Can turinabol cause gynecomastia or not?


Can someone give me a correct answer to my question? If turinabol is a non-aromatizing steroid, why do some people say it can still cause gynecomastia?

If it's a non-aromatizing steroid, wouldn't that mean it doesn't externally add testosterone to the body, meaning there won't be any extra testosterone to be converted to estrogen, causing elevated estrogen levels?

As far as I know, turinabol suppresses natural T production, meaning hCG is needed during the cycle to prevent testosterone from becoming too low, leading to less aromatization and less estrogen, osteoporosis, etc...

Is my understanding correct? I already asked similar questions a few times, but I only got some jokes and people didn't take me seriously.

I want to make my first steroid cycle but I don't want to risk gynecomastia yet.
And we forgot.

1. Training
2. Diet

3. Steroids

So of course oral only can work. Best? No. Does it work? Yes.

If I was set on oral only I would take dbol for like 6 weeks (not a recommendation, don't assume).
Adding in any kind Testosterone supercharges and adds a boost to your blast. For me it's no brainer and a win/win.
You think 20mg of tbol for a short exposure window, such as this kid is planning, will lead to anything that could be described as "good" or "lasting" results?

I don't think so, even as a first cycle, I don't think he'd see more than a few ounces of new tissue max after he's come off.
I don't know.

There has been no shortage of novices who do overly-conservative and uninformed first-time cycles who have lasting results that make them think they know what they are doing.

The fact is that it's difficult NOT to have some results when a newbie uses AAS. One of the least discussed side effects is that they compensative for anabolic pharmacology ignorance, poor nutrition, and deficient training.

This is why so many novice AAS users think they know more about everything than they really do.
From my understanding, the risk of gynecomastia is something that takes places after the cessation of Turinabol administration.

Turinabol is a non aromatizing compound, and on theory should not cause any estrogen side effects.

The issue here, is that Turinabol is potentially effective in shutting down and supression Testosterone levels, and supression and shutting down other feedback loops in the HPTA, like the manufacturing of the parent hormone DHEA in the testicles. Luckily, out brains and other glands and nodes in the body also make DHEA.

When these feedback loops and systems are altered, suppressed, or shut down, our body rushed to find homeostasis. Because estrogen is a hormone that is made from Testosterone, which is made from DHEA, which is produced by cholesterols, we risk the potential of having LOW estrogen while using Turinabol. In turn, the body becomes more effective at utilizing estrogen, and becomes more sensitive to estrogens. This can cause what's known as "rebound gyno" when the Turinabol is stopped and natural testosterone levels are resumed.

All of these issues can be realistically avoided with on cycle supplementation for hormonal health, and post cycle "therapy" and administration of things like Raloxifene, Clomiphene, and other natural testosterone boosters.

In conclusion, I would say overall the risk of rebound gynocomastia from Turinabol is very low, and not something to worry about. The thing to address is the potential of natural testosterone supression and therefore estrogen supression.

Best regards,

In conclusion, I would say overall the risk of rebound gynocomastia from Turinabol is very low, and not something to worry about. The thing to address is the potential of natural testosterone supression and therefore estrogen supression.

I have shared my worries about low estrogen and e2 (and osteoporosis as a side effect), but no one took me seriously.

As for gynecomastia, it is caused by elevated estrogen levels, not by lowered testosterone levels. Some people say low T causes gynecomastia, but this is not true. If your T is suppressed due to steroids use, testicle trauma, a health condition or whatever, you won't get gynecomastia, IF your estrogen levels are not elevated.

Elevation of estrogen levels, however, is not the only way to get gynecomastia; other types of hormonal imbalances also can cause gynecomastia.
I bet Those old Eastern block countrys and the Russians know way more about this compound than west. Good look finding their research papers on it.

But seriously no more tbol lol it needs to be banned lol.
I bet Those old Eastern block countrys and the Russians know way more about this compound than west. Good look finding their research papers on it.

But seriously no more tbol lol it needs to be banned lol.
Why no more Tbol?

I've only ran it twice, was nice. Once by itself and once with a whole bunch of other shit hardly noticed.
Can you tell me what exactly your cycle was like? Did you run turinabol-only cycle, or did you use additional medicines like estrogen inhibitors, etc...?
The second time was with a bunch of other stuff, maybe added some endurance benefit.

The first time? Phenomenal. King's Tbol 40mg tablets. Old-school hand press slice roll tabs.

I was making s comeback from a hiatus, and used this to perform in the gym. There was also lots of high quality supplements involved. PWO, intraworkout, protein, creatine N03. Good stuff from the local guys.

Tbol helped me get back into shape super quick, but I pushed my self even harder and faster. All I needed was 20-30mg. I made it work well. Shared some.of.the tablets with my friend and he gave me a 200mg shot of Deca to the glute about 3 weeks in, when m stack was running low. This was the first time I ever pulled 750lb off the ground. No lockout though, but got this shit off the ground mond you. It was like a Dbol, but dry and had a really different feel to it. Everything you'd expect from good test but just uniquely different. All my workouts were really good on it, and never went flat as I was eating like a champion. I'm not sure what else to say about it. It's always enjoyable coming back from a break. An overall solid steady gain in sets,weight,reps,recovery that I turned into a Sustanon Deca stack.
The second time was with a bunch of other stuff, maybe added some endurance benefit.

The first time? Phenomenal. King's Tbol 40mg tablets. Old-school hand press slice roll tabs.

I was making s comeback from a hiatus, and used this to perform in the gym. There was also lots of high quality supplements involved. PWO, intraworkout, protein, creatine N03. Good stuff from the local guys.

Tbol helped me get back into shape super quick, but I pushed my self even harder and faster. All I needed was 20-30mg. I made it work well. Shared some.of.the tablets with my friend and he gave me a 200mg shot of Deca to the glute about 3 weeks in, when m stack was running low. This was the first time I ever pulled 750lb off the ground. No lockout though, but got this shit off the ground mond you. It was like a Dbol, but dry and had a really different feel to it. Everything you'd expect from good test but just uniquely different. All my workouts were really good on it, and never went flat as I was eating like a champion. I'm not sure what else to say about it. It's always enjoyable coming back from a break. An overall solid steady gain in sets,weight,reps,recovery that I turned into a Sustanon Deca stack.
So it was a turinabol-only cycle?
Try it to find out, you’re an adult, no one needs to hold your hands to cross that street. All the necessary information is laid out for you, there is no need for more, please make a decision and come back after your cycle to report on what bra size you’re using lol
Why do you still assume turinabol will cause me gynecomastia?