Coming to terms that my blasting days are over.....

Mike Horn

Anybody even know who he is?

I thought not.

I just picked him at random.

He was an IFBB pro. He did not exactly make it to the top of the sport. So he ended up becoming a trainer/coach. As many of you know, there is not necessarily a lot of money in that if you are not well known.

His wife died when he was 53.

He died when he was 55.

No life insurance for his teenage son, who is now without both parents.

Oops, here is a Mike Horn article.

Excellent post. For what it's worth, I think most of us suffer from this, even if we have not been 400 pounds or skinny-fat.

I still remember seeing the other guys backstage at the bodybuilding contest. I sized them up as better than me, and wondering if I was going to be laughed at when I went on stage - and being shocked when I got a bunch of trophies (entered several categories).

Yet I still look in the mirror and think, skinny arms, fat waist . . . lol. It is one of the things that made it so hard to downsize for my own health.
Thank you!

Yeah the mind is a really strange thing. I wonder how many people backstage were looking at you too thinking the same thing (wow he looks great, I can't compete with that). I don't know that I could ever compete, it would be a total mindfuck - I'd be a neurotic wreck.

What bothers me most is my son is traveling this same road now. He's 19 and a gym rat and consumes nothing but fitness influencer bullshit. Caught him with a bottle of MK667 last year. Wants his "pro card". I don't even know what to say to him other than just compliment his progress and encourage him to be natty.

Oh love your avatar by the way, huge Eric Powell fan here.
I personally have my own opinions on what pros claim they take so I'm not getting into all of that.

OP I was sitting 237lbs November 2022, the absolute best iv ever looked and getting ready for finally ballsing up and getting on stage. I know what it took me to get to this stage of progression hence my views on "pro doses" been abit off.

I collapsed at work one day due to reactive hypoglycemia, docs still aren't sure what happened and ever since I have low blood sugar no matter what I do. Luckily this caused doctors to order MRIs and ultrasounds which showed several hemangeomas on my liver and a large gallstone. I struggle to eat properly now and simply can't use gear like I used to. I have discussed with my doctor what is safe to continue using.

I'm now just using HGH and Test C and a measly 210lbs trying to gain back whatever size I can on whatever I can eat on daily basis. I totally get the body dysmorphia too. I started using at 19 for 10 years straight I'd pin near everyday just trying to make myself "bigger".

I had young lad approach me on building sites, in gyms etc asking about gear when they've never even done a full workout, they want what they see idolised on YouTube, Trenbolone becoming a cult of who can take more and insane HGH doses turning kids into walking heart attacks, I'm lucky from what I abuse I only have bad liver, everything else seem to function fine, Tren maybe take some brain cells over the years but no worse than what a woman will do to you. I still hear people shout about Bostin and Dallas but not respectful, no no these guys want to be in a grave next to them by how they sound. Warped minds by your own society, YouTube tell you Joesthetics drink 4litre coffee a day..... So kids go try the same as still want this look, Facebook account telling what's fat and thin no one knows themselves anymore, I certainly don't, after upbringing I see the world look a lot stranger now than it ever did, I see my parents die young and glad for them they don't have this experience I don't think they could take it haha
With the right training, food, sleep, 140 mg per week of test c will give you some nice results

You will look better than 95% of people around you.

Perfection is most of the time not a sane goal to try to reach.
I personally have my own opinions on what pros claim they take so I'm not getting into all of that.

OP I was sitting 237lbs November 2022, the absolute best iv ever looked and getting ready for finally ballsing up and getting on stage. I know what it took me to get to this stage of progression hence my views on "pro doses" been abit off.

I collapsed at work one day due to reactive hypoglycemia, docs still aren't sure what happened and ever since I have low blood sugar no matter what I do. Luckily this caused doctors to order MRIs and ultrasounds which showed several hemangeomas on my liver and a large gallstone. I struggle to eat properly now and simply can't use gear like I used to. I have discussed with my doctor what is safe to continue using.

I'm now just using HGH and Test C and a measly 210lbs trying to gain back whatever size I can on whatever I can eat on daily basis. I totally get the body dysmorphia too. I started using at 19 for 10 years straight I'd pin near everyday just trying to make myself "bigger".

I had young lad approach me on building sites, in gyms etc asking about gear when they've never even done a full workout, they want what they see idolised on YouTube, Trenbolone becoming a cult of who can take more and insane HGH doses turning kids into walking heart attacks, I'm lucky from what I abuse I only have bad liver, everything else seem to function fine, Tren maybe take some brain cells over the years but no worse than what a woman will do to you. I still hear people shout about Bostin and Dallas but not respectful, no no these guys want to be in a grave next to them by how they sound. Warped minds by your own society, YouTube tell you Joesthetics drink 4litre coffee a day..... So kids go try the same as still want this look, Facebook account telling what's fat and thin no one knows themselves anymore, I certainly don't, after upbringing I see the world look a lot stranger now than it ever did, I see my parents die young and glad for them they don't have this experience I don't think they could take it haha
this is so true no with social media the idea of whats "normal" has becomed so fucking warped and these yougster 18, 19, 20, year old kids are pushing more gear and SARMs then me.. Same goes for how we "think" were supposed to looks these youtube fitness influencers 99% will never look like that but they for some reason cant understand this and accept it for what it is no they push drugs thinking thats the answer and are baffled when the doc says look man youre blood work is fucked what are you doing? and they just lie to the doc anyway.. I dont understand, when i first started i did the cycles the vets on the forums told me to do the guys who were 50 yrs old at the time and had been using steroids for years. the 500mg test cycle for your first that was my first cycle the nthe 500mg test with some deca in there and you slowly ramp up the bigger you get., now they just go to 2 grams of tren a week with 1 kit gh a day its just gotten wayyyy out of hand shit i didnt touch tren until a couple years into my use and it was at 150mg a week (thats all i could get i could not find tren i found 1 bottle by endosyn labs if anyone remembers them tren e dosed at 150mg) at even just on that i looked like a fucking monster and i was so ripped i had veins bulging i didnt even know i had! haha
Edit: I later found some tren a domestic by a lab call API or american phamraceuticals incorporated and that was the best fucking gear ive ever used it was sold by thorus anyone remembe thorus int?
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I find that going to Walmart and just looking at the other dudes with 10 years of my age makes me feel like fucking CBum by comparison.

I wish I was joking but it definitely is a thing for me.

I can also just look at pictures of me from a couple years after I left the military and feel an immense ego boost but I looked like I was ready to fucking die at any moment when back then.

Man this is spot on. Grocery stores are a great confidence booster. Also, any time I go to an event with my toddler I see the other dads are usually complete weenies or total slobs.

I'm not some gigachad, but I'm doing much better than the average American.
Man this is spot on. Grocery stores are a great confidence booster. Also, any time I go to an event with my toddler I see the other dads are usually complete weenies or total slobs.

I'm not some gigachad, but I'm doing much better than the average American.
see I feel bad that i make other people feel bad about themselves haha so i wear baggy shirts and act like im not big when im big haha
I personally have my own opinions on what pros claim they take so I'm not getting into all of that.
Mac11wildcat has been posting his doses here for years before he was pro, when he was just trying to get to nationals and do well.

I trust what he posts here.

His log is almost a how-to for competing, bulking, prepping. It is long, very long, but reading it from start to finish is an education in itself. It covers years of information: Diet, workouts, and, yeah, gear use, from somebody who wanted to be a pro but was not. He painstakingly details things he was doing, things he changes, things that he thought were important, and things he thought were not important, wins, failures. It's all there. There was no reason for him to be lying about his gear use here in his anonymous role as a Meso-Rx poster, unknown local competitor, amateur.

And it is all still there for you to read. Years worth of posts. A gold mine of information. The diets alone are worth real money. But it is there for free.
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Mac11wildcat has been posting his doses here for years before he was pro, when he was just trying to get to nationals and do well.

I trust what he posts here.

His log is almost a how-to for competing, bulking, prepping. It is long, very long, but reading it from start to finish is an education in itself. It covers years of information: Diet, workouts, and, yeah, gear use, from somebody who wanted to be a pro but was not. He painstakingly details things he was doing, things he changes, things that he thought were important, and things he thought were not important, wins, failures. It's all there. There was no reason for him to be lying about his gear use here in his anonymous role as a Meso-Rx poster, unknown local competitor, amateur.

And it is all still there for you to read. Years worth of posts. A gold mine of information. The diets alone are worth real money. But it is there for free.
dude where can i find this log? Hes an IFBB pro? he was helping me with insulin.. damn a pro bber helping me with my insulin quesitons, thats pretty cool! ha but serioulsy mad respect for getting a pro card that is not easy to do and for logging it all that is amazing i would love to read this log .
this is so true no with social media the idea of whats "normal" has becomed so fucking warped and these yougster 18, 19, 20, year old kids are pushing more gear and SARMs then me.. Same goes for how we "think" were supposed to looks these youtube fitness influencers 99% will never look like that but they for some reason cant understand this and accept it for what it is no they push drugs thinking thats the answer and are baffled when the doc says look man youre blood work is fucked what are you doing? and they just lie to the doc anyway.. I dont understand, when i first started i did the cycles the vets on the forums told me to do the guys who were 50 yrs old at the time and had been using steroids for years. the 500mg test cycle for your first that was my first cycle the nthe 500mg test with some deca in there and you slowly ramp up the bigger you get., now they just go to 2 grams of tren a week with 1 kit gh a day its just gotten wayyyy out of hand shit i didnt touch tren until a couple years into my use and it was at 150mg a week (thats all i could get i could not find tren i found 1 bottle by endosyn labs if anyone remembers them tren e dosed at 150mg) at even just on that i looked like a fucking monster and i was so ripped i had veins bulging i didnt even know i had! haha
Edit: I later found some tren a domestic by a lab call API or american phamraceuticals incorporated and that was the best fucking gear ive ever used it was sold by thorus anyone remembe thorus int?
I have sons under 15 who insist that anyone without visible abs is fat and already joke about ordering steroids online despite having never set foot in a gym. ( need to be 16+ for that in most UK gyms )
Jesus it's getting crazy!! I only feel sorry for the future generations.
I think the whole trans push in schools has normalized teens using hormones. If they're told teen girls using test is ok hard to convince the boys that using it is dangerous. Tiktok is the main media of influence with mine. They probably get suggestions to follow teen bodybuilders because of sharing my ip at home.
I think the whole trans push in schools has normalized teens using hormones. If they're told teen girls using test is ok hard to convince the boys that using it is dangerous. Tiktok is the main media of influence with mine. They probably get suggestions to follow teen bodybuilders because of sharing my ip at home.
whoa its that big now? theres that many trans in the schools taking hormones? god damn man I have nothing against trans hey if you wanna do that shit then go ahead i could care less but youre probably right here bro the dudes are probably like shit that trrans over there has higher lest levels than me i gotta get on some shit. i graduated in 2011 and trans wasent even a thing shit threre was only probably 1-2 gay dudes in my school out of 2000 students its crazy how much shit changes and how fast that was 12 years ago just imagine another 12 years well have people wanting to be transed into dogs or cats probably (key word here WANT there is not changing what god made our gender is our gender they may want to be transed but they will always be whatever gender they weere born not matter how many hormones or trans batherooms they use)