Clomid reduces gyno!!!


Well-known Member
Hi fellas,
Last year, I had a little gyno just below the left nipple when I ran dbol for mere 2 weeks.
Now for about 2 weeks, all AAS is stopped. A week ago, I started HCG at 1000ius EOD, 50mg of Clomid ED and 25mg of Aromasin (my estrogen really skyrockets on this much hcg). Will be on this protocol for at least 3 months.

This is the first time I using clomid. And I noticed an improvement in gyno as in I dont feel a hard mass and the hard mass appears to have "dissolved" in the area. This was completely unexpected and I am surprised.

Has anyone else had this experience or heard about it?

So I did a quick search on "Clomid and Gyno." Medscape has the following under Gyno Medications:
Clomiphene, [30] an antiestrogen, can be administered on a trial basis at a dose of 50-100 mg per day for up to 6 months. Approximately 50% of patients achieve partial reduction in breast size, and approximately 20% of patients note complete resolution. Adverse effects, while rare, include visual problems, rash, and nausea.

Tamoxifen, an estrogen antagonist, is effective for recent-onset and tender gynecomastia when used in doses of 10-20 mg twice daily. [31] Up to 80% of patients report partial to complete resolution

There are other studies showing some success on reducing gyno with Clomid.
Hi fellas,
Last year, I had a little gyno just below the left nipple when I ran dbol for mere 2 weeks.
Now for about 2 weeks, all AAS is stopped. A week ago, I started HCG at 1000ius EOD, 50mg of Clomid ED and 25mg of Aromasin (my estrogen really skyrockets on this much hcg). Will be on this protocol for at least 3 months.

This is the first time I using clomid. And I noticed an improvement in gyno as in I dont feel a hard mass and the hard mass appears to have "dissolved" in the area. This was completely unexpected and I am surprised.

Has anyone else had this experience or heard about it?

So I did a quick search on "Clomid and Gyno." Medscape has the following under Gyno Medications:
Clomiphene, [30] an antiestrogen, can be administered on a trial basis at a dose of 50-100 mg per day for up to 6 months. Approximately 50% of patients achieve partial reduction in breast size, and approximately 20% of patients note complete resolution. Adverse effects, while rare, include visual problems, rash, and nausea.

Tamoxifen, an estrogen antagonist, is effective for recent-onset and tender gynecomastia when used in doses of 10-20 mg twice daily. [31] Up to 80% of patients report partial to complete resolution

There are other studies showing some success on reducing gyno with Clomid.
May you point me in the right direction in getting serms and pct meds

I have personal sources for the other stuff but they don’t deal with serms

not asking for an actually web address but maybe somewhere I can look in the forums
May you point me in the right direction in getting serms and pct meds

I have personal sources for the other stuff but they don’t deal with serms

not asking for an actually web address but maybe somewhere I can look in the forums
I believe someone mentioned this in another thread you are apart of. Look in the Underground. Read the pinned posts and go from there.