Combo trt

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I know what the peanut gallery is going to say so I just want to hear from blokes who have tried it.

This summer planning an old man cycle 200mg test/week.
Wondering if
125 test
25 tren
25 deca
Would be better. Same total androgen dose. I have all the compounds and was going to trash the non-test stuff but thought I would ask first.
Goal is to take 2 months every summer and make some gains for fun.
Tren and Deca together seem overkill. Just run 300-350 when your TRT is 200mg

Good mix of Test and Primo does wonders, for joints you can always sprinkle in a bit of deca and thats it. No need for Tren here.
25 tren deca primo what?Just a waste of gear stick to your trt or actually decide to blast there’s females on higher doses than that