Coming to terms that my blasting days are over.....

So 32 years old. Been b&c for around 8 years now. Just recently had my first kid so that pretty much changed everything for me. Started taking my health a lot more serious.

I'm at a point where I'm pretty happy with my physique although I'd like to gain about 5 lbs of muscle while remaining same bf. Usually do one summer blast a year and this year was planning on doing test and primo. 8 weeks in I decided to call it quits. Have hx of high BP and just couldn't keep it down on these doses no matter what I tried. Back in the day I used to be able to blast loads of stuff but seems like I can't anymore.

So I decided to go back to my cruise dose of 150 mgs. I have an appt with a trt clinic this week and should be able to get a script officially finally.

Thing im struggling with is just not being on anything. I have huge body dysmorphia. Guys who just stay on their trt dose do you have any tips. Any supplements you take alongside. Just feel like I miss that boost and extra edge aas gave me. I want to hop back on so bad. Or take like a mild oral like anavar a long with my trt but trying to hold back haha. I miss that feeling pumped 24/7 feeling.
I had my kids early, they've all left home so our situations are a little different, but I'm 50 and also wrapping up on big cycles.
I saw somewhere posted that ideally as a person gets up there in age, it's best to stick to what we make naturally. For me it's 200mg Test, 2-3iu HGH, peptides like BPC, TB if injured, and all the OTC stuff like NAC etc that's just good for us. Getting old, I wouldn't recommend it to my enemy.
Thing im struggling with is just not being on anything. I have huge body dysmorphia. Guys who just stay on their trt dose do you have any tips. Any supplements you take alongside.
I find that going to Walmart and just looking at the other dudes with 10 years of my age makes me feel like fucking CBum by comparison.

I wish I was joking but it definitely is a thing for me.

I can also just look at pictures of me from a couple years after I left the military and feel an immense ego boost but I looked like I was ready to fucking die at any moment when back then.
32 is just the beginning. Just need to be smarter about things now. Get on a BP med, pay more for your health supplements than your peds.

How's your diet? This makes such a big difference in bloodwork and overall feel.

Some HGH and a low dose primo goes a long way alongside TRT once you already have your physique established.
I find that going to Walmart and just looking at the other dudes with 10 years of my age makes me feel like fucking CBum by comparison.

I wish I was joking but it definitely is a thing for me.

I can also just look at pictures of me from a couple years after I left the military and feel an immense ego boost but I looked like I was ready to fucking die at any moment when back then.
Lmao ain't it the truth though. Same thing as the beach. Always makes me feel way better about myself haha.
Ain't nothing wrong with a break. I took 15 years off. Good time to find out what your natural genetic potential is.
32 is just the beginning. Just need to be smarter about things now. Get on a BP med, pay more for your health supplements than your peds.

How's your diet? This makes such a big difference in bloodwork and overall feel.

Some HGH and a low dose primo goes a long way alongside TRT once you already have your physique established.
I'm in my mid 30s.on Low dose bp med and l have perfect blood work.
So 32 years old. Been b&c for around 8 years now. Just recently had my first kid so that pretty much changed everything for me. Started taking my health a lot more serious.

I'm at a point where I'm pretty happy with my physique although I'd like to gain about 5 lbs of muscle while remaining same bf. Usually do one summer blast a year and this year was planning on doing test and primo. 8 weeks in I decided to call it quits. Have hx of high BP and just couldn't keep it down on these doses no matter what I tried. Back in the day I used to be able to blast loads of stuff but seems like I can't anymore.

So I decided to go back to my cruise dose of 150 mgs. I have an appt with a trt clinic this week and should be able to get a script officially finally.

Thing im struggling with is just not being on anything. I have huge body dysmorphia. Guys who just stay on their trt dose do you have any tips. Any supplements you take alongside. Just feel like I miss that boost and extra edge aas gave me. I want to hop back on so bad. Or take like a mild oral like anavar a long with my trt but trying to hold back haha. I miss that feeling pumped 24/7 feeling.
Congrats bro. That kid will keep you busy for the foreseeable future. I do not have kids and am not planning on it until I am done with school and have a solid income, become a homeowner, and have all my boxes checked.

That being said, if I were in your shoes, I would shift your focus on acceptance (easier said than done). You have been dealt a certain hand of cards and your job is to make the best of it. This is not necessarily "the end" but rather a "new beginning". As time goes on, you will develop a new routine that works well with your novel situation - you might come back at that point. For now, accept things as they are, do your best to make the most of them, and recognize that life is always subject to change. Things are rarely as bad as they appear.
My question is how did u make ur wife pregnant? Did u get off all for a while or u been lucky?

I like to know as I'm trying hard with no success Lol
whats your stats bro? how come these pro bodybuilders are blasting gear into their 40s and you are calling quits at 32? I understand you are looking more into your health now and all that but i dont think you have to just go to trt and be doe bro you can srtill run mild cycles shit your 32 man thats young

edit: as far as body dysmorphia i am a normal man right now
(soon to change when i get back in the gym and back on gear after a 2 year break from anything bodybuilding) Im like vic martinez when he go out the joint my gains are psssst gone haha and honestly i like being a normal man people are nicer to me and they dont hate me cuz im a fucking jacked ripped monster that could rip them apart and they are terrified of me and hate me for being jacked and women think im self centered or just a player and just fuck bitches(which is all true) so look at the positives man
I think a female is telling you you cant cycle anymore
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My question is how did u make ur wife pregnant? Did u get off all for a while or u been lucky?

I like to know as I'm trying hard with no success Lol
come off everything anf blast hcg and hmg go to the jizz clinic and get your sperm tested and if you are fertile have it frozen and get bavk on cycle to lose mininal gains if you are concered about coming off. but it could possibly be a long road bro recovering hpta after yeats of gear is not that easy in my experievce i went thru about 20 bottls of 5000 iu hi purity hcg and about 10 bottles of this peptide called gonadosomething but that shit worked better than hcg. The problem for me was getting my balls to make their own t without the hcg so i had to taper off it slowly and i started to produce on my own again after about 6-8 months id say i didnt keep track. but i also ran a ment cycle that really shut me down that was the last cycle i ran before i came off so i was shut down very hard and before that was on deca damn near almost 9 months of the year or npp so i was very shut down. guys just think oh ill just blast hcg for a couple weeks and ill be fertile but its not that easy for some , some get lucky and a swimmer makes it to the hole but its usually takes more than that so dont get your hopes up.
come off everything anf blast hcg and hmg go to the jizz clinic and get your sperm tested and if you are fertile have it frozen and get bavk on cycle to lose mininal gains if you are concered about coming off. but it could possibly be a long road bro recovering hpta after yeats of gear is not that easy in my experievce i went thru about 20 bottls of 5000 iu hi purity hcg and about 10 bottles of this peptide called gonadosomething but that shit worked better than hcg. The problem for me was getting my balls to make their own t without the hcg so i had to taper off it slowly and i started to produce on my own again after about 6-8 months id say i didnt keep track. but i also ran a ment cycle that really shut me down that was the last cycle i ran before i came off so i was shut down very hard and before that was on deca damn near almost 9 months of the year or npp so i was very shut down. guys just think oh ill just blast hcg for a couple weeks and ill be fertile but its not that easy for some , some get lucky and a swimmer makes it to the hole but its usually takes more than that so dont get your hopes up.
Its gonadorelin.
Its gonadorelin.
yup thats it, that shit made me produce t like a motherfucker i shot it iv and hcg iv just to see what would haoppen and it felt like i shot tne and i could feel my balls get bigger not even fucking around here but i think it also almost killed me becasuse i could not breath for shit for about 10 mins my fucking lungs just coulndt get air and i had this weird ass feeling in my chest so dont ever do that anyone please