Clenbuterol time off

When I ran it I did 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. For me running longer than 2 weeks caused serious headaches. So needless to say I didn’t mess with it for long. My wife still uses it and does 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and has no issues.
Clen is great especially with rhGH. The only practical negative (emphasis on practical) with sane doses are the muscle cramps. So, given its long half-life, I use it non-training days or in an every other day fashion.

6 weeks on, 2 off, 3-4 cycles then 4-5 months off. Titrate the dosage up but never crazy high (e.g., I start initially at 5mcg; titrate up by 10mcg; every cycle restarts 10mcg higher than last, and I ramp up every 6th day).