Carrier oils deep dive

Has anyone seen this video Vigorous Steve made on Carrier oils.. the part about mct changing half times of all compounds I found very interesting. I haven't done my own research but want to take his word for it. Not sire if it makes any real life difference. I just wanted to share and maybe get anyone's input or thoughts. I don't always agree with Steve but I like to listen regardless.

This is complete nonsense. Take test e in mct 250 mg and measure 5 days later. Levels are still plenty high. Also about inflammation from certain carriers. If it has vigorous Steve approved carrier and hurts compared to say Pharmacom for example which has some EO inside and painless is it still inflammatory. I don’t get it.
If it has vigorous Steve approved carrier and hurts compared to say Pharmacom for example which has some EO inside and painless is it still inflammatory.
Pharmacom goes in smooth like butter with no PIP at the injection site. Only your coronary arteries feel any PIP, after marinating in ethyl oleate-triggered C-Reactive Protein.
Pharmacom goes in smooth like butter with no PIP at the injection site. Only your coronary arteries feel any PIP, after marinating in ethyl oleate-triggered C-Reactive Protein.
I mean I’ve seen plenty of guys Bloodwork who use Pharmacom with fine c- reactive proteins. Let’s just say you take pcom and No pip or inflammation but you take a brand in just grape seed let’s say but it hurts like hell. Which one is more inflammatory ? Personally for me I like the old fashion thicker oils of pharma grade gear but there are very few places to get real pharma grade these days. As much as I’d love some Testoviron I would never buy any knowing it’s most likely fake or replica at best.
Has anyone seen this video Vigorous Steve made on Carrier oils.. the part about mct changing half times of all compounds I found very interesting. I haven't done my own research but want to take his word for it. Not sire if it makes any real life difference. I just wanted to share and maybe get anyone's input or thoughts. I don't always agree with Steve but I like to listen regardless.


Complete nonsense the viscosity of MCT is similar to many other carrier oils he talks about.

It's not hard to verify, you need to read a COA to see that it has 28-32 viscosity on average, that's in line with the other carrier oils except castor of course and sesame if I'm not mistaken.
Complete nonsense the viscosity of MCT is similar to many other carrier oils he talks about.
ChatGPT says Steve is not full of shit (on this particular topic):

Viscosity is measured in units of centipoise (cP) at a standard temperature, typically 25°C (77°F).

Here are the specific viscosity values for grapeseed oil and MCT oil:

1. Grapeseed Oil: The viscosity of grapeseed oil typically ranges between 35-40 cP at 25°C.

2. MCT Oil: The viscosity of MCT oil is much lower, typically around 25-30 cP at 25°C.

Thus, MCT oil is significantly less viscous (thinner) compared to grapeseed oil when measured under the same temperature conditions.

The viscosity of the oil used in an injectable testosterone ester preparation can influence the rate at which the ester is released from the oil depot into the bloodstream. The oil acts as a carrier, and its physical properties, including viscosity, can impact the speed of absorption.

Here’s how the difference in viscosity between grapeseed oil and MCT oil could affect testosterone ester release:

1. Grapeseed Oil (Higher Viscosity):

Because it is more viscous, grapeseed oil tends to form a denser depot at the injection site. This may slow the diffusion of the testosterone ester into the surrounding tissues and bloodstream, potentially resulting in a more gradual release over time. This slower absorption could extend the duration of action for the testosterone ester.

2. MCT Oil (Lower Viscosity):

MCT oil, being less viscous, creates a more fluid depot. The testosterone ester could diffuse more quickly from the injection site into the bloodstream. This may lead to a faster onset of action and potentially a shorter duration of the ester’s release compared to a thicker oil like grapeseed.

In summary, the lower viscosity of MCT oil would likely result in a quicker release of testosterone esters from the depot, while the higher viscosity of grapeseed oil could slow down the release. However, other factors like the ester length, injection site, and individual metabolism also play significant roles in determining the release kinetics.
This is complete nonsense. Take test e in mct 250 mg and measure 5 days later. Levels are still plenty high.
If anything, he may have exaggerated the impact of MCT on half-life. For example, perhaps enanthate's half-life in grape seed is 5 days and it is 3.5 days in MCT. That is a real difference, even if it isn't something you would necessarily notice. It's still useful to know if you want to influence the pharmacokinetics in a particular direction.

For example, I am interested in troughing as low as possible on my daily test prop injections, making MCT preferable over grape seed.
ChatGPT says Steve is not full of shit (on this particular topic):

Viscosity is measured in units of centipoise (cP) at a standard temperature, typically 25°C (77°F).

Here are the specific viscosity values for grapeseed oil and MCT oil:

1. Grapeseed Oil: The viscosity of grapeseed oil typically ranges between 35-40 cP at 25°C.

2. MCT Oil: The viscosity of MCT oil is much lower, typically around 25-30 cP at 25°C.

Thus, MCT oil is significantly less viscous (thinner) compared to grapeseed oil when measured under the same temperature conditions.

The viscosity of the oil used in an injectable testosterone ester preparation can influence the rate at which the ester is released from the oil depot into the bloodstream. The oil acts as a carrier, and its physical properties, including viscosity, can impact the speed of absorption.

Here’s how the difference in viscosity between grapeseed oil and MCT oil could affect testosterone ester release:

1. Grapeseed Oil (Higher Viscosity):

Because it is more viscous, grapeseed oil tends to form a denser depot at the injection site. This may slow the diffusion of the testosterone ester into the surrounding tissues and bloodstream, potentially resulting in a more gradual release over time. This slower absorption could extend the duration of action for the testosterone ester.

2. MCT Oil (Lower Viscosity):

MCT oil, being less viscous, creates a more fluid depot. The testosterone ester could diffuse more quickly from the injection site into the bloodstream. This may lead to a faster onset of action and potentially a shorter duration of the ester’s release compared to a thicker oil like grapeseed.

In summary, the lower viscosity of MCT oil would likely result in a quicker release of testosterone esters from the depot, while the higher viscosity of grapeseed oil could slow down the release. However, other factors like the ester length, injection site, and individual metabolism also play significant roles in determining the release kinetics.

[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)]Dynamic Viscosity of Grape Seed Oil vs. MCT Oil[/COLOR]​

[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)]Dynamic viscosity is a critical property of fluids, influencing their flow behavior and applications. Here’s a comparison of the dynamic viscosities of grape seed oil and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil based on available data.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)]Grape Seed Oil[/COLOR]​

[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)]The dynamic viscosity of grape seed oil varies with temperature. At 25°C, the viscosity is approximately 41.46 mPa·s (or cP), and it decreases as the temperature increases. For example:
  • At 35°C: 41.46 mPa·s
  • At 50°C: 25.27 mPa·s
  • At 80°C: 11.98 mPa·s



[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)]MCT Oil[/COLOR]​

[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)]MCT oil generally has a lower viscosity compared to many other oils, including grape seed oil. The viscosity of MCT oil is typically around 30-38 mPa·s at room temperature (approximately 25°C) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)].[/COLOR]

[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)]Comparison Table[/COLOR]​

[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)]
Oil TypeViscosity at 25°C (mPa·s)Viscosity at 35°C (mPa·s)Viscosity at 50°C (mPa·s)
Grape Seed Oil41.4641.4625.27
MCT Oil30-38N/AN/A

[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)]Summary[/COLOR]​

[COLOR=oklch(0.93 0.003 106.451)]Grape seed oil exhibits a higher dynamic viscosity than MCT oil at room temperature, which may influence their respective applications in cooking, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The viscosity of grape seed oil significantly decreases with rising temperatures, while MCT oil maintains relatively low viscosity across various conditions.

To be noted, half of the infos coming from this AI dissection are from vigorous steve video lol
So the AI is biased.

The difference is negligible imho and he says we should inject ED or EOD with MCT, I say bollocks :)[/COLOR]
ChatGPT says Steve is not full of shit (on this particular topic)

At least, we know where he got it from.
Posting about VS on Meso's homebrew forum (of all places) is anathema and grounds for a possible OP' temp ban.
Let it be an example to others, lol.

@Sampei good job on the info you included.
U brilliant thing, as always.
Understood there's no love for Steve around here. Hate the messenger all you want, but facts are facts. Forget all the hard data corroborating it for a second- just drawing up a syringe with grape seed vs MCT, it's obvious which oil is more viscous.

If victorious Steve says the earth is round, are you going to say it's flat to spite him?
Understood there's no love for Steve around here. Hate the messenger all you want, but facts are facts. Forget all the hard data corroborating it for a second- just drawing up a syringe with grape seed vs MCT, it's obvious which oil is more viscous.
No you are confusing facts with interpretation of facts.

Facts are: MCT is less viscous then GSO.

Is this relevant? Or it is negligible? There are no facts on it just theories and empirical knowledge and Interpretation of datas.

Yes but stating that the difference in viscosity will go that far to change injection schedule of for example enanthate ester from every 3.5d to ED or EOD due to MCT viscosity is not a big stretch it's well above that :)

Why doesn't he brings lab test of injecting GSO for 4 weeks and then switch to MCT and shows us how the peak and through are completely different? That would be something to show a real difference on how viscosity impact delivery of an ester.

Too bad even castor oil doesn't slow much test E/C delivery. It does of a little bit sure but nothing really significant and castor is what 10+X more viscous.

So you are telling me that an oil like MCT that is from 15% to 20% less viscous of GSO it will impact the delivery of the substance so much that you gotta think of ED or EOD injection Vs 3.5D.... when castor oil that is 1000+% viscous doesn't give this much of a change?

Yeah I call bullshit on VS rambling just to increase his channels viewers and make money.
Volume of injection plays a role in how much a carrier oil can delay absorption.

3ml=yeah, but
4ml=now we are talking

Do you all think that the 50% increase of hl of Nebido is due to castor oil only vs tea tree oil or that the 4ml injection has something to do about that?

If I wasn't on testo U TRT I would do a nice test using mig840 dynamic viscosity 10 mPa.

But what I can do is next blast I'll start with blasting MCT test C/D and check peak and through level.
I'll switch to mig840 and see if we see any difference.

I mean it's 30 mPa Vs 10 mPa of mig840 if his theory has any sense we will see a big difference. If it doesn't... We will see nothing at all or close to that.
usually i find the "gist" of what VS says to be mostly accurate, with the understanding that it will be full of BS and fluff to get views. Many times he's overemphasizing the benefits of some new snake oil as the "new best thing" that will be so much better than classic AAS (methylene blue, slu-pp-332, etc). at least chase irons does this shit with compounds we already know work (he's retatutride kick now and trying to sell it through whatever aminos company he gets kick backs from)

its certainly undeniable to a gear users naked eye the viscosity differences of full spec MCT, islolated C8/C10 mct, Miglyol blends vs GSO or other higher viscosity oils. try pusing GSO or Castor at room temp through a 29g insuline syringe. its also common knowledge that a lower viscosity means it will disperse slower in the muscular and subcutaneous tissues, just look at what happens when trying to absorb syrup into a clump of paper towels vs absorbing water into a clump of paper towels. the faster the oil disperses into the cellular matrix of the surrounding tissues the higher surface area the oil gets interacted upon.

i havent watched the video as i tend to not like most of VS content but if hes essentially saying lower viscosity = faster absorption then hes right. there may be cases where you want slower absorption but at the cost of using fatter gauge needles and taking quite a bit longer to draw your oil into syringe


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