Can turinabol cause gynecomastia or not?


Can someone give me a correct answer to my question? If turinabol is a non-aromatizing steroid, why do some people say it can still cause gynecomastia?

If it's a non-aromatizing steroid, wouldn't that mean it doesn't externally add testosterone to the body, meaning there won't be any extra testosterone to be converted to estrogen, causing elevated estrogen levels?

As far as I know, turinabol suppresses natural T production, meaning hCG is needed during the cycle to prevent testosterone from becoming too low, leading to less aromatization and less estrogen, osteoporosis, etc...

Is my understanding correct? I already asked similar questions a few times, but I only got some jokes and people didn't take me seriously.

I want to make my first steroid cycle but I don't want to risk gynecomastia yet.
Turinabol cannot cause gynecomastia, practically. Only in some silly model of absurd doses that you'd never reach because other side effects, like death, would make it impracticable.

That said, given the post history of the OP, his Tbol is likely fake and actually Dbol.

In for update in 3 weeks when OP has boobies.
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That said, given the post history of the OP, his Turinbol is likely fake and actually Dbol.

In for update in 3 weeks when OP has boobies.
When it comes to doing something that is not customary, I notice that everyone here becomes positively mentally deficient (the polite term for what it is). It's like thinking goes out the window; and you just start lashing out.

I, personally, do not give two fucks about this poster.

I'm just answering the question. Without downloading my own opinions, convictions, and bullshit onto it.
you could try a turinabol/ birth control cycle to combat the low estrogen. this is risky though cuz if your turnibol is dbol that will backfire big time. you're in a very sticky milky situation my friend
you could try a turinabol/ birth control cycle to combat the low estrogen. this is risky though cuz if your turnibol is dbol that will backfire big time. you're in a very sticky milky situation my friend
Nah, because it doesn't meaningfully suppress testosterone and therefore estradiol.
When it comes to doing something that is not customary, I notice that everyone here becomes positively mentally deficient (the polite term for what it is). It's like thinking goes out the window; and you just start lashing out.

I, personally, do not give two fucks about this poster.

I'm just answering the question. Without downloading my own opinions, convictions, and bullshit onto it.

I dare not try to have a battle of wits with you, I would lose, rapidly.

Your post just happened to be the perfect lead in for the very high likelihood that this poster will be up shits creek in a few weeks.

But hey, you live and learn.

My first cycle was 100mg pharm grade anavar for 8 weeks. I had great gains... looking back, I want to vomit at the price I spent on that cycle compared to how I could have started out but that's that darn life experience everyone talks about.

I think, if someone wants to do something that is not customary, they should be confident in that decision via their own research and logic and not stop to ask for approval, because they wont get it.
I dare not try to have a battle of wits with you, I would lose, rapidly.

Your post just happened to be the perfect lead in for the very high likelihood that this poster will be up shits creek in a few weeks.

But hey, you live and learn.

My first cycle was 100mg pharm grade anavar for 8 weeks. I had great gains... looking back, I want to vomit at the price I spent on that cycle compared to how I could have started out but that's that darn life experience everyone talks about.

I think, if someone wants to do something that is not customary, they should be confident in that decision via their own research and logic and not stop to ask for approval, because they wont get it.
We should be here to help people, IMO. I'm trying to reduce harm; in some cases promoting injectable AAS increases it.

Besides financial expense, it seems that (fairly high dose!) Var cycle was decent. It's not the worst intro.

In everyone's opinion, the following is a terrible, no-good cycle:

Wk 1-6: 20 mg Dbol (oral) daily
Wk 7-12: 20 mg Dbol (oral) daily, 15 mg Var daily, 100 mg Primo weekly

Until they learn whose first cycle it was; then it's GTG.
Feels like everyone that comes in here under 25 has a high chance of being a broccoli head.

Even Sam Sulek(Even though I like him, seems like a good guy/kid)

The Broccoli head Broccoli headed emperor

I haven't been following OP, I think he's the same guy that asked a question a few days ago I answered.

If he starts repeating himself, he's probably an outright troll, or just became one because it was so easy to provoke this apoplectic response.

But the answer might benefit someone else, is my view.
I haven't been following OP, I think he's the same guy that asked a question a few days ago I answered.

If he starts repeating himself, he's probably an outright troll, or just became one because it was so easy to provoke this apoplectic response.

But the answer might benefit someone else, is my view.
He probably is

We should be here to help people, IMO. I'm trying to reduce harm; in some cases promoting injectable AAS increases it.

Besides financial expense, it seems that (fairly high dose!) Var cycle was decent. It's not the worst intro.

In everyone's opinion, the following is a terrible, no-good cycle:

Wk 1-6: 20 mg Dbol (oral) daily
Wk 7-12: 20 mg Dbol (oral) daily, 15 mg Var daily, 100 mg Primo weekly

Until they learn whose first cycle it was; then it's GTG.

I agree with you 100%. But the moment he lied about his age (his profile says 24, he posted 23) and a brief look into his post history, my desire to help went out the window, as he won't listen to a damn word of it lol.

Oral only T bol cycle, or 500mg Testosterone per week, neither is right for OP. He has a hell of a lot more reading to do. I used to spoon feed, till they threw up all over because they didn't actually listen and learn.

In general, I am all for oral only cycles if someone wants to do them. We use to have some beasts on PHF forums back in the day, oral only cycles for legality predominately but plenty of guys who just didn't want to stick a needle in their leg either. No problem with that.

OP needs to read, read some more, make an informed decision on how he wants to proceed and why. If this post even exists, he is not where he needs to be to make that decision.
In general, I am all for oral only cycles if someone wants to do them. We use to have some beasts on PHF forums back in the day, oral only cycles for legality predominately but plenty of guys who just didn't want to stick a needle in their leg either. No problem with that.
omg thought I was the only one that was around for PHF!

1. Fertility; absolute unwillingness to suppress the HPG axis
But orals do cause suppression? Obviously not as much as a full test cycle and exposure time is worth noting, but it's still going to negatively effect natural hormone production? Or are you saying simply because of the lesser suppression and exposure time the hpg interruption and subsequent fertility concerns are less of an issue?

2. Absolute unwillingness to use hypodermic needles, e.g., because of socio-relational factors

Not a valid excuse in me opinion.
3. Acute performance effects (peaking strength/power)
Valid for those that compete in non tested events but aren't interested in the long term effects of bore comprehensive cycle design.
Fair point.
4. Sufficiency of cosmetic benefits (i.e., not seeking maximal muscle size increases)
Valid I guess for your photo shoot example
5. Short windows of detection in urine
I'm against all forms of doping, so I don't consider this a valid excuse on those grounds.
But it's a fair point since you're right, this is the route we commonly see professional athletes taking.

My statement was overly generalized.
I should have said
"There's zero reason for a man to run an oral only cycle for hypertrophy/bodycomp/gym performance purposes."
But the answer might benefit someone else, is my view.


I have done some really questionable things in the past with AAS (and even still now I am sure), I frequently post about it and share the experience, even though I know I will get shit for it, for the very reason you just stated. "But the answer might benefit someone else".

I scored the internet for information, and it wasn't always out there. I would rather put out my experience and catch some shit over it, than have the next person searching not find the information they are looking for to make an informed decision.

Appreciate everything you share with us Type-IIx