Clomid EOD 2 Month Experiment


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What's up team,

I decided to take clomid 50mg eod for 2 months just as an experiment. Largely, it was to see to what extent it would affect my strength performance and cardio. I had bloodwork performed before the experiment and a day after my last dose.

It terms of performance, it's difficult to discern, as there was somewhat of a retraining element which fostered quicker than usual performance increases. Went up 25lbs on bench, 30lbs on squat and 35lbs on deadlift. These numbers are very close to my maxes all time.

The blood work is a tad interesting insofar as there was a significant rise in test and e2 -- aprox. 100% increase -- but LH and FSH only increased by 10-15%.

I got what I wanted out of the experiment: energy, sustained performance overload, etc. One thing about which I'm curious is the rise in test and e2 with respect to the rise in the neurohormones, LH and FSH. To my understanding, the SERM mechanism blocks the receptors in the hypothalamus as to cause the pituitary produce more of these two neurohormones, increasing test and e2 as a byproduct. Further, though clomid is antagonistic in the hypothalamus, it is agonistic in other tissues, causing a greater respective rise in e2.

Still, do others experience a modest rise in LH and FSH as I did, but a significant rise in test and e2? This is of little practical importance to me, mostly just curiosity. Attached is the bookwork. Thanks in advance.
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What's up team,

I decided to take clomid 50mg eod for 2 months just as an experiment. Largely, it was to see to what extent it would affect my strength performance and cardio. I had bloodwork performed before the experiment and a day after my last dose.

It terms of performance, it's difficult to discern, as there was somewhat of a retraining element which fostered quicker than usual performance increases. Went up 25lbs on bench, 30lbs on squat and 35lbs on deadlift. These numbers are very close to my maxes all time.

The blood work is a tad interesting insofar as there was a significant rise in test and e2 -- aprox. 100% increase -- but LH and FSH only increased by 10-15%.

I got what I wanted out of the experiment: energy, sustained performance overload, etc. One thing about which I'm curious is the rise in test and e2 with respect to the rise in the neurohormones, LH and FSH. To my understanding, the SERM mechanism blocks the receptors in the hypothalamus as to cause the pituitary produce more of these two neurohormones, increasing test and e2 as a byproduct. Further, though clomid is antagonistic in the hypothalamus, it is agonistic in other tissues, causing a greater respective rise in e2.

Still, do others experience a modest rise in LH and FSH as I did, but a significant rise in test and e2? This is of little practical importance to me, mostly just curiosity. Attached is the bookwork. Thanks in advance.
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@drjim In case it interests you in the slightest
Interesting results. Every time I have taken clomid, its made my LH skyrocket, well into the 20's. FSH typically sees a modest increase, but remains within range at the high end of the spectrum. This results in my test levels being around 1300-1500. And I usually dose around 50 ED. Nonetheless, my only qualm is that for me, clomid crushes my IGF1 production so its bitter sweet.
Interesting results. Every time I have taken clomid, its made my LH skyrocket, well into the 20's. FSH typically sees a modest increase, but remains within range at the high end of the spectrum. This results in my test levels being around 1300-1500. And I usually dose around 50 ED. Nonetheless, my only qualm is that for me, clomid crushes my IGF1 production so its bitter sweet.
Very interesting. Didn't get an igf-1 test but that would have been interesting to see. What are you natural levels at?