Can turinabol cause gynecomastia or not?


Can someone give me a correct answer to my question? If turinabol is a non-aromatizing steroid, why do some people say it can still cause gynecomastia?

If it's a non-aromatizing steroid, wouldn't that mean it doesn't externally add testosterone to the body, meaning there won't be any extra testosterone to be converted to estrogen, causing elevated estrogen levels?

As far as I know, turinabol suppresses natural T production, meaning hCG is needed during the cycle to prevent testosterone from becoming too low, leading to less aromatization and less estrogen, osteoporosis, etc...

Is my understanding correct? I already asked similar questions a few times, but I only got some jokes and people didn't take me seriously.

I want to make my first steroid cycle but I don't want to risk gynecomastia yet.
How can it cause gynecomastia when it doesn't cause aromatization?

Turinabol suppresses natural T production, but gynecomastia isn't caused by low T but high estrogen. Suppressed T means less E, which means elevated estrogen due to turinabol use can't happen.
Are you certain of that? Take a before and after picture of your tits, you don’t have to share lol.
Okay that's enough.

Can you run oral only?
Sure you can.

Will you get good results from oral only?
No, you will not.

Is your concern about infection valid?
Yes, is it realistic? No.
So long as you're selecting a reliable source with a good track record and plenty of testing, the chances of you getting an infection due to manufacturing/sterility issues is almost zero. 9/10 infections are a result of user error and not following safe and sterile injection practices.

You won't get gyno from tbol.
You won't gain any noticable muscle from your planned oral only cycle.

Every single one of your questions and concerns has been answered ad nauseum at this point. You are clearly a kid looking for validation rather than advice, so listen to what information you've been told or don't. Regardless if you continue to push the subject, then you're just trolling.
BTJ, you gave me a blistering blast from the past, " OK, that's enough." I heard the bellowing voice of my deceased father, yelling at my brother and me!! LOL
@G0ld Take your planned cycle and see what happens. Report back with your results. It'll be cool, like, for science or something like that.

You posted asking a question, which was answered multiple times already. Now you're saying Tbol can't cause gyno with the upmost certainty. So if it doesn't, then take your Tbol since that's what you're wanting affirmation for. Maybe you finally figured out the secret all the pros and gymbros haven't yet.
@G0ld Take your planned cycle and see what happens. Report back with your results. It'll be cool, like, for science or something like that.

You posted asking a question, which was answered multiple times already. Now you're saying Tbol can't cause gyno with the upmost certainty. So if it doesn't, then take your Tbol since that's what you're wanting affirmation for. Maybe you finally figured out the secret all the pros and gymbros haven't yet.
There was never a definitive answer to my question. Different people said different things - some said turinabol causes gynecomastia, others said it doesn't.

My assumption that jt doesn't is based on the fact it doesn't cause aromatization by increasing the testornerone level. It causes suppression of testosterone, meaning there is less estrogen for aromatization to turn into estrogen.

Am I wrong?
There was never a definitive answer to my question. Different people said different things - some said turinabol causes gynecomastia, others said it doesn't.

My assumption that jt doesn't is based on the fact it doesn't cause aromatization by increasing the testornerone level. It causes suppression of testosterone, meaning there is less estrogen for aromatization to turn into estrogen.

Am I wrong?
Kid, I just figured it out. You're the child of Black Betty!
There was never a definitive answer to my question. Different people said different things - some said turinabol causes gynecomastia, others said it doesn't.

My assumption that jt doesn't is based on the fact it doesn't cause aromatization by increasing the testornerone level. It causes suppression of testosterone, meaning there is less estrogen for aromatization to turn into estrogen.

Am I wrong?
The answers all agree its you that does not understand so i make it simple for you.
There are two groups of people one is saying you can’t get gyno and the other is saying you can but they both agree on one thing the compound Tbol can NOT cause gyno.
One group is saying you can’t get gyno from the compound is referring to the compound itself that does not aromatize so it wont have estrogenic sides like gyno.
The other group is warning you that even tho Tbol does not aromatize(see they bot agree on this)there is a chance you can still get gyno after the cycle while your bodies natural production of testosterone is restarting.
There is risk of gyno every time you mess with your hormones and don't know what you are doing but in this instance its a low chance.
There is a higher chance that you will be suppressed and wont follow your diet or training regimen because of low T symptoms that will occur around the 4 week mark.
Even tho you wont be shut down completely you will be in a state foreign to you similar to people with low T and low E that seek trt because life sucks with such levels and depression with erectile dysfunction,bad sleep is a common occurrence.
So for the little benefit you get from the compound you get a whole lot of bad that comes with it this is why people don’t use such cycles.
Sure top athletes did it because they built different and power through those things for a medal and eternal glory but that is not you and your next thread will be “Help my dick don't work after a Tbol only cycle”
So don’t do it.
The answers all agree its you that does not understand so i make it simple for you.
There are two groups of people one is saying you can’t get gyno and the other is saying you can but they both agree on one thing the compound Tbol can NOT cause gyno.
One group is saying you can’t get gyno from the compound is referring to the compound itself that does not aromatize so it wont have estrogenic sides like gyno.
The other group is warning you that even tho Tbol does not aromatize(see they bot agree on this)there is a chance you can still get gyno after the cycle while your bodies natural production of testosterone is restarting.
There is risk of gyno every time you mess with your hormones and don't know what you are doing but in this instance its a low chance.
There is a higher chance that you will be suppressed and wont follow your diet or training regimen because of low T symptoms that will occur around the 4 week mark.
Even tho you wont be shut down completely you will be in a state foreign to you similar to people with low T and low E that seek trt because life sucks with such levels and depression with erectile dysfunction,bad sleep is a common occurrence.
So for the little benefit you get from the compound you get a whole lot of bad that comes with it this is why people don’t use such cycles.
Sure top athletes did it because they built different and power through those things for a medal and eternal glory but that is not you and your next thread will be “Help my dick don't work after a Tbol only cycle”
So don’t do it.
Okay. So, when the natural testosterone production is being restarted, how can this cause gynecomastia? Turinabol suppresses testosterone. Low testosterone doesn't cause gynecomastia; gynecomastia is caused by elevated estrogen levels. So even with testosterone suppressed, gynecomastia still can't occur UNLESS there is an elevated estrogen level. And since testosterone is suppressed and estrogen is produced out of testosterone through aromatization, there can't be elevated estrogen levels either.

Anyway, I no longer care about oral steroids. After I conducted further research, I came to the conclusion all steroids, besides synthetic testosterone, are not good options, especially oral steroids that suppress testosterone without adding externally testosterone like synthetic testosterone does. Testosterone is needed for aromatization to produce estrogen. Having low estrogen will bring more health issues than having high estrogen.

I no longer want to use oral steroids, since I came to the conclusion the best substance for steroid cycles is synthetic testosterone, not its derivatives.

I will get a TRT soon, and then will start negotiations with the doctor for higher and higher doses.

I will be prescribed omnadren, since that's the substance available in abundance for TRT treatments in my country.

So, the problem is solved, guys. You don't have to answer my questions about turinabol anymore if you don't want. :)

And thanks for you assistance and help over the last a few days. :)
Okay. So, when the natural testosterone production is being restarted, how can this cause gynecomastia? Turinabol suppresses testosterone. Low testosterone doesn't cause gynecomastia; gynecomastia is caused by elevated estrogen levels. So even with testosterone suppressed, gynecomastia still can't occur UNLESS there is an elevated estrogen level. And since testosterone is suppressed and estrogen is produced out of testosterone through aromatization, there can't be elevated estrogen levels either.

Anyway, I no longer care about oral steroids. After I conducted further research, I came to the conclusion all steroids, besides synthetic testosterone, are not good options, especially oral steroids that suppress testosterone without adding externally testosterone like synthetic testosterone does. Testosterone is needed for aromatization to produce estrogen. Having low estrogen will bring more health issues than having high estrogen.

I no longer want to use oral steroids, since I came to the conclusion the best substance for steroid cycles is synthetic testosterone, not its derivatives.

I will get a TRT soon, and then will start negotiations with the doctor for higher and higher doses.

I will be prescribed omnadren, since that's the substance available in abundance for TRT treatments in my country.

So, the problem is solved, guys. You don't have to answer my questions about turinabol anymore if you don't want. :)

And thanks for you assistance and help over the last a few days. :)
Its not just about estrogen levels its the ratios of estradiol to testosterone and dht also.
I have used two anavar only cycles in the past and had low T symptoms 3-4 week in.
Good call on not using an oral only cycle and good luck in your future endeavors.
Why not? I'm fighting against body dysmorphia issues. Additionally, being ripped is part of my perception of a better myself.
Dude...just take your steroids and shut up OR be a big boy and go to therapy about your body dysmorphia BEFORE even considering AAS. This is not rocket science and you're either looking for one of two things 1) You want someone to just tell you "yes" and give you a cycle 2) You're going to ignore what everyone says and do what you want. Stop the back and forth with a bunch of dudes on the internet, half of which are probably just as mentally unstable as you or me.