Can turinabol cause gynecomastia or not?


Can someone give me a correct answer to my question? If turinabol is a non-aromatizing steroid, why do some people say it can still cause gynecomastia?

If it's a non-aromatizing steroid, wouldn't that mean it doesn't externally add testosterone to the body, meaning there won't be any extra testosterone to be converted to estrogen, causing elevated estrogen levels?

As far as I know, turinabol suppresses natural T production, meaning hCG is needed during the cycle to prevent testosterone from becoming too low, leading to less aromatization and less estrogen, osteoporosis, etc...

Is my understanding correct? I already asked similar questions a few times, but I only got some jokes and people didn't take me seriously.

I want to make my first steroid cycle but I don't want to risk gynecomastia yet.
tbol is the new ostarine or anavar for first cycle hes not onto anything hes just doing what he hears other broccoli heads talking about lol.This is it this is the finally it the steroid where u can stay natty bro no downsides!!
Lol @ broccoli head...that's what OP just might be. These characters think they know more than the OGs in the field...but they get proven wrong much of the time.
Holy shit! Another thread asking the same questions!? Bruh.

1) You clearly want to do an oral cycle so just do it.


People have been kind enough to engage with you in multiple threads all asking the same questions over and over. You’ve been given sound advice but keep pushing back. It’s a free country. Do whatever you want
Beginners staying beginners. Nothing much more to say. Newbies talking like you get gyno from ur first TRT shot.
Come on bro, we ALL started somewhere! Give the guy a break (and some help and guidance), that's how we all learned about this stuff (and continue to learn!)

No wrong questions and all that shit. As others pointed out, its also about having the conversation and the information being available on the forum moving forwards (that's what makes the forum format so perfect for BB/PED information. I can't count the number of times over the years where I have been able to chase down information that was buried in the comments of posts. Some absolute GOLD available due to people taking the time to provide detailed responses that OP's might not have taken on board but years later there I am picking up the wisdom they left for me.
Come on bro, we ALL started somewhere! Give the guy a break (and some help and guidance), that's how we all learned about this stuff (and continue to learn!)

No wrong questions and all that shit. As others pointed out, its also about having the conversation and the information being available on the forum moving forwards (that's what makes the forum format so perfect for BB/PED information. I can't count the number of times over the years where I have been able to chase down information that was buried in the comments of posts. Some absolute GOLD available due to people taking the time to provide detailed responses that OP's might not have taken on board but years later there I am picking up the wisdom they left for me.
That's great if someone will find it useful in the future like you said, but as we know many people don't even know what that magnifying glass means. Let alone know how to use that search function.

However, even then it's a shame that indeed some great threads get burried and lost because of over abundance of the ones like this one.

We have too many trolls infesting meso lately, while it's a good laugh, we do get spammed with low quality and intellect posts from the likes.
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anyone as big as sam no longer counts as a broccoli head lol ya this guys great. its crazy how big hes gotten on youtube almost like theres some force pushing him for ulterior motives
If you look at a few people that have burst onto the social media scene in the last 12+mths, there does seem to be a shift away from pandering to the algorithm and instead just speaking their truth. That seems to naturally resonate with their audience and when it clicks, can see huge growth of their channels.

I didn't particularly like Sam when I first saw him (TBH, I used to skip over his content and made an assumption he was just another "influencer" cashing in on the gullible). I then took the time to listen to what he was saying and he has some real information that he drops.

Personally, I don't think its a symptom of someone "pushing" them, I think its more a symptom of the masses waking TF up finally to the blatant manipulation of mass perspective that social media has been used for and people are now seeking out those that just say it as it is.

I've pretty much given up on social media use and its undoubtedly 1 of the best things I've done. I've made it that the little I still do use, I need to sit at a computer and physically log in and I'm very careful about WHO I give my time to and I need to receive some actual value back in return for my time.

Talking to others, there does seem to be a shift towards this mindset (maybe its the social circle I'm in though...)
That's great if someone will find it useful in the future like you said, but as we know many people don't even know what thay magnifying glass means. Let alone know how to use that search function.

However, even then it's a shame that indeed some great threads get burried and lost because of over abundance of the ones like this one.

We have too many trolls infesting meso lately, while it's a good laugh, we do get spammed with low quality and intellect posts from the likes.
Yeah, not going to lie, the influx of the reddit gang has really lowered the bar at times lately. But, out of that flood of new members, maybe 10% will stick around long term, learn, grow and contribute and make this place even better! Just the muck that has to be waded through in the meantime.

Trolls will troll, just the way the internet is.
I didn't particularly like Sam when I first saw him (TBH, I used to skip over his content and made an assumption he was just another "influencer" cashing in on the gullible). I then took the time to listen to what he was saying and he has some real information that he drops
His attitude goes a long way. Very passive. He said something along the lines of don't follow him blindly.

He said something like... If he says/does... it's up to the user to realize if it makes sense. And that's the sheep's fault, not his.

Not cocky like these other little shits. I hope he is a good influence for alot of these younger guys
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Like he wont get gyno from regular TRT. Does he understand that? TRT is way better than what hes planning. So this is a "scared to pin kid". 100%. He is avoiding test becouse he googled first 3 pages on anabolic steroids... I truthly belive he needs to drop the idea for steroids at this very moment. And im certain he is underage!
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Will you get good results from oral only?
No, you will not.

You won't gain any noticable muscle from your planned oral only cycle.
Come on. There are good arguments against oral-only cycle but these type of generalizations are just demonstrably false by decades of user experiences to the contrary. Your argument is strengthened without them.

Of course, I have no doubt that these statements are true for you. You are an advanced lifter whose definition of "good results" would never be satisfied by oral-only cycle and you surely wouldn't make any noticeable gains from this guy's proposed cycle. And this applies to most regular members of this forum.

But a newbie who has never used AAS. That's a different story entirely.
This kid is beyond help, doesnt want to listen to anyone.

This is why this is irritating. causes people to waste time
That may be true. But really, he's not the one wasting anyone's time.

I am replying to your post but my comments are not directed at you specifically but aimed at everyone who seems to feel justified in such harrassment/stalking as some special harm reduction approach.

If he's a newbie with genuine questions, you can provide a useful answer. If he doesn't listen, that's on him. Why give him any more of your time. The next dozen newbies who see the question and your answer may listen. But probably not if you sabotage the thread with childish/sophomoric insults.

If you think he's a troll just trying to provoke people, don't "feed" him. Report him. Trolls post with the goal of provoking people. Don't allow yourself to be so easily manipulated and triggered by trolls. You are giving them exactly what they want be responding/insulting/harrassing/stalking/etc.

No one should blame trolls for wasting your time. That's on you.

If your interest is genuinely in promoting harm reduction but for every 10 words of helpful/useful advice, you post 100 words of insulting/derogatory/harrassing "advice", perhaps you should self-reflect and reevaluate what your approach.
When it comes to doing something that is not customary, I notice that everyone here becomes positively mentally deficient (the polite term for what it is). It's like thinking goes out the window; and you just start lashing out.

I, personally, do not give two fucks about this poster.

I'm just answering the question. Without downloading my own opinions, convictions, and bullshit onto it.
You answered the OP's question perfectly with 4 words.

There were a few dozens of posts by multiple members and hundreds of words and no one was able to do this.

Truly amazing.
If your interest is genuinely in promoting harm reduction but for every 10 words of helpful/useful advice, you post 100 words of insulting/derogatory/harrassing "advice", perhaps you should self-reflect and reevaluate what your approach.
Yea, you are probably right. I been needing to get checked. Definitely been a little pissy lately.
Come on. There are good arguments against oral-only cycle but these type of generalizations are just demonstrably false by decades of user experiences to the contrary. Your argument is strengthened without them.

Of course, I have no doubt that these statements are true for you. You are an advanced lifter whose definition of "good results" would never be satisfied by oral-only cycle and you surely wouldn't make any noticeable gains from this guy's proposed cycle. And this applies to most regular members of this forum.

But a newbie who has never used AAS. That's a different story entirely.
You think 20mg of tbol for a short exposure window, such as this kid is planning, will lead to anything that could be described as "good" or "lasting" results?

I don't think so, even as a first cycle, I don't think he'd see more than a few ounces of new tissue max after he's come off.
don't do gear at all.

Everyone told you to not do an oral only cycle.

at this point you are just a troll.
lol this guy talking about oral cycles spaceman you hit it on the head. bro doing things only oral is like back in the days of being a dumb teenager when there was no internet and you saw those superdrol ads in the back of a magazine or the old designer orals lol
And we forgot.

1. Training
2. Diet

3. Steroids

So of course oral only can work. Best? No. Does it work? Yes, if above is dialed in.

If I was set on oral only I would take dbol for like 6 weeks (not a recommendation, don't assume).
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