Explain Havah? I understand if you had 10 democrats and 10 republicans in a room voting for massive lock down. You will have all 10 democrats voting hell yes shut it all down. And probably have 5 republicans out of the 10 vote to shut down. I get it.
I just refuse to believe(or I'm a litte naive) our nations safety as being a political decision per say. I'm hoping it's a humane decision in this very difficult and dangerous time.
I am sure I will get shit for saying so but I want our nation to be a united one and not a divided one.
I hear you. Realistically (and not trying to be cynical) for decades have watched this political crap grow and grow and grow. Within each country and between each country. The only thing many of these guys work at is power. Even the few who want to make things better for all/most/many, they know it requires power and influence.
Just reading posts on this forum, you have people blaming media, leftist, etc. Some virtually speak in terms that unless others are like them, they should just die. It paint bodybuilders in the stereotype of self-centered people who blow kisses at themselves when they pass a mirror.
And it's everywhere. Was talking to a company to get some tax forms they were supposed to send. Got chatting and they didn't care about the virus because they were 40 with kids and no old relatives.
Provided this virus doesn't mutate, it will be a mild pandemic. Imagine if they lost control of Ebola or the earlier SARS. Epidemiologists have been talking about the very real risk of pandemics for decades. So it is surprising that people are surprised.
So ultimately, people like to stick there head in the sand and hope nothing bad happens. And bad things are other peoples problem, not theirs. As long as that attitude exists, there can be no real unity, peace or security. As long as an individuals 'rights' are more important than another individuals 'rights' there will remain problems. When I grew up, one's responsibilities were emphasized over one's rights. To some degree, rights, freedom, liberty are all relative concepts unless one's lives on their own private planet.
It would be interesting to start a thread here for people to post who have this virus. Will they be 'attacked' as leftists? hypochondriacs? lol