Clomid vs Nolva, 2015


New Member
I've been trying to figure this out, reading a sh** ton of old posts, on this board and others.

Has it been settled, or what's the latest? There are so many strong and unfortunately differing opinions from what seems like very educated people. Some say nolva is better for test recovery because the purported benefit of clomid, that it sensitises the hypothalamus to GnRH, is overblown and has never been demonstrated in human males, while nolva would should be better as stimulating T because it is a better blocker of estrogen receptors. I thought perhaps more data has become available in recent years, but I have little time to keep up with this massive area of research.

Also, I'm generally suspicious when it comes to studies. First of all, they rarely/never deal with anything easily translatable to steroid (ab)users, for obvious reasons. Secondly, rarely have I've read any medical paper not having study design problems obvious even to somebody like me (without a relevant background). On top of that, there's big pharma money influence.

Now add the fact that all discussion on these things takes place between strongly opinionated many times arguably deranged completely unaccountable amateurs misquoting preliminary studies as fact, and I hope you can forgive me for bringing up the subject once again instead of just accepting the advice from various stickies.

So, what do you guys think? Clomid or nolva, or both, or none?

Keep it scientificish please, no pure brahnecdotes.
well clomid is benefecial for people with low test. its probably the best way to get test levels up without ex,test.
but as far ad picking one for pct I'd pick. nolva, but I would rather do both for pct. I'm no scientist but I've read alot. doctors prescribe clomid for low test I wish I actually done that first for a while just to see hoe high levels can get.goodluck
There is this old thread from 2011 where user Conciliator makes a pretty strong theoretical argument as to why Nolva would be superior to Clomid. Basically he is saying that Clomid is used by doctors fror hypogonadism mainly because it was the first drug they tried, so it's less controversial and more studied, not necessarily because it is actually better. He also argues that the GnRH-sensitizing effects of Clomid in the brain are not relevant for male AAS users, and that since Nolva is better than Clomid at blocking estrogen receptors, it would be superior at getting t levels back up.

But that thread is from 2011, so I was hoping somebody would know about more recent research.