Cloudy hgh

Hey this is my first post here and I’ve had a slight problem. I ordered Hgh from purple panda labs. Everything is pretty cloudy with some being less cloudy than the other. I’ve tried different bac water and it’s the same thing. Is the Hgh still good to use or is it bunk and should I throw it away?
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If you ordered something and received it and nothing has gone knowingly wrong? Why are you questioning your original plan?

Believe in yourself. Move forward. Good luck.
You should do a proper introduction after reading

Read me for answers

If you ordered something and received it and nothing has gone knowingly wrong? Why are you questioning your original plan?

Believe in yourself. Move forward. Good luck.
most people say cloudy Hgh is bad.. even the source said If it turns cloudy it’s no good. So that’s why I’m asking
Hey this is my first post here and I’ve had a slight problem. I ordered Hgh from purple panda labs. Everything is pretty cloudy with some being less cloudy than the other. I’ve tried different bac water and it’s the same thing. Is the Hgh still good to use or is it bunk and should I throw it away?
Almost certainly it’s now bunk. Sorry bro :(
I had a really interesting experience with cloudy GH. When I first got my kit the first 4 or so vials I reconstituted was cloudy. I left the GH in the fridge and just assumed the whole kit was trash. I bought a different brand of bac water and a new sources kit of gh. The new kit was fine, clear GH . I then for shits an giggles tried to reconstitute another one of the Coudy GH vials . And what do you know it was clear GH . I've since used 4 of those vials from the so called cloudy gh kit. what I thought was bad GH with no issues.

I'm thinking the supplier maybe had the GH stored in a freezer for a long period of time and it just needed a few weeks in the fridge to come down in temp . Idk it makes no sense but it's def what happened. I would keep them and try again in a few weeks . Then wait a few weeks and try another vial . Hope this helps
Hey this is my first post here and I’ve had a slight problem. I ordered Hgh from purple panda labs. Everything is pretty cloudy with some being less cloudy than the other. I’ve tried different bac water and it’s the same thing. Is the Hgh still good to use or is it bunk and should I throw it away?

I had really really bad experience with purple panda labs HGH. It's was gross smelling and gave me a reaction at the injection site.

I have had good HGH that was a little opaque. If i were you, i would be running a GH serum test and IGF-1 test.

The for GH serum, inject the whole vial or 10 IU into deltoid and draw blood at about 3 hours. You should see +20 ng/mL easily

For IGF serum test, take a daily dose of 3-5 IU and draw blood after 4 weeks. Generally you want to see around +100 ng/mL of IGF-1 per IU. So 3 iu = 300 ng/mL IGF-1, but this can vary from person to person and with meds/diet/etc, but its still a good test that can oftentimes tell you quality.