Chilton Test-E GSO

It's not the ester. It's the way the raws have been produced for 10+ years. Not 1-2 years like what some others says.

Not everyone gets the inflammation from test enanthate but I am one that does. Baseball sized lump on my delt for a week.

Gave it to someone else and he has 0 issues with test E and he has no inflammation.

Pip from BB? How does BB cause pip?
Too much BB causes PIP. I don’t get PIP unless it’s from one of the reason I described. I do remember lots of talk about how it was being produced causing some bad PIP.
As far as him having flu like symptoms I use to get it too. 99-100 degree fever, chills and a huge warm lump on my ass cheek. Lol used gear like that for a couple years straight. Oddly, now if I don’t have PIP I think it’s bunk. Haha jk
Now after I started to brew it myself it was the oil that was rancid that would give me all those symptoms. As long as the oil was good if I got any pip I’d write it off as being normal or just high concentration.
Too much BB causes PIP. I don’t get PIP unless it’s from one of the reason I described. I do remember lots of talk about how it was being produced causing some bad PIP.
As far as him having flu like symptoms I use to get it too. 99-100 degree fever, chills and a huge warm lump on my ass cheek. Lol used gear like that for a couple years straight. Oddly, now if I don’t have PIP I think it’s bunk. Haha jk
Now after I started to brew it myself it was the oil that was rancid that would give me all those symptoms. As long as the oil was good if I got any pip I’d write it off as being normal or just high concentration.
We debunked the pip associated with BB.
Now concentration related pip that is associated with high BB is a different story.

Unsure if you ever use pharma.
Rimobolan has 35.
nebido has 50

I inject myself with 50% BB test U every 2 weeks.
We debunked the pip associated with BB.
Now concentration related pip that is associated with high BB is a different story.

Unsure if you ever use pharma.
Rimobolan has 35.
nebido has 50

I inject myself with 50% BB test U every 2 weeks.
Oh that would make sense. Maybe I knew that and forgot. Lol trying to get back in the game but I’m lacking. Spoon feed me Space!
I used pharma just as long as I have ugl stuff. I just made my own when I’d blast a bunch. Cruise on pharma.
So…where you getting the Test U from? Lol
Oh that would make sense. Maybe I knew that and forgot. Lol trying to get back in the game but I’m lacking. Spoon feed me Space!
I used pharma just as long as I have ugl stuff. I just made my own when I’d blast a bunch. Cruise on pharma.
So…where you getting the Test U from? Lol
I got raws from QSC a year ago.

I ran @GoodLyfe test U for a year when I was @Rido until I learned to homebrew. Started experimenting, and fell in love with it.

I have TEST at 350 castor at home which is stable at 50% BB. No pip too. I love how i can pin every 2 weeks. I have to set a calendar alarm though
I got raws from QSC a year ago.

I ran @GoodLyfe test U for a year when I was @Rido until I learned to homebrew. Started experimenting, and fell in love with it.

I have TEST at 350 castor at home which is stable at 50% BB. No pip too. I love how i can pin every 2 weeks. I have to set a calendar alarm though
That’s what I’m trying to do. Pin every 2 weeks and still have good stable blood levels. Sometimes I work INSANE hours Friday-Sunday, cause that’s how I really make my money but remember to take my shot and finding time ain’t easy. Trying to make it work and to cut down on my shots every month would be nice. Isn’t the pharma grade stuff at 250mg/ml? Nebido?
Unfortunately, at this point in my life brewing is too risky. Got too much to loose.