Coming to terms that my blasting days are over.....

yup thats it, that shit made me produce t like a motherfucker i shot it iv and hcg iv just to see what would haoppen and it felt like i shot tne and i could feel my balls get bigger not even fucking around here but i think it also almost killed me becasuse i could not breath for shit for about 10 mins my fucking lungs just coulndt get air and i had this weird ass feeling in my chest so dont ever do that anyone please
Holy shit lol iv? i think its supposed to be sub q, I wonder y mabe cuz it's a acetate or the oral is a acetate I think.
Holy shit lol iv? i think its supposed to be sub q, I wonder y mabe cuz it's a acetate or the oral is a acetate I think.
yeah i slammed a shot of hcg that hi purityhcg that comes in liquid form from the pharmacy and that gonad shit and bro my balls swelled up twice the size almost right away but like i said i think i almost died cuz i could not breath for shit for about 10 min and my chest felt weird ass hell it was quit the experience

edit: I ived it cuz i was getting frustrated because i wwasent reallt noticing much for the first week on the two drugs so i said fuck it im gunna put a big dose of this shit right in my blood stream and that will get my balls going again and it def got my nuts back online but almost killed me in the process so like i said please no one ever do this
come off everything anf blast hcg and hmg go to the jizz clinic and get your sperm tested and if you are fertile have it frozen and get bavk on cycle to lose mininal gains if you are concered about coming off. but it could possibly be a long road bro recovering hpta after yeats of gear is not that easy in my experievce i went thru about 20 bottls of 5000 iu hi purity hcg and about 10 bottles of this peptide called gonadosomething but that shit worked better than hcg. The problem for me was getting my balls to make their own t without the hcg so i had to taper off it slowly and i started to produce on my own again after about 6-8 months id say i didnt keep track. but i also ran a ment cycle that really shut me down that was the last cycle i ran before i came off so i was shut down very hard and before that was on deca damn near almost 9 months of the year or npp so i was very shut down. guys just think oh ill just blast hcg for a couple weeks and ill be fertile but its not that easy for some , some get lucky and a swimmer makes it to the hole but its usually takes more than that so dont get your hopes up.
Thanks man, did u loose a lot of gains during those 9 months off everything? How was ur mood, energy levels and focus?
You gotta understand that it is a human nature to always want more. It's never enough, it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor or in between. Same thing when it comes to steroids.

You have to control yourself and learn to say no sometimes. Just like in life you can't always have everything you want and you have to accept it. Learn self control and discipline, motivate yourself in other aspects of your life, become driven person towards other life goals, fitness and body is not your whole life, there are many other areas where you can and should put your energy to improve and excel. As with everything in life remember that moderation is the key to success.
Thanks man, did u loose a lot of gains during those 9 months off everything? How was ur mood, energy levels and focus?
I lost most my gains when i stopped eating 5-6 times a day and just started eating likea regular person, wasent even having protein in every meal sometimes for breakfast id just have a bowl of frosted flakes or a couple leggo my eggo waffles or pancakes . And stopped training as well i figutered shit if im not eating im not gunna train whats the point, im an all in or an all out guy im either balls to the wall or nothing at all so i said fuck it. but I actuallt kept a lot of my gains for longer than you would think cuz i was over 250 im around 210 now so it took a good year before i looked normal just have lose skin everywhere now which looks like i was fat haha But to be honset i feel better off cycle cuz im lighter i think i just have more energy my mood is better and im a lot happier overall, being heavy or a good 40-50lbs over your natural weight you are kind of unconfortable all the time at least i was. dont be afraid to come off for sometime if you want to keep your gains as much as possible just stay on your diet and keep training hard youd be surprised how long you can keep your gains if you keep doing these things . And I actually ended up staying off two years im getting back on soon here. I spent a lof of damn money to recover my hpta so when i started to produce without hcg i was thinking well fuck im gunna stay off until i get that itch bad again and im getting that itch bad now. and this was after going 4 years hard with everything i mean i didnt miss a meal for months sometimes

edit: sorry OP didnt mean to derail the thread
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My question is how did u make ur wife pregnant? Did u get off all for a while or u been lucky?

I like to know as I'm trying hard with no success Lol
I came off everything each time. 4 kiddos, plus one lost late in pregnancy. I truly believe that coming off all the way is the best odds for fertility. Your body wants to reproduce. I stopped suppressing my own body each time and let it do what God designed it to do.

I kept eating well and lifting.

I was not, however, making a living from the appearance of my body, so this was an easier decision for me than it might be for an up and coming IFBB pro with sponsorships at stake.

I will say that everything comes roaring right back when you go back on, in record time. That is why they call it muscle memory.
i was over 250 im around 210 now so it took a good year before i looked normal . . . But to be honset i feel better off cycle cuz im lighter i think i just have more energy my mood is better and im a lot happier overall, being heavy or a good 40-50lbs over your natural weight you are kind of unconfortable all the time at least i was.
I don't know how tall you are, but I was over 250 as well when I called it quits on competing in bodybuilding (for the same reason as the OP), and now I am around 220. Like you, I feel much better than I did when I was over 250.

I kind of do miss the reaction of folks when I walked in the room all big, though. LOL. But I feel better, and I am definitely healthier.

Also, like you, the muscle stuck around a long time. I wanted to lose weight for blood pressure reasons. Every time I hit the gym, even on TRT, I would go backwards, weight would come back. I finally took a 9 month break from the gym. Now I workout in the gym and watch my diet and try to stay under 220 (218! Woo hoo!) using cardio and diet. Even now if I do not track calories I shoot up to around 225 in a couple of weeks on only 100-125 a week of test (TRT).

I have to resist the ever-present temptation to start increasing sets and reps and food and triple that TRT dose . . . . I worked so long to put all that weight on, and it was difficult for me to do, and now I am determined to keep the weight off . . .
I don't know how tall you are, but I was over 250 as well when I called it quits on competing in bodybuilding (for the same reason as the OP), and now I am around 220. Like you, I feel much better than I did when I was over 250.

I kind of do miss the reaction of folks when I walked in the room all big, though. LOL. But I feel better, and I am definitely healthier.

Also, like you, the muscle stuck around a long time. I wanted to lose weight for blood pressure reasons. Every time I hit the gym, even on TRT, I would go backwards, weight would come back. I finally took a 9 month break from the gym. Now I workout in the gym and watch my diet and try to stay under 220 (218! Woo hoo!) using cardio and diet. Even now if I do not track calories I shoot up to around 225 in a couple of weeks on only 100-125 a week of test (TRT).

I have to resist the ever-present temptation to start increasing sets and reps and food and triple that TRT dose . . . . I worked so long to put all that weight on, and it was difficult for me to do, and now I am determined to keep the weight off . . .
im 5'10.5 yeah same here. Im what you would call an extreme easy gainer i have to try to keep my weight down when im on cycle cuz i will blow up so fast and feel terrible cuz im just growing too fast. and muscle memory makes it even worse last time i took a break got down to 205 and was back to 230 not even pushing food i think that you have to eat less food once youve been there cuz i hit 230 eatin maybe 3k a day in just a few weeks so i know what you mean haha its like once youve been there youre body quickly will want to go back as soon as you give it soe kind of stimulus
I have a child as well in his pre teens. I’ve been on trt and what I did for a while was my trt dose, ipamorelin with cjc. That gave me that little edge I was looking for without all the side effects of running gear. I also did about a year of just test 200 and proviron. I work in the fitness industry so I’m always tricking myself into thinking I have to be in top shape 24/7 to make a living, and I’m married and my wife ALWAYS gives me shit for running cycles. My tren days are over so to speak but I would still run a light npp, test, mast cycle in the future. I like to use glutathione to protect my liver and animal paks multi that covers most organ support. I still have to do me to an extent, just not at the extremes I did in my 20’s and early 30’s
I see it all the time. You give up, slow down, get depressed, stop moving and die.

Resistance training is the fountain of youth. I'll stop injecting Testosterone when I cant push the plunger anymore.

I'm 51, and look better than I ever have.

I'd rather burn out, than fade away in some assisted living facility shitting myself.
Keep your trt dosage be on a decent amount of hgh let’s say 4-6iu

I think it’s not a big deal if you do some short 6 week cycles
Let’s say trt test 300 npp or up the tprop and an oral low dosage 20-30 mg dbol or var
You’ll have what you want fast in and out you can skip the oral too and increase the injectables and be even healthier.
I don’t think these type of cycles cost so much health wise , especially if you are on top of your diet your cardio.

I can say the same for longer higher dosage cycles as long as you keep things clean aas wise and diet. You can be on top of your health and monitor it. Test primo is a wise choice for these type of cycles

Smart insulin usage can be the key in these type of cycles with minimal cost to health if any.
I see it all the time. You give up, slow down, get depressed, stop moving and die.

Resistance training is the fountain of youth. I'll stop injecting Testosterone when I cant push the plunger anymore.

I'm 51, and look better than I ever have.

I'd rather burn out, than fade away in some assisted living facility shitting myself.
fuck yes this dude is awsome im going to do the same thing im gunna run gear until i die man i love taking steroids. OP is 32 thats young as hell you got like 10 years of blasting left in the tank imo like i said ramy is like 40 phil is over 40 and hes still massive and dexter is 145 and he just stopped blasting.. OP bro i think youre girl is whispering bullshit in your ear telling you to stop taking gear cuz shes gunna try to control you now that she knows shes got you locked down with the litle pissant womne force us to have kids by bugging us everyday for years until were like ok fine just shut up about it or ill look at her birth conrtorl pills and notice she onoy took one dose the whole damn month and claims she "forgot" to take it ... if not for gear i would have ten kids min i just have one
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like i said ramy is like 40 phil is over 40 and hes still massive and dexter is 145 and he just stopped blasting..
And Cedric McMillan died at 44. George Peterson at 37. Shawn Rhoden, 46. John Meadows.

Luke Sandow was only 31.

Dallas McCarver was only 26.

And there are LOTS more guys whose names you might or might not recognize. There were three dozen well known bodybuilders that died last year 2022.

Guys dropping dead all over the place.

And among amateurs or non-competitive gym rats? You have no idea about the 46 year old middle aged steroid user in Bend, Oregon who dropped dead of a heart attack, or the 51 year old steroid user in great shape, huge and cut, who died in St. Petersburg, FL. I just made both of those up, but who knows how many of these there are. We know about the bodybuilders from following in magazines or social media or seeing threads here. Nobody is posting about the unknown guys who die.

Let's not fool ourselves. Take breaks. Get bloodwork. Allow things to normalize. Keep an eye on blood pressure.

You owe it to yourself and your family members to stay healthy.
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Mike Horn

Anybody even know who he is?

I thought not.

I just picked him at random.

He was an IFBB pro. He did not exactly make it to the top of the sport. So he ended up becoming a trainer/coach. As many of you know, there is not necessarily a lot of money in that if you are not well known.

His wife died when he was 53.

He died when he was 55.

No life insurance for his teenage son, who is now without both parents.

And Cedric McMillan died at 44. George Peterson at 37. Shawn Rhoden, 46. John Meadows.

Luke Sandow was only 31.

Dallas McCarver was only 26.

And there are LOTS more guys whose names you might or might not recognize. There were three dozen well known bodybuilders that died last year 2022.

Guys dropping dead all over the place.

And among amateurs or non-competitive gym rats? You have no idea about the 46 year old middle aged steroid user in Bend, Oregon who dropped dead of a heart attack, or the 51 year old steroid user in great shape, huge and cut, who died in St. Petersburg, FL. I just made both of those up, but who knows how many of these there are. We know about the bodybuilders from following in magazines or social media or seeing threads here. Nobody is posting about the unknown guys who die.

Let's not fool ourselves. Take breaks. Get bloodwork. Allow things to normalize. Keep an eye on blood pressure.

You owe it to yourself and your family members to stay healthy.
youre right.. There are gear head gym rats that drop dead alll ove rthe world daily i bet we just never hear about it. But to be real here dont you think the covid vaccince was the blame for a lot of them? I mean it has since stopped with guys dropping dead left and right i really think the covid vac had something to do with ti especivally cedric cuz I know he has gotten the vac a couple times cuz hes military. And boston lloyd was just 29 years old leaves behind a very young son.. just because he abused gear to do a local show one time or a transformation.. thats why i tell guys new to bodybuilding how important it is to monitor blood pressure and if its high get on something becase having high BP for ten yeats or more will absolulty cause major issued and think abtout it if you blast from 25-35 and run high blood pressure most of that time you will have greatly increased your risk if heart attack and will probably die in your 50s if you didnt correct it.. Its called the silent killer for a reasob and thats what killled boston he as in kidey failure wwhich is a sign of chronic high bp and his aurta artey ruptured and i attribute that to him probably having high bp for a long time it just couldnt handle the pressure anymore. I mean no disrespect to boston to speculate but i think thats what caused that to happen to him.

edit: i just opened that link and seeing that picture of shawn god damn what an incredible physique
edit: luke was my favorite pro and i was sad when he passed.. they were saying it was his choice whatever that means and then his family later said he had heart failure? well never know what actually killed luke
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Thing im struggling with is just not being on anything. I have huge body dysmorphia. Guys who just stay on their trt dose do you have any tips. Any supplements you take alongside. Just feel like I miss that boost and extra edge aas gave me. I want to hop back on so bad. Or take like a mild oral like anavar a long with my trt but trying to hold back haha. I miss that feeling pumped 24/7 feeling.

There are so many of us with this problem. I was almost 400lbs at age 18. Then, by age 22 I was "skinny fat"... 6'3" and 165lbs fuckin skin everywhere and a pencil neck. Got dumped by my girlfriend who said I was just too thin and she felt like I was fragile. SO now almost 50 years old I look in the mirror and I still either see fat kid, or skinny flabby kid. I feel like my story isn't unique, there are many of us here.

My only advice is to stop being around bodybuilders, and stop consuming bodybuilding media. It aggravates the problem. I remember during covid I was indoors for about 18 months (I work from home) doing nothing but lifting in my home gym and watching bodybuilding stuff on youtube... really really worsened my dysmorphia because the only people I ever "saw" were shredded and huge. I started blasting a lot more than I should have and got way more critical of what I saw in the mirror.

Every time I eventually went "outside" which was rare, I was shocked to see "normal" people and I felt like I was stuck in that movie Wall-E with all the fatties on the spaceship. Felt like people were looking at me more than usual.

My point is, the more you work out with bodybuilders and the more bodybuilding videos you watch and the more photos of big old shredded dudes you see - the worse it gets. Its really hard to work out every day, surrounded by dudes on gear, and not want to "keep up" with them. You may have to change gyms. You may have to get a home gym if you don't already. The more you separate yourself from that, the more you will realize that you are likely already in the top 1% of physiques already and no matter where you go you'll realize you're in a hell of a lot better shape than anyone around you.

It's like any other drug. When you go to an AA meeting they tell you to stop hanging out with alcoholics and stay away from bars. I fully admit that I have a problem with steroids, and I fully admit that there are nights I am up at 2am thinking what the fuck am I doing to myself. This amazing woman next to me sleeping peacefully might one day soon be a widow and on her own because of my fucked up issues. Then I wake up and pin more gear.
I don't want to get into the whole vaccine for covid thing, because I think the connection between the vaccine and cardiovascular disease is weak to non-existent, and unfortunately there are a lot of folks making money on the internet misrepresenting what they call "research" that supposedly shows this. So I will just answer your "Don't you think" question with "No," and point out that folks were dying of cardiovascular disease and kidney disease in the bodybuilding community long before covid or any covid vaccine. I am old enough to clearly remember it running many years back.

I only posted because I want guys to take care of themselves.

I mean, I did them. I even competed. But I took several breaks, I tried to stay sane with dosages (although I sometimes ran it kind of high), but when I look around this site, and the cruise levels some run, I wonder how many are doing permanent damage.

And then I compare it to some of the guys, like Mac11Wildcat, who takes a month off, if memory serves (not a month of cruising at 250 mg, but a month of nothing at all) and runs pretty low dosages considering he is an IFBB Pro, and I wonder what the rest of us might have to learn from him.
There are so many of us with this problem. I was almost 400lbs at age 18. Then, by age 22 I was "skinny fat"... 6'3" and 165lbs fuckin skin everywhere and a pencil neck. Got dumped by my girlfriend who said I was just too thin and she felt like I was fragile. SO now almost 50 years old I look in the mirror and I still either see fat kid, or skinny flabby kid. I feel like my story isn't unique, there are many of us here.

My only advice is to stop being around bodybuilders, and stop consuming bodybuilding media. It aggravates the problem. I remember during covid I was indoors for about 18 months (I work from home) doing nothing but lifting in my home gym and watching bodybuilding stuff on youtube... really really worsened my dysmorphia because the only people I ever "saw" were shredded and huge. I started blasting a lot more than I should have and got way more critical of what I saw in the mirror.

Every time I eventually went "outside" which was rare, I was shocked to see "normal" people and I felt like I was stuck in that movie Wall-E with all the fatties on the spaceship. Felt like people were looking at me more than usual.

My point is, the more you work out with bodybuilders and the more bodybuilding videos you watch and the more photos of big old shredded dudes you see - the worse it gets. Its really hard to work out every day, surrounded by dudes on gear, and not want to "keep up" with them. You may have to change gyms. You may have to get a home gym if you don't already. The more you separate yourself from that, the more you will realize that you are likely already in the top 1% of physiques already and no matter where you go you'll realize you're in a hell of a lot better shape than anyone around you.

It's like any other drug. When you go to an AA meeting they tell you to stop hanging out with alcoholics and stay away from bars. I fully admit that I have a problem with steroids, and I fully admit that there are nights I am up at 2am thinking what the fuck am I doing to myself. This amazing woman next to me sleeping peacefully might one day soon be a widow and on her own because of my fucked up issues. Then I wake up and pin more gear.
Excellent post. For what it's worth, I think most of us suffer from this, even if we have not been 400 pounds or skinny-fat.

I still remember seeing the other guys backstage at the bodybuilding contest. I sized them up as better than me, and wondering if I was going to be laughed at when I went on stage - and being shocked when I got a bunch of trophies (entered several categories).

Yet I still look in the mirror and think, skinny arms, fat waist . . . lol. It is one of the things that made it so hard to downsize for my own health.