Clomid dosage


New Member
  • Week 1: Clomid 150mg per day
  • Week 2: Clomid 150mg per day
  • Week 3: Clomid 100mg per day
  • Week 4: Clomid 100mg per day
  • Week 5: Clomid 50mg per day
    (add an extra week at 50mg per day if needed)
  • When starting week 1 do I take 150mg all at once or 50 mgs in the morning in the afternoon and at night
Google Clomid dosage on and you will see the quantity your considering is not only EXCESSIVE but is likely to result in significant side effects.

Finally avoid whomever suggested such a dosing schedule, bc their mantra is likely an extension of the broscience notion "more is better"!
OP while loading dose of say 150mg is fine for the first few days, thereafter 50mg QD is all that's required.

Anything more will increase the frequency of adverse effects, yet not similarly enhance HTPA recovery IME.

Thus higher dosages only increase risk wo improving benefit!
OP while loading dose of say 150mg is fine for the first few days, thereafter 50mg QD is all that's required.

Anything more will increase the frequency of adverse effects, yet not similarly enhance HTPA recovery IME.

Thus higher dosages only increase risk wo improving benefit!
Personally after a long cycle of 12 weeks with Nandrolone D and Testosterone, i have get awesome helping with only 50mg / day of clomid during my pct, he worked wonderfully but my vision declined significantly.
  • Week 1: Clomid 150mg per day
  • Week 2: Clomid 150mg per day
  • Week 3: Clomid 100mg per day
  • Week 4: Clomid 100mg per day
  • Week 5: Clomid 50mg per day
    (add an extra week at 50mg per day if needed)
  • When starting week 1 do I take 150mg all at once or 50 mgs in the morning in the afternoon and at night
What is the cycle for this PCT ? Depend drop the dosage of clomid, and add other compound like HCG, to help your testicle and follow with clomid at 100mg the first day and follow at 50mg.