What I always find interesting is when right wing folks talk about libtards following rules(esp when right leaning folks are ALL ABOUT rule of law/god etc), when in fact far right folks are RIPE for control (always have been re church, sent to war) and are used as pawns, perhaps even more as act more on faith/feelings vs science evidence... they are targeted in the same way by powers at be and often more so... ever wonder why majority of religious groups on Facebook are bot farms? when u think you know it all and its the "others" chances are u are just as influenced as the others are. ie if ever feel its us against the stupid otherside chances are you are under someones thumb and don't know it. anyway, just funny how easy folks are manipulated (and even those who think they aren't, re billions spent by china and Russia on covid misinformation so the west would not take the vax/cause conflict. hmm wonder why they would do that).. progressive people(left) by definition are not following the rules/tradition, when right are all about the rules/law and tradition. so maybe just maybe folks have more uncommon with the "others" than they think...
lol rant for the day, hope maybe can give perspective, when no matter what side your on most people want others to be happy do whatever they want to be happy.
At any rate, yes depending on pharmacist they do in fact have discretion over who they sell to as can be used to kill people/themselves, like other chemicals while legal, places can choose not to sell people they suspect of misuse, like Tylenol with codeine. some pharmacies may not want to sell boat loads to folks from the USA as costs canada $ because of built in subsidy from federal gov that keeps drug prices lower even before prov co pay. getting angry at pharmacist and demanding they sell u will not help, saying u have diabetes and from out of province know ur dosage brand etc etc will make it much easier than being sacked up. ie I would be pretty pissed off if my kid walked into a pharmacy lost his mind till they sold him insulin than killed himself with it, id be pretty upset they sold him it.