Clean Diet for losing fat as a skinny fat person


New Member
What is the best diet for losing about 50 lbs of fat when you're skinny fat?

I posted my story in another thread, but briefly, I was in a car accident and bed ridden for about 7 months. I lost a ton of muscle and now I'm basically skinny fat and starting all over. I don't want to touch anything anabolic until I get the fat off because it will just convert to estrogen (right??).

What is a good simple diet I can use to lose the fat? I've never been this out of shape, so it's new journey for me figuring this out.

My current diet is 100g protein (tuna or chicken breast) with a side of rice and some vegetables. I'm currently in a -500 cal deficit based on my calculations of TDEE


100g of protein is way too low—raise it to 170-200g. Aim for 70-90g of fat, and let the rest come from carbs. Train for at least 1 hour a day, 5-6 days a week, with high intensity.

Add fasted cardio in the morning. If sticking to your diet gets tough, consider adding tirzepatide. Stick to this for 10-12 months, but be ready to adjust your calories as your BMR decreases over time.

And since you're on a steroid forum, I'll definitely advice you to at least be on TRT, which will be extremely effective as your testosterone will be tanked after a few months.
100g of protein is way too low—raise it to 170-200g. Aim for 70-90g of fat, and let the rest come from carbs. Train for at least 1 hour a day, 5-6 days a week, with high intensity.

Add fasted cardio in the morning. If sticking to your diet gets tough, consider adding tirzepatide. Stick to this for 10-12 months, but be ready to adjust your calories as your BMR decreases over time.

And since you're on a steroid forum, I'll definitely advice you to at least be on TRT, which will be extremely effective as your testosterone will be tanked after a few months.
I will start this protocol right away.

Is it true that being on TRT I'm going to have more T conversion into estrogen? Given how fat I am right now, I'm assming TRT would put me at increased risk for gyno? And sadly I have to admit, I've got a bit of male breast growth already being this fat, but I think it's just fat and not gland tissue. I should be able to burn the breast fat off with exercise and diet, right?

I am not working right now, so I have all day to work on losing weight. I've even thought about getting a job in a warehouse and working multiple shifts while fasting. On the plus side, I'd get paid to lose the weight and the time might go by faster.

And thanks for taking the time to write this reply.
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He’s on a hard reduction forum

OP if you’re interested in TRT go get some comprehensive lab work done including hormones and make an informed decision.

Either way, you’ve got a lot of reading and learning to do. PLENTY of info right here on this site.
Yes I'm spending the time doing the research, however most of the info doesn't apply to me because I'm skinny fat not a ripped body builder. Based on what I've READ so far, TRT isn't going to help me much as I'm fat and the hormones will just make my estrogen even higher.

I'm going to up the protein to 200g a day, keep the fat low, and fill with good carbs based on TDEE calculation. Will adjust based on what I see on the scale. The plan is to train with weights 4x a week, and do 1 hour of cardio a day or more. I may even get a physical job just so I'm active all day.

