Clomid at 50mg vs 100mg?


New Member
Going to run nolva at 40/40/20/20.
Some people run Clomid along side this at 100/100/50/50, but some do 50 all the way through.

Which do you guys do and why? Do you think there's a big difference between taking 50 and 100?

This is after a Test E 500mg cycle btw!

I run clomid at 50 all the way at 100 I get the side effects I run nova at 20.this is what works for me.every body is different.
Going to run nolva at 40/40/20/20.
Some people run Clomid along side this at 100/100/50/50, but some do 50 all the way through.

Which do you guys do and why? Do you think there's a big difference between taking 50 and 100?

This is after a Test E 500mg cycle btw!

IMO 50 a day 20 of nolva should be good to recover from a test only cycle
The dose will vary to some extent depending upon what AAS you ran, for how long your age number of prior cycles AND whether HTPA recovery was ever CONFIRMED thru post PCT lab testing, but 50 mg is sufficient esp when TWO SERMS are being used for PCT.

Of course the other proviso, is the CLOMID and NOVA a legit pharmaceutical product!
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The dose will vary to some extent depending upon what AAS you ran, for how long your age number of prior cycles AND whether HTPA recovery was ever CONFIRMED thru post PCT lab testing, but 50 mg is sufficient esp when TWO SERMS are being used for PCT.

Of course the other proviso, is the CLOMID and NOVA a legit pharmaceutical product!

Hello Dr Jim, have you used Online Pharmacy, Prescription Drug Prices, Compare Drug Costs | with any success in looking to validate Canadian pharmacies carrying clomid, nolva, arimdex etc.? As you know, many "Canadian" pharmacies are either Indian pharmacies or pharmacies with a location in Canada but sourcing overseas. Thank you
I use Wallmart, Wallgreens, CVS etc and if at all possible I suggest you do the same by locating and establishing a TRUSTING relationship with a doc that works with and understands BB and lifters.

It seems quite a few MESO mates use "the pharmacist" and beleive his products are indeed PHARMACEUTICAL not Pharmaceutical grade or Pharma quality bla, bla,

No doubt many overlook the importance of ancillary drugs! The fact is bc they treat the complications of AAS these medications are just as important if not MORE IMPORTANT than the anabolic agents themselves!
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I use Wallmart, Wallgreens, CVS and if at all possible I suggest you do the same by locating a doc that works with and understands BB and lifters.

It seems quite a few MESO mates use "the pharmacist" and beleive his products are indeed PHARMACEUTICAL not Pharmaceutical grade or Pharma quality bla, bla,
Excellent. Thank you.