Coming off of 9 months, any advice is appreciated!


New Member
Whats up guys!

So I am going to apologize in advance for coming in here and just asking for answers, but the information varies so much on dosage and length of use for PCT. I could use any advice that someone who has done this before could give me.

I am 30 years old, almost 31. I have been on cycle for about 9 months. I ran 3 months of Test C 700mgs per week, followed by 3 months of about 150 per week Test C, and now I am at the end of 800mgs per week Test C. Always running arimidex, varying ammounts but mostly .25 EOD. Also donated blood every 2 months. I haven't gotten blood work done in the last few months but I do have a test on order that I can go use whenever.

So I have Nolva and Clomid on hand Pharm grade. I also have a couple viles of HCG on hand as well. I originally was going to run HCG at low doses throughout but that shit gives me crazy anxiety for some reason so I don't use it.

My question is simply this, what MGs and at what length of time should I be taking the Nolva/Clomid? I see people saying to run it at super high doses, but then i have read peer reviewed reports saying that low doses work the same, with less side effects.

I would appreciate if I could get some advice from someone who has gone through this before, or possibly a DR if possible.

Also, how should I expect to feel through this process?

Thanks again.

PS. I am attempring to come off because of work related reasons, traveling, ect.
Whats up guys!

So I am going to apologize in advance for coming in here and just asking for answers, but the information varies so much on dosage and length of use for PCT. I could use any advice that someone who has done this before could give me.

I am 30 years old, almost 31. I have been on cycle for about 9 months. I ran 3 months of Test C 700mgs per week, followed by 3 months of about 150 per week Test C, and now I am at the end of 800mgs per week Test C. Always running arimidex, varying ammounts but mostly .25 EOD. Also donated blood every 2 months. I haven't gotten blood work done in the last few months but I do have a test on order that I can go use whenever.

So I have Nolva and Clomid on hand Pharm grade. I also have a couple viles of HCG on hand as well. I originally was going to run HCG at low doses throughout but that shit gives me crazy anxiety for some reason so I don't use it.

My question is simply this, what MGs and at what length of time should I be taking the Nolva/Clomid? I see people saying to run it at super high doses, but then i have read peer reviewed reports saying that low doses work the same, with less side effects.

I would appreciate if I could get some advice from someone who has gone through this before, or possibly a DR if possible.

Also, how should I expect to feel through this process?

Thanks again.

PS. I am attempring to come off because of work related reasons, traveling, ect.
Why were you on a 9 month cycle?...
What were your gains on this?
Whatever your gains I hope it was worth possibly frying your hpta....smh...
I won't spoon feed you simply because you need to learn ALOT more about aas and proper ways to use them!
Research power pct...that's your best option, good luck
I was on shit for a little over 5 years, rotating multiple compounds and orals with almost no breaks off and pct? Not even once bro, fuck do I have regrets. Eventually I came off everything at Sept 2016 and I followed the power pct @ironwill1951 mentioned already, it worked and slowly but surely I recovered.

Days 1-16 HCG 2500Iu EOD
Days 1-30 Clomid 100mg ED
Days 1-45 Nolva 20mg ED
Yeah, stupid, I know. Got it.

I wasn't planning on coming off, but some things outside of my control are forcing me to do so.

Thanks for the replys.

I'll research power pct, I have read about it before but thought it might be over kill.
Yeah, stupid, I know. Got it.

I wasn't planning on coming off, but some things outside of my control are forcing me to do so.

Thanks for the replys.

I'll research power pct, I have read about it before but thought it might be over kill.
One more thing, don't forget blood work. Lots of it.
Is there any point of getting blood work before I finish PCT?

So this is what I am planning.

At last shot = 1500 of hcg twice per week for 3 weeks. Along with Arimidex. The last time I took HCG it raised my E high and gave me crazy anxiety, hopefully upping adex solves that.

+18 days start Clomid/Nolva

C 100/100/50/50
N 20/20/20/20/20/20

3 weeks later run blood tests.
Is there any point of getting blood work before I finish PCT?

So this is what I am planning.

At last shot = 1500 of hcg twice per week for 3 weeks. Along with Arimidex. The last time I took HCG it raised my E high and gave me crazy anxiety, hopefully upping adex solves that.

+18 days start Clomid/Nolva

C 100/100/50/50
N 20/20/20/20/20/20

3 weeks later run blood tests.

Correct me if I'm wrong as I could be mistaken, but isn't aromasin the ai that should be used to avoid any sort of estrogen rebound during post cycle? If you've been on that long I'm sure you've got quite a bit of suppressed estrogen waiting to flex its pipes as soon as you discontinue its use. It's been mentioned before about the power pct and in those findings you will actually read about the synergistic effects of aromasin, nolva, and clomid. But, if you choose to stick with adex good luck and post the results :)
Correct me if I'm wrong as I could be mistaken, but isn't aromasin the ai that should be used to avoid any sort of estrogen rebound during post cycle? If you've been on that long I'm sure you've got quite a bit of suppressed estrogen waiting to flex its pipes as soon as you discontinue its use. It's been mentioned before about the power pct and in those findings you will actually read about the synergistic effects of aromasin, nolva, and clomid. But, if you choose to stick with adex good luck and post the results :)

You're wrong.

Correction: there is no estrogen rebound and even if there was such a thing, it wouldn't matter which AI was used.
You're wrong.

Correction: there is no estrogen rebound and even if there was such a thing, it wouldn't matter which AI was used.

Ok, not trying to one up ya here, but why is estrogen rebound the most talked about negative side effect after ceasing the use of adex. Most common search result on google in regards to the negative aspects to adex. Many many threads on multiple boards discussing the rebound. This is actually the first board/time I've heard of adex not causing such a thing, which is mind boggling at the moment. I'm all ears if you care to explain.
Ok, not trying to one up ya here, but why is estrogen rebound the most talked about negative side effect after ceasing the use of adex. Most common search result on google in regards to the negative aspects to adex. Many many threads on multiple boards discussing the rebound. This is actually the first board/time I've heard of adex not causing such a thing, which is mind boggling at the moment. I'm all ears if you care to explain.

Why? The perpetual cycle of bro science narratives that get ingrained into the AAS theory in place of actual science, that's why.

@Docd187123 , will you please do me a solid and explain to this young man about estrogen rebound? I know you have some bad-ass studies on the ready for just such an occasion :)
Why? The perpetual cycle of bro science narratives that get ingrained into the AAS theory in place of actual science, that's why.

@Docd187123 , will you please do me a solid and explain to this young man about estrogen rebound? I know you have some bad-ass studies on the ready for just such an occasion :)

Awesome. Exactly what I'm looking for. Science backed claims. Appreciate it, really. Not into "bro science", but real facts. If you've got a copy n paste/link giver.
Why? The perpetual cycle of bro science narratives that get ingrained into the AAS theory in place of actual science, that's why.

@Docd187123 , will you please do me a solid and explain to this young man about estrogen rebound? I know you have some bad-ass studies on the ready for just such an occasion :)

Both anastrozole and letrozole are type II nonsteroidal AIs, whereas exemestane has a steroidal structure and is classified as a type I AI, also known as an aromatase inactivator because it irreversibly binds with and permanently inactivates the enzyme. The clinical relevance of these differences in mechanism of action, if any, remains to be established.

Aromatase Inhibitors: Are There Differences Between Steroidal and Nonsteroidal Aromatase Inhibitors and Do They Matter?
Both anastrozole and letrozole are type II nonsteroidal AIs, whereas exemestane has a steroidal structure and is classified as a type I AI, also known as an aromatase inactivator because it irreversibly binds with and permanently inactivates the enzyme. The clinical relevance of these differences in mechanism of action, if any, remains to be established.

Aromatase Inhibitors: Are There Differences Between Steroidal and Nonsteroidal Aromatase Inhibitors and Do They Matter?

Thank you, sir.
Holy cow I read it all lol.

Very very interesting, and all backed by PHD's etc which is nice to see; I've never came across that article before.

Is it careless to ask what a good dose of adex during post cycle could be without waving a blood sheet in front of you? Are we talking a .50mg eod protocol or hit it hard with 1mg/day at first? Very curious as I've actually switched from adex to aromasin at the end of cycles before.

I swear I also ready from Scally that he said adex has rebound as well lol
Awesome. Exactly what I'm looking for. Science backed claims. Appreciate it, really. Not into "bro science", but real facts. If you've got a copy n paste/link giver.
Estrogen rebound is bro science smfh. Obviously you have no fucking idea what real facts are. Why don't you post science backed claims that estrogen rebound is anything other than regurgitated bro science bullshit
Estrogen rebound is bro science smfh. Obviously you have no fucking idea what real facts are. Why don't you post science backed claims that estrogen rebound is anything other than regurgitated bro science bullshit

Nice to meet you as well.

You know, not every post needs the "well known" member to stick his nose in and flex. Just sayin :)

It's been established. Appreciate your input Just Fish!
Holy cow I read it all lol.

Very very interesting, and all backed by PHD's etc which is nice to see; I've never came across that article before.

Is it careless to ask what a good dose of adex during post cycle could be without waving a blood sheet in front of you? Are we talking a .50mg eod protocol or hit it hard with 1mg/day at first? Very curious as I've actually switched from adex to aromasin at the end of cycles before.

What makes you think adex is needed post cycle?

I swear I also ready from Scally that he said adex has rebound as well lol

You didn't read that from the Dr. Scally that's on this forum:

This "estrogen rebound" is nothing more than some 'bro science term that is meaningless within the scientific literature. It infers what? After removal of an AI, estrogen levels will begin to return dependent on the AI PK/PD.

This study is only pointing out the different AI PK/PD, nothing more. There is nothing in here about "estrogen rebound," whatever that is supposed to be. IF you ask any doctor/scientist to show you a study on "estrogen rebound," they will look at you funny.

Would you call the recovery in testosterone levels after stopping differing AAS, "testosterone rebound?" Or, the rise in DHT after stopping a 5ARi, "DHT rebound?"

This does NOT happen. You will NOT find a study showing such a 'bro phenomenon. I will be happy to reverse course. So, I challenge anyone to find such a study. And, not some 'bro science connect-the-dots of mice, rats, ferrets, monkeys, ... where the 'bro makes 'bro logic.

It is up to them to show the proof. How are you able to prove a negative. It is not possible.

It would be best to have the full-text, but there is no inference of a "rebound." In fact, the cell culture system at 10 X IC50 measured aromatase activity in the presence of AI. In this case, the AI has a feedback on enzyme/activity levels. From the abstract, they attribute this to being a reversible inhibitor.

Again, this is a cell culture system designed to explore a specific aspect of AIs. In this instance, something that might be of interest to BrCa treatment. To extrapolate some 'bro science form something not even studies is typical BS.

If I understand the 'bro science correctly, they are translating the reversible AI feedback on aromatase protein levels to be present after withdrawal of the AI, thus leading to more enzyme leading to more E2. This study did not look or find this to be the case. What this study was trying to explain is why reversible AIs have breakthrough in BrCa treatment.

The point of the study from the abstract is due to this positive feedback it is hard to suppress E2 levels. They did not test E2. At least not from the abstract. For the irreversible AI, there appears to be NO positive feedback on enzyme levels, thus maintaining lower E2 levels. Noteworthy is that the abstract provides no timeline. Wouldn't it be of import to know the enzyme decay? Could it be minutes or hours?

I suppose his argument is these increased enzyme levels are present after stopping an AI despite this being a cell culture system with 10 X IC50! Can one imagine these scenarios. 'Bro science does it all the time. That does not make it so. Ask him for a rat study. That is usually what they come up with. [Note: If rats were perfect mini-humans, why bother with clinical trials?]