Clenbuterol and Nebivolol - okay to mix?

300mg (1ml) pin of Deca on Monday and 300mg (1ml) pin of Boldenone on Thursday. Been doing this for the last 2 months and now.

I just ran out of Deca, didn't like it anyhow, so coach recommended 350mg test and keep on the Bolderone at the same dose. That I will be starting Monday.

I also take a wide range of supplements. (picture attached of what I take)
-B complex
-Milk Thistle
-Omega 3s
-N-Acetyl Cystneine
-Co q10
-Centrum Multi Vit.
Wait. We're you not on testosterone until now?
Interesting coach..
Totally he is. Well the Test was not available until a few weeks ago. I also questioned it because I read months ago that Test should be the base of any cycle (or just run it solo) and I should have just waited.

Anyway- what are your thoughts on the current dosing and/or do you have any input on my question above?
Totally he is. Well the Test was not available until a few weeks ago. I also questioned it because I read months ago that Test should be the base of any cycle (or just run it solo) and I should have just waited.

Anyway- what are your thoughts on the current dosing and/or do you have any input on my question above?
I mean interesting because it sounds dumb ...

is this your first cycle?

Your HPTA gets shutdown and you need a test base and estrogen.

Boldenone has been known to drive e2 down. Idk how your joints are feeling either.

When I say blast and cruise, are you going to pct off or continue the cycle with a test base.
Reason I ask is that deca shouldn't be used on people who PCT, but only on trt or blast/cruise.

If your coach put you on deca, and designed a pct for you. That should be a sign to look for a new coach.

Test wasn't available? I don't get it. From who? Where? Is the coach your dealer too?

Not saying that I'm any better but your first cycle should be test solo, and could add an oral in toward the end (If you see comfortable on your dose of test).

If multiple things go wrong, you won't know what to do and which compound it is.

How is your libido/dick function?

at this point cruising and will until the new vials of Test and Bold are done. The dosing is super low IMHO so its really not a true cycle from what I have read.

Read from where? It's subjective on the dosing but I feel most people here will say more than a total of 350mg of AAS combination is definitely a cycle. Especially for a newbie.
I mean interesting because it sounds dumb ...

is this your first cycle?

Your HPTA gets shutdown and you need a test base and estrogen.

Boldenone has been known to drive e2 down. Idk how your joints are feeling either.

When I say blast and cruise, are you going to pct off or continue the cycle with a test base.
Reason I ask is that deca shouldn't be used on people who PCT, but only on trt or blast/cruise.

If your coach put you on deca, and designed a pct for you. That should be a sign to look for a new coach.

Test wasn't available? I don't get it. From who? Where? Is the coach your dealer too?

Not saying that I'm any better but your first cycle should be test solo, and could add an oral in toward the end (If you see comfortable on your dose of test).

If multiple things go wrong, you won't know what to do and which compound it is.

How is your libido/dick function?

Read from where? It's subjective on the dosing but I feel most people here will say more than a total of 350mg of AAS combination is definitely a cycle. Especially for a newbie.
Thanks for the input. Thats why I am here, to learn because after 2 months of following what he has prescribed and doing my own research, then yes, I agree that maybe I need to find a new coach. He is good with diet, but I think he is not that great at everything else. Yes he does sell me the pharma.

I am a newbie to taking gear. Thats why I got on this forum. To read and ask

My dick works great and libido is also good, thanks for asking. Joints are fine as well.

Whats your recommendation then?
Thanks for the input. Thats why I am here, to learn because after 2 months of following what he has prescribed and doing my own research, then yes, I agree that maybe I need to find a new coach. He is good with diet, but I think he is not that great at everything else. Yes he does sell me the pharma.

I am a newbie to taking gear. Thats why I got on this forum. To read and ask

My dick works great and libido is also good, thanks for asking. Joints are fine as well.

Whats your recommendation then?
That's good that it is working for you. Most of the guys would typically have a broken dick, anxiety, etc from not having an e2 base with boldenone.

While you shouldn't have has 2 compounds at the start. Stick with test 350, Eq 350.

Monitor your labs regularly especially your hct/hgb due to erythrocytosis.

Plan to make this a 16 week cycle. Do not ever start a cycle unless you have enough vials to last you the cycle(and an extra).

You can never have enough testosterone vials. I have 20+.

Because you were using deca, maybe you should make another thread so other can focus and chime in so we don't hijack this thread..

I personally "drug" coach my friend for his anabolic choices but because he knows I do my reading. He isn't as big of a science guy as I am but I have a good guy who will take my dogs out on walks and play with them when I'm out of town.

He does labs when I say and any concerns I may have.
That's good that it is working for you. Most of the guys would typically have a broken dick, anxiety, etc from not having an e2 base with boldenone.

While you shouldn't have has 2 compounds at the start. Stick with test 350, Eq 350.

Monitor your labs regularly especially your hct/hgb due to erythrocytosis.

Plan to make this a 16 week cycle. Do not ever start a cycle unless you have enough vials to last you the cycle(and an extra).

You can never have enough testosterone vials. I have 20+.

Because you were using deca, maybe you should make another thread so other can focus and chime in so we don't hijack this thread..

I personally "drug" coach my friend for his anabolic choices but because he knows I do my reading. He isn't as big of a science guy as I am but I have a good guy who will take my dogs out on walks and play with them when I'm out of town.

He does labs when I say and any concerns I may have.
Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. Im not a big science guy and yes I need some coaching on the anabolic choices....thats why I am here.

We already hijacked the thread going way off topic. Kinda FUBAR
nebivolol being a beta 3 receptor to does this mean better lipolysis just like what ephedrine is a beta 3 agonist ?

and also wouldn’t nebivolol make ephedrine clenbuterol yohmbine hgh work far more superior for fat loss when stacked together since it upregulates beta 3 receptor combined with hgh l carntine burning up more fatty acids

Then the further benefit of preventing heart cell death from using stimulants clen ephedrine clenbuterol

would appreciate 11x or anyone with more info on this
Bringing this back up as I recently ordered some Clen and want to use it safely. But here’s an interesting study of Clen and a beta blockers. Doesn’t seem to negate muscle building properties but not much mention of the effect on fat loss.
Bringing this back up as I recently ordered some Clen and want to use it safely. But here’s an interesting study of Clen and a beta blockers. Doesn’t seem to negate muscle building properties but not much mention of the effect on fat loss.
yea @Type-IIx has talked about this.

I am getting off clen/nebivolol.

It was a solid run. I went up to 120mcg of sopharma clen(I think it was, testing may say otherwise)
2.5mg of nebivolol.

Currently titrating at 50mcg of clen and 1.25 of nebivolol.

This was my first time on clen but my HR didnt surpass 140 on activity.

it was maybe 100-110 max if I wasnt exercising(Walking fast, etc)
Yes, the two can be used in combination (and serves to prevent potential cardiomyocyte apoptosis / cardiac toxicity that clen may induce by presynaptic catecholamine release that causes damage via a β1-specific mechanism). Nebivolol can stand in the place of bisoprolol or metoprolol as discussed in Clenbuterol focus: Practical Research on Clen & Beta2- Adrenergic Compounds, Protocols
and is in fact superior (because of its vasodilatory effects on NO & decreasing vascular resistance). It also makes sense for hypertensive & those with high resting heart rate long-term users of rhGH (due to elevated IGF-I decreasing eNOS mRNA expression & inducing long-term endothelial dysfunction).
I'm gonna start throwing money at you for that HGH book lol.
yea @Type-IIx has talked about this.

I am getting off clen/nebivolol.

It was a solid run. I went up to 120mcg of sopharma clen(I think it was, testing may say otherwise)
2.5mg of nebivolol.

Currently titrating at 50mcg of clen and 1.25 of nebivolol.

This was my first time on clen but my HR didnt surpass 140 on activity.

it was maybe 100-110 max if I wasnt exercising(Walking fast, etc)
What did your fat loss look like on your Clen/neb run? Assuming your diet was in check.
Thanks for the valuable information, you are such a great asset here at at MESO! I read a lot about clen raising your pulse and causing heart palpitations, will Nebivolol help to counteract these sides?

Also, as far as actual blood pressure goes, doesn’t clen itself lower it?
If anything clean raises heart rate and BP. Why even mess with clen? Junk fat burner that doesn’t do anything diet can’t accomplish.
Bringing this back up as I recently ordered some Clen and want to use it safely. But here’s an interesting study of Clen and a beta blockers. Doesn’t seem to negate muscle building properties but not much mention of the effect on fat loss.
Propranolol is a non-selective beta agonist. It blocks all receptor subtypes. Nebivolol is a selective beta-1, which is concentrated in cardiac tissue, whereas clen is a beta-2 agonist.

And the anabolic effects of clen were inhibited by propranolol in the study.