supposition either. His seemingly aloof answers I usually attribute to YEARS AND YEARS of answering...and being asked IDENTICAL questions...

As I have shown you. Your answers were already of charge...from HIS knowledge. I only restated what I learned through him. And he didn't charge me for it. So, while being logical, that is an erroneous idea.

It is a never ending cycle and I can't imagine how bored he is with it.
Dr Scallywagster has laid this topic out w/ complete answers several times. Instead of looking at his original posts which were extensive, you call him on the carpet for not writing, AGAIN the answers that you seek.

So, instead of doing a little and very, very easy research, you insult him and characterize his response as nebulous.

Kind of like a student who misses the whole semester and then gets angry because the prof won't tell him what is on the final.
Shark couldn't have been more wrong about that supposition either. His seemingly aloof answers I usually attribute to YEARS AND YEARS of answering...and being asked IDENTICAL questions...

As I have shown you. Your answers were already of charge...from HIS knowledge. I only restated what I learned through him. And he didn't charge me for it. So, while being logical, that is an erroneous idea.

It is a never ending cycle and I can't imagine how bored he is with it.

I wasn't wrong about my supposition. You were wrong in taking it as if it was something negative. I am all up for Dr. Scally offering consultations and charging for them. I don't understand why you take it as something negative that I openly state he profits out of something? We certainly profit from the well-being given back to us after he sets something we fucked up straight. It's something where both sides win.

Everything else you said, I entirely agree with. I apologize, once again, if you took my initial comment as something negative about Dr. Scally because that was not my intention at all.
No, I didn't delete any comments. My comment at the end of the last page where I include the link "hcg conclusion" I had started by flaming shark a lil bit for suggesting you wait until:

"androgens have completely cleared...down to 0 or 50mg of AAS"

this is a laughable statement for obvious reasons...but I thought it unproductive and edited out the negativity, leaving behind only the link to do the correcting for me. Although now that you have asked for his further advice, something had to be said.

later he suggests that you begin hCG simultaneously with SERMs....

Again this is simply poor advice. I don't want to flame him and I hope I haven't offended him with my correction. But I also don't believe you should ask him for further advice.

You don't offend me by proving me wrong. If I am wrong, you're actually helping me, which I thank you for if anything.

HCG simultaneously with the SERMS was mentioned coming from the point of view that he had already been using HCG all along the cycle thus not nescesarilly needing a blast.

Androgen clearance is as simple as it sounds...100mg of something with a 5 day half life, shot monday, will be at 50mg's by friday, no? It wouldn't make sense to start HCG or anything for that matter, a day or two after the last SHOT, if the half life of the compound is still active in your system thus being suppressive.

This is something coming from Dr. Scally's PoWeR protocol, if you care to look for it, you'll find it:

HCG 2500 IU EOD for 16 days, CLOMID at 100 mg daily for 30 days and TAMOX 20mg daily for 45.

The only reason I mentioned SERMS along HCG was because that is what's outlined in the actual protocol, if you look at the administration times.
This is something coming from Dr. Scally's PoWeR protocol, if you care to look for it, you'll find it:

HCG 2500 IU EOD for 16 days, CLOMID at 100 mg daily for 30 days and TAMOX 20mg daily for 45.

The only reason I mentioned SERMS along HCG was because that is what's outlined in the actual protocol, if you look at the administration times.

I have never called the HPTA Restoration anything. That is the doing of Nelson Vergel. Also, the treatment has changed significantly. BTW: The reason for use of hCG & SERMs simultaneously has more to do with patient compliance than physiology!
I have never called the HPTA Restoration anything. That is the doing of Nelson Vergel. Also, the treatment has changed significantly. BTW: The reason for use of hCG & SERMs simultaneously has more to do with patient compliance than physiology!

I thought it was related to you given N Vergel, AL Hodge and MC Scally are all included under the title.

Patient compliance in the sense that, they don't follow the procedures adequately by using hCG & SERMs simultaneously or that they should follow them adequately by actually using hCG & SERMs simultaneously?
I thought it was related to you given N Vergel, AL Hodge and MC Scally are all included under the title.

Patient compliance in the sense that, they don't follow the procedures adequately by using hCG & SERMs simultaneously or that they should follow them adequately by actually using hCG & SERMs simultaneously?

You will NOT find any name for the protocol in that abstract or others published. Further, the abstract cited is NOT for AIH due to unknown AAS administration.
I wasn't wrong about my supposition. You were wrong in taking it as if it was something negative. I am all up for Dr. Scally offering consultations and charging for them. I don't understand why you take it as something negative that I openly state he profits out of something? We certainly profit from the well-being given back to us after he sets something we fucked up straight. It's something where both sides win.

Everything else you said, I entirely agree with. I apologize, once again, if you took my initial comment as something negative about Dr. Scally because that was not my intention at all.

I won't argue with you man. I will try to better explain, although I can't figure out where I said you were being negative? Not negative just incorrect...imho.

I thought you alluded to Dr. Scally being paid for consultations as an explanation for his cryptic answers. Upon review I am even more certain. Some would take this as an assault on his character some wouldn't. I didn't judge one way or the other except to say you were wrong...imo.
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Pericles, I certainly meant no offense or attitude to ANYONE on this board and CERTAINLY NOT the doctor. Obviously it was taken that way so please accept my appologies.

I have indeed read at least a hundred hours of forum posts and abstracts on all this over the last month alone. Instead of making me more informed, I found more and more discrepancies that alarmed me given the severity of improper PCT. THIS is why I numbered my questions and tried to keep them specific. It is NOT because I didn't bother to research.

The last few posts have brought up something I've found several times which is exactly my point above: most on the forums and Internet equate SCALLY PCT with PoWeR PCT, the latter being found in "Anabolics 10th Edition" most recently and here PCT -

Yet, as above, I've seen several arguments about or at least disagreements over that equation. It leaves me quite confused. In that link, it says "One of the key doctors on this program, Dr. Michael Scally....". So I originally equated the above myself. Also in that same link, it says HCG is 2000IU EOD. Yet in my very post, the good Dr (meant sincerely and free of any sarcasm) says "HCG IS NOT EOD".

Now, can any of you see how I may be confused? I can see you think I'm a new student who hasn't bothered to do his homework but that is not the case. No offense taken. Can you try to understand my position of confusion in this light and avoid offense?

I've been teaching university Engish a while, science to grade school, and concise business writting seminars to professionals. I'm used to the same questions ad naseum. It doesn't bother me. When a student is seeking, nothing feels better than to help him find. Every time. It's leading a horse to water that I won't do.

The point is I see not only diametric disagreement between forum members on the subject of PCT as it is, and the dire consequences of incorrect execution, but I seem to see disagreement as to what is ACTUALLY recommended by Dr. Scally himself. So I wanted to clear it right up and ask him directly. And if I could afford it, I would call him and ask.

Which brings me to the other point. Shark, Stretch, I read Sharks words the same as you did Stretch, at face value; perhaps the Dr wishes to consult for profit. However, unlike others who seem to take that as a negative comment, I say,"since when was profit from one's own knowledge and work a negative thing!?" I say, IF that is the reason for any withholding of answers, it's fair play and not a negative thing at all.

So, Dr Scally, please accept my appologies for any disrespect that you or anyone else has perceived. I humbly request to start over.
Contextually at least "consult for profit" certainly has negative connotations, since it may imply financial renumeration is the primary impetus for professional participation either directly or indirectly.

This is particularly true on a forum such as Meso where opinions by all are offered pro-bono, including the altruistic "gifts" rendered by Dr Scally.

Fair point. Well, I never meant it nor felt it negative. It goes without saying that Doc has contributed countless unpaid hours of posts out of a desire to help, that is quite clearly demonstrated here. I guess I was saying I don't blame anyone for being a paid professional. He's given inordinately, indeed.
Dex? Thats weak sauce, I have Seroquel. Quiets the voices in my head telling me to kill, kill, and kill some more.
Fair point. Well, I never meant it nor felt it negative. It goes without saying that Doc has contributed countless unpaid hours of posts out of a desire to help, that is quite clearly demonstrated here. I guess I was saying I don't blame anyone for being a paid professional. He's given inordinately, indeed.

I agree. Why shouldn't he make some money? He lost his license do to the insane witch hunt that we have in our country in general and politicians specifically. They are more interested in an athletes use of PED's than they are in the 2 wars we are engaged in (600 k Iraqi's dead, btw) the never ending recession we are in, and that galactic sized deficit that will destroy our country (if you think there will be an Social Security left by the time most of us retire I have a bridge in Brooklyn I will sell you).

4 years of med school and 100s of thousands in costs, the insane work load of residency (can you say 80 hour week)?

Politicians destroy peoples lives because they know that it will be popular to do so, and thus ensure their re-election.

Having an MD with a huge amount of experience is something we should respect.

I should also add, that he was doing what docs are now doing. The medical community has finally realized that low T is a serious health hazard. Doc S was a step ahead of the others, and the boards/politicians screwed him. If he were doing today, what he was doing years ago, no one would bat an eye.

Sorry if I am letting too much personal info out, but I live in Houston and know a lot of people that worked w/ him.
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I agree. Why shouldn't he make some money? He lost his license do to the insane witch hunt that we have in our country in general and politicians specifically. They are more interested in an athletes use of PED's than they are in the 2 wars we are engaged in (600 k Iraqi's dead, btw) the never ending recession we are in, and that galactic sized deficit that will destroy our country (if you think there will be an Social Security left by the time most of us retire I have a bridge in Brooklyn I will sell you).

4 years of med school and 100s of thousands in costs, the insane work load of residency (can you say 80 hour week)?

Politicians destroy peoples lives because they know that it will be popular to do so, and thus ensure their re-election.

Having an MD with a huge amount of experience is something we should respect.

I should also add, that he was doing what docs are now doing. The medical community has finally realized that low T is a serious health hazard. Doc S was a step ahead of the others, and the boards/politicians screwed him. If he were doing today, what he was doing years ago, no one would bat an eye.

Sorry if I am letting too much personal info out, but I live in Houston and know a lot of people that worked w/ him.

Ur in Houston?? My pops is in Conroe. school is an understatement. Fucker went to MIT
How's the saying go?

If you're great at something....never do it for free?
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Dex? Thats weak sauce, I have Seroquel. Quiets the voices in my head telling me to kill, kill, and kill some more.

Seroquel is horrible! Oh shit. Couch lock...but brain going 100mph. Slurred speech..... I was locked up (seems like a lifetime ago) and traded food for a 200mg to pass some time...never again.
I won't argue with you man. I will try to better explain, although I can't figure out where I said you were being negative? Not negative just incorrect...imho.

I thought you alluded to Dr. Scally being paid for consultations as an explanation for his cryptic answers. Upon review I am even more certain. Some would take this as an assault on his character some wouldn't. I didn't judge one way or the other except to say you were wrong...imo.

Well, I did not mean that if it came to you that way. It would be an assault to his character and of course I would be wrong...but then again, I'll repeat to leave it clear, what I no manner ever meant that.