Can't ejaculate while on PCT


New Member
Hi guys,

So I have done my first cycle which was TBOL @80(4w) and TEST E 500 , for 10 weeks.
I'm now on my 2nd week of PCT ( 40/40/20/20 Nolva Only).

The problem i have now is that i can't ejaculate... My (new)girlfriend gets tired and cant walk the next day.. She loves it and thinks im a pornstar lol, but For me its annoying because i cant cum... I have proviron and adex on hand. Should i use it?
What do you guys suggest.

On cycle i was on cumming streak but now i cant even cum wtf. Need help
Hi guys,

So I have done my first cycle which was TBOL @80(4w) and TEST E 500 , for 10 weeks.
I'm now on my 2nd week of PCT ( 40/40/20/20 Nolva Only).

The problem i have now is that i can't ejaculate... My (new)girlfriend gets tired and cant walk the next day.. She loves it and thinks im a pornstar lol, but For me its annoying because i cant cum... I have proviron and adex on hand. Should i use it?
What do you guys suggest.

On cycle i was on cumming streak but now i cant even cum wtf. Need help
I am a lifer on aas.but I did cycles with no Oct before and it all works out better than people will let you know
sales of products is all most care about.
but yes its possible prolactin is up that will make you go like a poem star opiods and other meds can do this as well not saying its you're case but many different factors. but like the gentleman said before clomid is what some use instead of even hcg to bring up the raisins to nuts clomid and Nova together with a a.I. still on pct.will work but keep reading the bro.scientific and the related studies documents related issues. I do it every day if I didn't forget so much I d be s D.R. but seriously I'm having almost same deal except I am on a low test and thought I got estrogen and prolactin gone but were doing a project every new cycle body's change but if you're under 30 I say just ram harder it might help you finish good luck